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Everything posted by Beverage

  1. Yah I understand @Ronnie , but like surely the controlpad and the motion sensing remote aren't merely different methods for the exact same commands? The motion sensing remote is capable of more input commands, no? Especially if a gyroscope is chucked in there to enable more accuracy in wrist positioning instead of just arm positioning (so in Zelda you could have improve defensive and offensive sword play). Am I correct in saying that the wiimore is more of a pointer/quite basic gestural motion detector instead of an pointer/100% motion positioning detector? I think even with the accelerometer, the software could possibly detect the force of a defensive parry (then calculating the correct animation for the the enemy to react to the force of that parry, creating an offensive opening). This would make weapon battles incredible! Skyward Sword introduced the idea of 'magical sealing' with motion gesturing, just imagine exploring the Wild and discovering various magical sealing techniques and even magic summoning techniques, and memorizing the pattern of the simple gesture whilst holding the magic button. Heck you could even summon weapons and summon things to aid in puzzle solving. The sky is literally the limit. And some enemies has this ability too. Perhaps the ultimate summoning technique could be to summon Fi. Now whilst Skyward Sword's motion sensing wasn't perfect, it was a huge innovation. But now we go back to tapping on the 'A' button and letting it do all the work for ya.... there'a no fun in that, right guys haha? It was a cool idea in Wind Waker to spice up the battles, but going back to that from the endless skyward possibilities is just greatly unpleasing. I was hoping this time round we could fully utilize motion to defend all angles humanly possible with the shields. Perhaps a new strategy of Ganon's could've been to shoot some powerballs at us at various angles and rhythms for us to block with percision (a little like Bit-Trip Beat haha), while simultaneously charging our forbiddon magical spin attack to redirect his epic powerball. And maybe alternatively use a magical sealing technique to temporarily catch a formiddable projectile and unleash it at a suitable timing (who knows, perhaps methodically shooting a reflective thing someplace, then unleashing the temporarily sealed energy beam at the reflective thing to hopefully reflect onto the enemy as apart of an attack strategy haha). So many enormous things that could be artistically worked into gameplay yet we've stepped back to just tapping on 'A.' I wont say 'bashing' because Zelda has sick controls I give it that haha I love Nintendo controls most times. But yeah guys, I kniw we all have huge imgainations and I know Nintendo cant go insane so as to keep their stuff accessible for kids and the average Blue Ocean gamer, but dang I hope BoTW has some fantastical gameplay, puzzle-wise and swordplay-wise since it is a sword game afterall. Nintendo needs to live up to their name though man, I even thought Mario Kart U (8?) would be able to do upto 12 players on one console if everyone brought their own gamepads and synced it similar to the wiimotes with the Wii. Four player on one console online, since they were so for the 'togetherness.' I know this is slightly off topic but dudes Nintendo has so much potential in my eyes but never seems to even scratch the surface. I skipped the 3DS and Wii U, I am hoping that I can get my gaming fix on the NX darn it. Not expecting perfection, just a blooming decent compromise. Like are you guys super satisfied with the Wii U? And this new Zelda? Or am I just expecting waaaaay too much? Edit -- I forgot about Skyward Strikes! This could be innovated awesomely with thorough thought!
  2. Hey guys I was just wondering how you guys feel about stepping back to controlpad gaming from mote & chuck styled gaming for games such as Zelda and FPS's (and potentially games like Assasin's Creed, Star Wars, RISE, Football, Lylat Wars/Star Fox, Mario & Sonic Olympics, a potentially sick Mario Party etc)? I remember as a kid playing Ocarina of Time fencing those skeletons during escaping the collapse of Hyrule Castle and in Wind Waker dueling all those enemies in the castle (I believe where The King of Red Lions revealed Zelda's true identity [forgive my poor memory]), I was always thinking at how much more immersive and challenging it'd be if there were a more greater way to enjoy the sword duels. And when the wiimote came out then I realized that that improved control method is that greater way. Indeed it could be perfected or at least edged-up. But stepping back to controlpad styled gaming... would that not suck enjoyment from the experience haha? Any possibility that the new NX controller may return to mote & chuck styled gaming? Like I saw the speculated horse-shoe controller haha, and further speculation imagined a screen. Now imagine that controller to be kinda... transformable? Assemble-able? Like able to slot the screen in the centre, and possibly disconnect the bended ' ( ' part at the bottom, so that you're holding to seperate controllers like the mote & chuck. An analog stick on both and such. This could enable the hybrid gameboy-home console concept thingy, plus high-end indoor gaming, potentially providing the additional option for controlpad styled gaming. I actually displayed my prototype of a similar control setup here a number of years ago (which was laughed at ), but might it now be a possibility for the NX? Or is that too much of a farfetched fantasy? And lastly, the art style of BoTW is nice and all, but does anyone feel a bit unwhelmed by the level of the visual graphics? Like it would be so nice if if the graphical potential were leaning towards that of The Last Guardian, ReCore or Horizon Zero Dawn. And perhaps even more grand if a mangafied style of the new God of War. But the level of graphics combined with a backwards step to controlpad styled gaming is really making me feel underwhelmed. And to be honest, the title Breath of The Wild seems quite giddy about the open-world hype rather than story detail, but I could be very wrong. There are lots of cool new additional features that I'd love to remain in the series, and I'm quite intrigued to see puzzles later in the game (because I'm currently unimpressed) and story details and new items and such. But I dunno, I just feel very underwhelmed. The main theme is awesome though, I cant wait to hear it orchestrated. xD But guys, what are you guys' honests feelings -- are you guys genuinely excited for this game? Or a bit curious like me haha? By no means am I saying it looks bad, I just mean that it looks incedibly typical. It looks like the Wii is capable of it. So to think it is going to the NX kinda doesn't go down well with me haha. But all early days, we'll see I suppose.
  3. Greetings, my global gaming guys & gals. Long time no see! I never predicted that my return would be for such a non-gaming occassion haha. But let me dive right into business. Firstly I must say that I'm entirely neutral in political disagreements, for I've reformed my soul and acknowledge that all of the various World Woes are beyond imperfect, powerless, deceitful, greedy people. The God of the Bible says that He promises to be the One who'll restore this planet back to its purity, and one of the prophecies that He'll bloom to fruition to make that happen, is bringing all the earthly kingdoms (in the 'countries' and 'regions' that such earthlings named as illusions which divides humanity) to an end and bringing his heavenly Kingdom back into power for all eternity (Daniel 2:44 ← Bible scripture). To know one of the signs of those prophesied times, one can keep informed by governmental operation. And I must say that Mr.Farage makes that quite humorous for me haha. But also observing how mindless people are, how peoples' minds have been blinded and how peoples' perceptive powers has been corroded which prevents them from distinguishing truth from false. After watching various EU debates, my spirit feels fatigued when Remain Loyalists refuse to see the deceit that the Remain Parties propagate. I suspect that emotional attachments and mindless fashion following are factors which guides such naive ignorance. I hear people saying "I dont see not one argument from the Leave parties that makes sense", yet most of the debates I see the Remains being laughed at for desperately whipping up any old argument as an attenpy to counter logic by any means necessary. So I challenged myself, I decided to watch one of the debates and genuinely note down all noteworthy reasonings and then tally it up at the end to see if it myself who has emotional attachments and a corroded perception. The notes from the debate is as follows (with a sprinkle of my Beveralized humour xD): ------------------ Anne Reasons for Remain 1. EU sets the terms for the seperation. 2. Admitted that trade would of course continue if UK left EU, but says UK would have less interactive priority as a non-EU. Jan Reasons for Independence 1. Leaving EU doesn't mean leaving Europe. 2. Although non-EU has lower priority in things such as trade, and there's an evidential case where EU has rejected trade with non-EU for as long as 16 years, but it is unlikely that this'd happen to UK if it becomes non-EU, since UK is EU's biggest trading partner and EU would have nothing to gain from doing that. 3. EU is currently the world's only shrinking trading block. UK is experiencing growth, but the EU is restricting UK from excelling so as to meet the needs for the rest of the poor european countries. Thus EU would be better without UK and vice versa. 4. Going by evidence (or lack of evidence) in pro-EU arguments, it seems that they're desire to remain in EU is based on an abstract, emotional attachment. 5. In some cases, EU members cant trade freely with non-EU, because some other EU members are worried about personal competition. Again, EU having negative affects on EU members. 6. Britain is one of the most best countries with great democracy, and the EU are heading towards a super state which'd thieve Britain of its democracy more fully than it is doing now. Barroso Reasons for Remain 1. Admitted that EU is stronger with Britain, which actually proves that EU relies on Britain for things such as trade. 2. Being apart of a super state (confessions?) increases military power for war and terrorism.*..... Although the U.N kinda assures that for all countries regardless, not just for EU.* 3. Proved financial earnings with trade worldwide is greater than the restrictive EU market. Nick Clegg 1. Exaggerates humble (yet biased? [As in because they're apart of the Establishment which benefits from Remaining]) opinions from important public figures and tries to deceivingly twist them into proven facts. Plus lies straight-up (such as using statistical tricks to fool the average voter that UK relies on EU more than the EU relies on UK).*But the dude gives me jokes, no-where near as much jokes as my dude Nigel though. All in all, Nick is basically lamenting that he prefers the philosophy of 'play safe by being a humble servant to those whom take the lead in being courageous to venture the trial and error of their own personal interests, and stick to repetitive and powerless routines' over 'courageously venture the numerous trial & error paths to increase chances of hitting multiple jackpots with independence.'* Everyone is entitled to their opinion, each to their own. Nigel Farage Reasons for Independence 1. Being apart of EU is over-regulating our businesses and severely damaging them, based on statistics and realities. 2. Expensive to be an EU member, UK pays an £11billion subscription fee annually to the EU.* (And as he often tries to convey -- the highly unlikely event of the worst-case scenario in the Brexit circumstance, it'd still be better than our in circumstance.) 3. Proves that the big establishments and the rich benefits from UK's conditions from being an EU member, not the ordinary and poor working UK citizens. Leaving would be beneficial for the latter two working classes, thus why rich politicians are using propaganda to fear monga and brainwash the voters. 4. Being apart of EU restricts us from controlling our borders, hence why we have an open border for all to potentially flood through. Evidence is that there is strain on public services such as school places, NHS and hospital waiting times. 5. Between the 1950's--1990's, UK had an average of about 30,000 immigrants/foreigners coming to UK, as the EU only contained countries with similar living standards, so there wasn't a huge desire for people to migrate to other countries. But now countries with drastically lower living standards has joined the UK, all of those citizens have the golden opportunity to come to UK. This causes a host of problems; strains on public services as aforementioned, lots of unskilled people taking tax payers money in form of financial benefit, being the cause of the national minimum wage sinking to low undesired salaries, making it 'easier' for terrorists to come in among them, etc etc etc.Controlling our own borders would enable us to 'fairly' select people of all skill levels from 'all around the world' as well as making it tougher for terrorists to infiltrate by checking histories/criminal checks etc etc. The quality and quantity of logic that this point contains equates to a never-ending acceleration of point accumulation. 6. Plus all of the sheer general wisdom and logic of his poetic proverbs. I am a fanboy of Lord Farage, he automatically is a god and just emotionally wins. -------------------
  4. Which game were you playing when you "dropped" such a valuable games pad? Streets of Rage?
  5. Blast. I don't got a Wiiu so I miss out on the celebration. Ashley, mate, I am just making an inquiry if you can record gameplay in Super Mario 3D World by saying "Wii U, saw that?"? If you can, I may have hope to celebrate someday.
  6. I echo you not on him resembling me in any way, of course. Well, ... perhaps there are similarities when relating the subjects of the height and heroic physique, as well as features in the genitalia regions. This nigger is my new main. Alongside my others
  7. precise mode types, be those offline and on, vastly improved arena features during motion, new battle features and powered-up visuals would be superb enlightenmants alongside that request. While he's at it, maybe a weebit more insight to SSb u and 3DS connectivity/relations could be an treatly desert. Both Mario Kart and Smash Bros I was expecting at least an optional mode for more than 4 players local (why not online aswell? At least in privates like in Brawl...). Come to think about it, I was expecting lots more next-level stuff that should be standard, commonly, on Wiiu. Off-The-Chain Fzero, an legendary Zelda, an journiful Star Fox, an high voltaged Conduit 3, an sensible and creative and challenging Super Mario, Super Smash Bros and Mario Kart to not suck and instead suprise (in a good bloody way), and a couple of new IPs (and some exisiting ones to power-up - i.e Mario & Sonic at The What-Have-You Games, Wii Sports or whatever, Wii Play or whatever etc etc). I am really trying to resist retiring from gaming, guys, but my flames are almost extinguished. Nintendo are totally screwed if I retire from passionate gaming.
  8. I hate you, you filthy, old newb. I used to name Link 'Link' because it felt like I was playing as the Hero of Time. Then when I, Beverage, unlocked hero status then I named the Hero that, so I could play as me being the Hero of Time. Difficult to grasp but there be an meaningful difference.
  9. What does R.O.B stand for? Is it just a short way to say Robert or Robot? I hope that that faggot gay douche doesn't make a return since I wanna totally rip off his gamertag and use it better (Reign of Beverage abbrieviated as R.O.B). Oh so both games will have environments that'll turn into.... ashes, like Gotham in Dark Knighy Rises with the instrument of the Gothamites' liberation (or like Weegeez Mansion in Brawl)? Tight.
  10. Too human. Confused creatures. That be why they're fickle. Nintendo, who I once thought were Gods, are also fickle human creatures. How on earth are you going to try to meet the demands of many different audiences - who all are fickle? Oh dear. Now I know why their games are an unsteady mess of brain-stormed ideas. Calculating types truly have their hurdles that they need to figure out how to leap over. As a God, you simply create. Your grand creation will, I repeat - WILL - be worshipped. @Ronnie your posts anger me the most. Similarly to how God created this magnificent existence, the gorgeous and powerful surroundings has encouraged, motivated, inspired so many possibilities and ideas and randomness. That being preached, I honestly think that one of ZELDA's charm is that it can be presented in different lights, be that toon/cel-shaded, sketchy/realistic/mangaish, manga/realistic/, or any other style like mixing those aforementioned styles, or going with something new like those animation movie styles like Incredibles, Despicable Me or Brave (just to name a few). It is a game where art can genuinely be played around with. However, another important aspect within art is gameplay. Story. Content. Etc etc etc. Each idea that's created and given the green light, refine the shit out of it. Swordplay. Seal enemies using magic. Variety of sealing levels. Summoning a troop or beasts or even transportation using magic. Activate defensive spells using magic. perhaps cast spells. All from sword gestures! Battle. Skyward Sword was onto something but expand of it. Loads of different enemy types with different weapons and perhaps magical abilities. They each have unique attack rhythms/routines for you to memorise - or be quick-witted against - like a madter swordsman. And with the powerful graphics, a.i is super intelligent and can learn and defend against your series of attacks. If your offensive flow is too simplistic, uncreative and just... unpuzzley, then chances are you'd be countered, parried or interrupted in mid-combo and have your pants sliced off. This is just swordplay alone and that is just the tip of the iceberg. Bring genius puzzles and riddles and symbolic/metaphors into play and refine ideas. Convincing surroundings. Excellent story telling with voice acting throughout. Side stories. Boss battles and boss models. Soooo much. Random elements of the game. Miiverse implementation. Accurate and responsive controls. Enemy abilities to make the game challenging. Item purposes. Rupee purpose. Etc etc etc. Perhaps public events like in Destiny? Just a possibility to conside. Nintendo. Just make. Another game that I now am not psyched for. Do you know what? F the u. F it.
  11. I swear I am gonna smash the living gayness out of village-idiot and that Megaman. I usually like Megaman but something about his appearance ticks me off. Villager seems to have some hate for Mario, so Imma fire some fireballs at his balls.
  12. I'm tellinya mate, all this "this game wont sell because there isnt much demand" nonsense is just utter bollocks to be honest. Well, if an half-arsed, old franchise like Fzero or what have you came out now then it will do terribly only because nintendo has given themselves a bad name (crap online, crap controls [not nailing the motion controls and having myriads of control options.... Which i love!], not the fanciest of visuals et cetera, et cetera, et bleeding cetera. All that has to be done, is show that Wiiu is a badass machine. Show of epic visuals in many different art styles (not a toony style for Fzero etc...), show online functionality to be epic and, most importantly, flaunt many HIGH QUALITY games. Not just many half-arsed games. Im tellinya mate, everyone would be willing to pickup anything because there'd be a huhe chance that this new experience would be awesome. Currently, even if a new game releases, there is no willingness to try it because it will be viewed as a top-of-the-head idea with no refining, no soul (online, graphics, cool story, every other factor of art etc) that has a purpose to do Mario's up+B do drain the coins out of all our pockets. If people are TRULY blown away by your karts, smash, pikmins, all the parties and side scrollers, ... and quality third part titles!.... Then any old franchise by nintendo that is NEW and 100% upgraded will piss of shelves mate. To be honest, i think nintendo needs to prove what Wiiu is all about. But they are failing right now. Lots of people in my real world always lowers their eyebrows with anything nintendo but hype crap on other consoles merely because of graphics. Basic strategy hints to flaunt graphics in suitable games and online in every games possible. Gameplay THEN would be in nintendo's arsenal.
  13. I agree that I'm probably one of the few - or possibly 'only' - dude on the internet whom acknowledges the increased level of skill that snaking (or dashing : peace: ) brings to the table. But most people -if not everybody - within my real-world gaming sphere also sees the magnificence. Mind you, the internet does make you see how big that this world really is. The audience who shan't be titled far outweighs the population of pr0'z. And as wii all know, nintendo babies the former audience to keep the incum cumming in, that's why dashing was removed after the Ds version of Mario Kart. As for teh Conduit; I thought wii all on this forum could see the art from lightyears away? That's why wii, including u and mii, copped that disc in a flash.
  14. I know, right?! I mean sometimes less is more. Just keep it simple and improve the failures. Once that happens then you can think of creating new ideas and gambling on tampering with stuff until the games are ruined. Start with stunning visuals. Cool gameplay mechanics. Excellent track designs with a brilliant story mode. Maybe next-gen it up by merging the single player and multiplayer in ways if possible. Voice chat. Leaderboards. Multiplayer modes perhaps. at least 16 players online. 4 player per console optional. Vehicle customisation in smart ways. Etc etc etc. Nail the basics then go onto the drawing board to brainstorm on new ways to play. Ooh I forgot the Wiiu Gamepad... Think of interesting ways that could be used. Take this approach with each franchise then I'm positive games and consoles will fly off shelves. Even more so if the get the attractive third party titles. Bloody hell nintendo are cunts sometimes. Edit - phuckit: 5 players per console optional. Four on tv one on upad.
  15. Feast your eyes on the masterpiece. The perspective and sense of ball-sniffing that makes you become high, almost like you are kissing the clouds. I'd buy that picture for £801.29 and hang it up in my passage way.
  16. Awww shizzle dont even get me started! Just imagine seeing the falcon punch in full bluray?!.... And then editing it after the match and zooming in with rotating cameras seeing the charge up, estimating the distance of the foe about to get it in the gut, then the explosive punch seeing his fist sink in the belly and creases in the clothes and his fist shape visible in the foes back and seeing spit and blood sliming out of foes mouth like oooaaaarrr and falcin's angry face slowly changing to an humorous face like he landed the punch successfully and seeing the fire flaking everywhere... Then seeing the foe blast off at the speed of light. Oh.... Shyzer!
  17. Or modes. Both on & offline. Bike mode. Kart mode. Bike + kart mode (wii style). Kart + bike mode ( wii style where bikes can pop wheelies, but karts can snake and snaking is tweaked to be as quick or a liiittle slower than bikes in wheelie mode). But yeah this is welcomed. But just a bit of a lazy option. Wonder if there'll be any proper battle modes like balloons, coins, grab the star etc etc and random....
  18. Plus bloody one. Although Jigglypuff may appear boring to some, for old times' sake just leave her in. Pokemon Trainer I'd kinda understand, although even that was a cool idea. Perhaps we dont want to many Pokemon's up in the joint. Pikachu is a must have. I grown attached to Lucario. Buy hizz yeah bring Mewtwo back and Mew would be a welcomed addition. I'm not digging these new Mewtwo's though... Original one please. I kinda feel like Captain Falcon will be made redundant. Any how!.. I swear...
  19. That's the shyte that I'm talking 'bout, Dazman. This is the norm on the other consoles; edit clips and even spectating features....on any game. On Wii it's still all about "this game better support this!" or "that game better support that!", it would be cool if we could edit the clips but only a 30 second maximum. That's what I thought but your post suggests otherwise. @Serebii you know mate! : peace:: If you are good then blue shells wouldn't be an issue. Miles in front from racing so superior? How can a single blue make you come far behind 1st if you were in 1st the entire time.and only got bombed at the end right at the line? :wink: @lostmario are u sure that their weren't any/many funkykong+bowserbike racers in your league? I am fond of a good old challenge though. You ought to have more patrol mate. Yeah if you dudes wanna talk about racing skill then bring on the snaking and see yourselves be overlapped. Snaking refined the skill in karting. You know this when not many can keep up. The are only a few geniuses, afterall. The rest are casual n00bz. Snaking you could dodge blues and reds like a peace of piss. Greens were what it was about for my.peeps. Acuracy with precise aiming mechanics. Now, greens are useless. Dunno what they've done.to em. Im sure there are mild missile features in greens? Noobnam style!
  20. Do forgive lol but you could say that I see room for improvement in many areas of everything Wiiu/Nintendo and I'm squirting it all out at once. But as a Nintendo gamer, I concur with you. Which be why I said I just couldn't play an Xbox or PS... As in buy and own it. But I do see noticable improvements in their graphics department and I didn't think expect that so soon since tgeir visuals were already cool. They improved their already-ideal-online and done something cool with it (merging single player and multiplayer and all that jazz). There were tons of shooters, but they differed in story and concept, similar to how Nintendo's wave of side-scrollers and party games differ to each other. Not only that, I saw different games/attempts from Sony & MS with different graphic styles. Ninty seems to be all joke. Third party of course you'll see the more realistic styles like your Watch Dog's (which looks like a hacking version of GTA... I was intrigued at first) and CoD (which seriously isn't my type of shooter). Battlefield 4 sounded Umazing (64 players online? Did i hear correctly? ), DESTINY, and there were a few other decent shooters with respects to story, concept and gameplay. But you are still using a normal controlpad and I ain't super psyched for those games as I would be for Nintendo's first party software (hell yes to Destiny), but if I haf THOSE options then they would be waaay more welcomed tjan your stale CoD's or GTA clone (not a fan of GTa lol). But yeah, I am judging all 3 evenly but, to be a fair non-fanboy, i personally see more effort and heart.... More oomph on Sony and MS consoles. But that is just me. Not arguing or nothing haha. I only argue when somebody thinks they can beat me on a game anf.even then I will offer them a seat and a controller. I'd fuxk u up on kart and.conduit Dazzy.
  21. I know what you are saying, but I didn't mean just the graphics alone. Gameplay, too. Like, I understand that some games can't do something too careless, because how would the players with other controllers play? All I mean is that gameplay doesn't look new and I'm bored of the old. I want the new to remain 100% faithful to the old because the old is 'it'. But, for example, Sakurai said he will change the way we smash, so you expect something kinda huge, right? But no cross-play between 3DS and the U. Limitations to Wiiu version. Better not level-up characters because that'd be unfair to non-3DS smashers. Game looks uninspired. Brawl had the legendary theme and was bursting with energy and passion (even if wifi was utter pants). Graphics were noticably upgraded. This SSB looks like an lazy effort to me. Haven't seen much, fair enough, but that's precisely why I am concerned that I am worried. Graphics, I believe, could look a trillion times more wonderful WITHIN THEIR ART STYLE. I could throw a few ideas around and expand of them, me and my peeps always do. So Nintendo, a big muvafukkin company, should be able to woo us. I am just not easily pleased, that's all. Considering the consoles price. Tech capabilities. Boasting new ways to play. Potential of creativity or art in each of Nintendo's franchises,... I will be an harsh judge. But it does ultimately mean that I'll miss out on gaming. Really thought they were on to something when they were explaining Ghost Recon: Online during that E3. Wasn't mind blowing stuff but it made me agree that Wiiu could make current experiences deeper and wider. Like how they did with the Wiimote and FPS (although it.could've been better). Anyhows, wasn't just about the viauals. But that was a significant part of the issue, especially after seeing MS and Sony power-up. Wiiu could've tried harder. Even harder than that Zelda Wiiu footage lol.
  22. Gosh dudes, you all think too one-dimensionally. Mario Kart isn't like your Grand Turismo's or Forza's. On the contrary, t'is a party racer. Think of Mario Party; one could be skilled at all the mini games but can that one use the skill magnificently to still keep even an slight advantage over the unluckiness?... Gambling on dangerous routes because you know that you will crush the mini games; use splendid teamwork when paired with a genuine noob, etc etc. Mario Kart on NES all the way to Wii has had items. It has simply become more fancier. I hear you on the terrible track design not helping and also the bluey should hit EVERYONE ahead of the user like MK64 so that it benefits the USER to catch up. A decent method to help the not-so-skilled against the skilled. With all these different routes and what not, the blue should perhaps do kage bunshins EDIT - Not to mention that the charm of the partyness is that there are so many possibilities, it could be one crazy race where momentum keeps switching to different players, then.... Lightning. Then everyone's like "WHAT THE F*** " lol. That is Mario Kart. Pussy, you could be in 1st and then you get a blue and you're like "Shit! Should I quickly kamekaze myself and hope I remain in the lead and then grab items for defense against the offense? Or do I slow down, let somebody feel a split second of belief that they could win the thing and then 9/11 the wank out of em?" This, my family, is MARIO KART.
  23. Lord, God, I pray Nintendo doesn't listen to you people. Mario Kart is a luck+skill based game. If you're in the bottom 6 then more chance you will see lightning, bullet bill, mega shroom, the bluey etc. At thw very least, make it more chancey that the bottom 3 will see the bluey and perhaps quite rare for the rest. For me, MK & SSB are different with regards to item customisation. But options in privates would be welcome.
  24. I bet Miyamoto-san intimidated the cameraman just so he could fit in a few extra words to tryand sell his Pikmin game. I just wish that the graphics in all of these games were more high-end. Not realistic. Just much more high-end but using the same art style of each game. And Im not being funny, but I wished the was more creativity than just rotating cameras. I know it's only a side-scroller, but since it is a single player experience then, I dunno, just something nuts. Even little things like playing co-op via wifi. Maybe it's just me but most of these games look too gamecube/Wii and is not even attempting to burst the next-gen barrier - gameplay wise, visual wise, tech wise, other graphical wise, ... any wise. Comments/feedback seemed so biased like they were prolly paid to lie. After sitting and watching the Sony and MS conferences, how on this blue planet can you say that Wind Waker or Pikmin 3 looks amazing visually?! Come on dude, be real. Obviously they look decent and have wonderful art styles and gameplay would be decent and what you'd expect from Nintendo. But for me, nothing ground breaking and next-gen. Even from gameplay/tech perspectives. Could've introduced the games, if games were high-end, in some legendary fashion. Think how Halo 5 was introduced with that little teaser, just imagine a Metroid Prime 4. Or like those Need For Speed: Rival trailers, imagine some off-the-chain F Zero show-off trailer. Zelda Wiiu looking totally stupid with some retarded cinematics showcasing some deep story. Etc etc etc. Ooh shit, some uber adorable looking Mario game looking overwhelmingly huge and creative and adventurous. A giant world in the Mario universe with crazy puzzles, super catchy themes, lots and lots and lots of different gameplay mechanics and make things difficult to where only determination of your control skill can make yoy reach or achieve something. Maybe travel to a friends world for xo-op etc eyc etc. This shoyld be the norm for all Ninty games. Mere options for means of.... fun. Some games spoken about a bit in depth just to assure everyone/mina that they/Nintendo means serious business. I try to be positive about their showing at E3, I really do, but it just wasn't good enough. I wanna say "average at best" but it all looks generally possible for Gamecube and Wii. So considering Wiiu's capabilities I'm not sure if I can convince myself that their showing was average. But no biggy, will be picking up a Wiiu at some point. Still looks bags of fun.
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