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Everything posted by darksnowman

  1. Had this video sent to me this morning.
  2. Hewitt in an ad for down under!
  3. A perfect choice. Dragon Quest is broth for the soul.
  4. If anything it'll be Game Gear or Master System to get ahead of any leaks. Send one up for Landstalker!
  5. Should be there but if not, don't wait.
  6. You've outed yourself now.
  7. Should really have filled their boots in the first half with Phil Jones on. Liverpool need to stay on it in the second and not give them a sniff.
  8. Even funnier when you consider that it's a lot of auto-attacking!! (You get used to knowing what to glance at.)
  9. Great rate. Wish I'd bought some this week now!
  10. Looks like I can kiss goodbye to any lingering hopes I harboured of being fully caught up with 1 & 2 in time for three. Bit of a weight off my shoulders, actually! But what of Splatoon 3? Thought it was slated for summer.
  11. https://retronauts.libsyn.com/retronauts-episode-449-3ds-and-wii-u-deathbed-recommendations I've listened to this today. Recommended for anyone just wanting to reminisce about Wii U and 3DS as well as those looking for some ideas on games to get while you still can.
  12. I'm finally getting around to catching up with everyone's favourite Avenger at the moment so I'm more susceptible to a new Marvel trailer than I would have been a week ago. It looks dumb. Will watch.
  13. Yeah, no doubt they've something waiting in the wings to get the early adopters to keep the auto-renew active on their subs. If they go early with the Gameboy stuff maybe the Expansion Pack will get Super Gameboy in October.
  14. Sound good.
  15. Didn't know how much I miss Chu Chu Rocket until I clicked that link. Wonder what they consider "the right time" to be for release? Reckon Nintendo are sitting on a mountain of stuff for when Switch sales slump.
  16. I feel if any of the bottom three had splashed ~100 mill in the January transfer window they'd have got out of danger. Forgot Chelsea was still in the FA Cup. They've nothing else left to play for this season so I expect they'll be ready to bring it in the final. As shown by Benfica, the Liverpool offside trap can be sprung if you keep on it.
  17. May have seemed that way to begin with but now I've seen a bit more of it, all (or most of them, since I haven't got all 13 yet) are so they're all piquing my interest. And it's much more interwoven than I anticipated.
  18. Played a round. Can we have the PAL version plz. You could do endless replays of shots if you're desperate to sicken peoples' happiness.
  19. That's good to know. It's because of the way the (prologue) chapters conclude with a results screen numbering how many mystery files and event archives you've obtained that had me wondering what I could be missing. It's all the stranger because as far as I'm concerned, I've amassed none of either! Shades of Sonic and chilli dogs, haha. My only early inkling with it is that the characters' storylines are going to converge (knowingly or not) to change the kaiju futurescape that's being depicted. That's possibly as safe a prediction I could make, or it's going to pan out being so far off the mark it's unreal.
  20. Good racing, fellas!
  21. Rules 'n' regs?
  22. Eeeh just because last week was dubbed portable night doesn't mean you'll be disqualified for hotspotting in tonight.
  23. Are you confusing this with Animal Crossing!
  24. Guilty as charged. It hadn't twigged with me until the other day that its release lined up with Easter weekend, so I made a deal with myself that if I saw it today, I'd get it. I wasn't sure how likely that'd be as I'm not used to games coming out on Thursdays? Well, there was one copy on the corner of the shelf so pick it up I did. I'm in the tutorial waves so very much in the early stages of seeing what's going on and how these characters' stories/lives connect and intersect. So far I think Dr. Space is my preferred. Previous to that, the guy with his yakisoba pan was amusing. The action sections seem pretty unlosable at the moment what with it being the tutorial but it's a nice change of pace. So yeah... intrigued. Not gonna pretend I know where it's going as I'm sure there are plenty of twists and turns on the way though I have a grasp on what's happened so far. BTW, I hadn't seen footage of this and it's blatantly from the Muramasa people as soon as you see it in motion. Any missables I should be concerned about? At the moment I'm compulsively checking around the screen for keywords (or items) just in case. So far it hasn't yielded anything so I dunno if I'm wasting my time with that or not.
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