Guilty as charged. It hadn't twigged with me until the other day that its release lined up with Easter weekend, so I made a deal with myself that if I saw it today, I'd get it. I wasn't sure how likely that'd be as I'm not used to games coming out on Thursdays? Well, there was one copy on the corner of the shelf so pick it up I did.
I'm in the tutorial waves so very much in the early stages of seeing what's going on and how these characters' stories/lives connect and intersect. So far I think Dr. Space is my preferred. Previous to that, the guy with his yakisoba pan was amusing. The action sections seem pretty unlosable at the moment what with it being the tutorial but it's a nice change of pace.
So yeah... intrigued. Not gonna pretend I know where it's going as I'm sure there are plenty of twists and turns on the way though I have a grasp on what's happened so far. BTW, I hadn't seen footage of this and it's blatantly from the Muramasa people as soon as you see it in motion.
Any missables I should be concerned about? At the moment I'm compulsively checking around the screen for keywords (or items) just in case. So far it hasn't yielded anything so I dunno if I'm wasting my time with that or not.