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Everything posted by darksnowman

  1. It's pretty clear-cut, for me. If a game's on the current Nintendo hardware, I expect it to be discussed on the Nintendo board. Other Consoles is for anything current that isn't. I'd venture it might be worth considering adding the online board back in to get that stuff out of the way, er, I mean, give it somewhere to flourish.
  2. Not a lot of frame-perfect, pixel-perfect gameplay on show with those parameters. Like the driver of the Macbeth forever train in Lylat Wars said: "step on the gas... no! Hit the brakes!" Coins!
  3. You cannot be serious. Make us Miis of players. Do a draw for who's gets to be who. White outfits only. Players arrive at Sunshine Airport. The London track. Grass tracks. Sweet Sweet Canyon for strawberries and cream? Who's in the royal box on Royal Raceway? Tick Tock Shot Clock. Recovery ice bath in Squeaky Clean Sprint then collect @BowserBasher from creche at Baby Park. Lightning bolts for that SW19 weather. Fire Flowers as a tennis ball barrage. Banana skins discarded at the change of ends. Plenty of potential for a seasoned theme maker like yourself. Could even go above and beyond and check if there's sporty vehicles! Will speedrun track selection as best I can.
  4. Even though I know what he means with these, it still sort of sounds like it'd be a criminal offence to hook up the (official) N64 to play Smash Bros. 64 (official cart) with the old (official) banana yellow N64 controller. Just wouldn't be an official Nintendo CRT telly I suppose.
  5. ⚔️ ⚔️Probably closer to seven for me. I'll see if a game's going and jump in if there's a spot for me to noob around before Mario Kart. After the three Mario Kart GPs I'll be done getting humbled for one night.
  6. Nice to get confirmation on this coming out of JP. Looks like a ton of fun. Young Girl @ 0:16 sounds like Colette from Tales of Symphonia. Selling your two playthroughs a bit short there. @Happenstance there's a demo on Switch for Ys IX so might be the same for Steam if you want to see how it feels. Also, consider Baten Kaitos I & II.
  7. Hoping the forum stays online long enough to see the Wimby 2024 theme.
  8. Just getting in. Every time I've checked this week it's been Error 500 Connection Refused but since I saw on N-E the forum would be down I knew you were up to something. Looking good. Will the classic theme be making a return or have themes moved? Going to need sunglasses if not. This is how the entire forum becomes a General Diary thread and a Gaming Diary thread.
  9. Excluding demos and game trials, here's my half-time check-in before the end-of-year stats thread comes around. Ordering by last played, I'm guessing where December became January. Monster Hunter Rise (back on it to get the Sonic stuff) Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of DANA (purchased and finished) RingFit Adventure Super Mario Maker 2 Animal Crossing / 3D World / Mario Odyssey / Mario Wonder (fired up to meet the prerequisite number of plays to unlock the NSO icons) Shiren the Wanderer: The Mystery Dungeon of Serpentcoil Island (GOTY!) Dragon Quest Monsters: The Dark Prince (started in December, finished this year) Fortnite Lego City Undercover Theatrhythm Final Bar Line Ys IX: Monstrum Nox Chico and the Magic Orchards DX Mario Kart 8 DX Tetris 99 F-Zero 99 TOEM: A Photo Adventure Various things on NSO (don't think you can order these by last played...?) Bit of a paltry list since I feel like I'm never off the Switch. Ongoing: Baten Kaitos Origins GOTY to beat: Shiren the Wanderer (it won't be beaten)
  10. These are Nintendo games so the buck stops with the Big N. DKCRHD is up on the UK site now with a download size of "9000.00 MB (estimated)" and M&L:B "10240.00 MB (estimated)". If the latter is indeed being handled by ILCA, well, Pokémon Diamond/ Pearl was ~7GB which there was no need for them to be. It's just a lack of care.
  11. Very nice theme even if I kept expecting F-Zero 99 things to happen with the sound effects. Swapped over to it and hope to crack the top 30 sometime with it because when I was on for this event it was pros only.
  12. When I saw about Zaccagni's winner it reminded me of Quagliarella a few tournaments ago when they were doomed at the group stage. The writing was pretty much on the wall this year but you'd still have thought they could have eked out one more win before bowing out. Be interesting to see how long it takes them to figure it out again.
  13. Did anyone end up getting TOEM: A Photo Adventure? I've spent a lovely eight hours going through the main game plus an extra area they've bolted on. Honestly, within the first few minutes of starting, I was feeling some buyer's remorse but when I got the bus to the first proper area and started to see what the game would be asking of me, I was on board. It's sort of like an adventure point-and-click game where you become very familiar with your surroundings, snap pics rather than pick up and use items (though you do obtain a couple of things) to tick quests off your list in each area. You don't have to do them all; a certain amount will let you move on. There were a few headscratchers which ended up being tasks you complete across several locations and right at the end I was doing laps looking for the final plant to water and of course it had been right in front of me the entire time. Once you start picking up on what you will be looking for it's easy to take worthwhile pics as you go for potential use later. Each area has more to do than the last, so it was beginning to look a bit daunting as quests started to have multiple requirements, but once you've seen every screen you quickly get the lay of the land and it feels good to figure out the solutions. Cool game. Tons of heart. The credits showed some of the pics I'd taken which was a very nice touch to personalise it. And yes, there is a moment of colour.
  14. I was also perplexed by the download size for Panzer Dragoon: Remake. But let's not kid ourselves that this is the only company poorly optimising/ compressing their stuff. See also: Capcom. e.g. Resident Evil is like 15GB off the eShop and Monster Hunter Stories (3DS remaster) is listed at almost 11GB—though nice to see it's £25! There was an NBA game on Game Trial once that was ginormous as well. So it happens. Shin'en is an exception rather than the rule. Nintendo has some big games too (Zelda, Smash Bros Ultimate (!), Fire Emblem Engage (!?)). Skyward Sword is like 3GB+ larger on Switch than it was on Wii iirc. Also, note that these pre-release file sizes are, as stated at the article's source, at this point estimations. I recall there's been at least one case of a Nintendo game's file size being revised down prior to launch but since I don't buy "normal" games digitally I'm not keeping tabs to know how often this occurs. It's entirely possible DKCRHD and M&L:B will come out closer to Nintendo's 5GB average (new Zelda is down for 6GB, similar to Link's Awakening, and Luigi's Mansion 2 HD's a compact ~3GB)... if not, I hope you'll put aside your vendetta against this particular company and denounce both.
  15. If another group's venturing out I might not mind getting in on it if a spot's open.
  16. Had a quick faff about in the two left levels of MM V. The TA rapid fire weapon seems to be the way to go. It's pretty supreme stuff—especially for a Game Boy game. Great job boiling it down from TV to dot matrix with stereo sound.
  17. There's so much on the eShop, I feel whenever anything gets singled out it's usually worth hearting it onto the wishlist for later consideration. As long as you've your expectations calibrated, I'm sure you'll get some enjoyment from Chico and the Magic Orchards DX too.
  18. Absolutely fine finale. Relief. Coming back from these universe-ending events is always stupid, in pretty much everything it's done in. It was good to get all those bit-part characters out of the way. The part where he got the metal was nice. By the time it was wrapping up, I almost had the wool pulled over my eyes enough to think the Doctor and Ruby had actually been adventuring together. Hope the nosey neighbour didn't leave a soufflé burning in the oven. Re: the spoilers in the above post. That's me unceremoniously dumped in the casual bin. I'd say Jodie Whittaker's first series was more of a reboot because this hasn't been shy about referencing anything since 1963. If you're going to nitpick because it isn't plotted decades in advance, Sutekh was riding Suranne Jones doggystyle.
  19. Thanks for highlighting this. Spotted it on sale so I went ahead and got it since I've gold points expiring and was in the market for something finishable in short order. Chico and the Magic Orchards DX fit the bill nicely. After a mere three play sessions I finished it with all the accomplishments bar play it on Tough as a Nut difficulty. It's a fun little game that makes good use of a simple mechanic—rolling a nut around and the handful of different ways that's employed. I thought it was a nice touch the Gameboy-green colour palette is called Windfish.
  20. Reynatis is shaping up pretty well, imo. The website describes how it works (swapping between Liberation and Suppression modes). What I can add is that the music and atmosphere are pretty great and most importantly, it actually feels good to play. Very pleasantly surprised. It's not all in Tokyo as there is a portal to a forest area. So I'm sure more can be expected. Also, if the TWEWY crossover wasn't happening, you can just tell the game is tailor-made for it. It should be a perfect coming together.
  21. Amazing Hebereke is a charming little diversion.
  22. Maybe they're hoping anyone that doesn't have the Expansion Pack will jump to the roguelike/lite conclusion and get on board. I likely never played enough of it to notice any random aspect bar the usual item and rupee drops. Didn't even remember this was the first iteration of Four Swords. Would have said the GameCube game came first then they just threw this in with LttP like Mario Bros. going in with all the Mario GBA games.
  23. The Direct said that Four Swords is randomised. That was news to me.
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