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Everything posted by darksnowman

  1. Got it. I just let the video run because that wall of images and text was a bit much to take in. Yeah the part where they regurgitate the info from 4gamer.net mentions it.
  2. Is that screenshot from a different source to the video? The onscreen caption at 20:06 is saying you can use the chimera wing (same function as zoom like you say) to travel to previous areas and that you can use it indoors. Just for anyone that wants to see proof for themselves. It's been possible to zoom directly from indoors in more recent titles so they are probably just bringing it in line with that. As well as the other tweaks and ways it is being streamlined.
  3. Blast from the past reading that again. Out of curiosity, I looked Nibris up on Wikipedia and it says that after ceasing game development "remaining Nibris staff and projects were also reported to have been handed over to Bloober Team, another game developer."
  4. If you want to see it, it's at 20:06 in the video @Julius shared.
  5. There's a backlog everywhere. Was unable to turn up an individual thread for Attack of the Friday Monsters! A Tokyo Tale and this is where a good bit of the chat for it happened... a decade ago. It was interesting to read back through that just now. With Natsu-Mon coming out in a month, it seemed a good reason to unwrap the Friday Monsters. After taking the above snaps, I cranked the 3D and got stuck in. There's linked content if you have qualifying save data from Liberation Maiden, Aero Porter or Crimson Shroud. That's out of reach for me now so I started a new file without it. It opened with a nice little song, there's not much love lost between your parents in their scene-setting exchange and then you're in control. Word to the Wise tells you to head for the map marker anytime you're unsure where to go. The first marker was just around the corner, so naturally, I went the opposite way. And it got weird. The game is divided up into episodes, and while looking around, it said I'd started into episode 11! So, I legged it back to the original marker and took it from there. After a little progress, no matter how many times I talked to people again, the episode would not complete, so I gave in and headed to the next marker: episode 3 was underway. I soon started thinking of these episodes as quests because there was little rhyme or reason to the ordering of when they'd begin and end. My initial worry when I saw episode 11 had started was that I'd bypassed almost half the game—not something I wanted to happen in my first file. That didn't seem to be the case. Nevertheless, from then on, I didn't deviate much from following the markers. There's not a great deal to it. No brain teasers to solve though I suppose I opened a gate to make a shortcut. Just follow the marker and see what's going on. There's some card battling (janken!) between the kids but it isn't the main focus—which is good because retrying battles is pretty slow. Cards are obtained by collecting shiny orbs (glims). Some are in plain sight, others are tucked behind the foreground, you get a few for completing an episode. I still ended up not getting some cards despite being fairly thorough. It's all about the scenery, character interactions and their relationships. Your dad worries if you've seen the mail, your mum worries that you found her stash of cash. You get a feeling of what other people have going on in their lives. It's charming how the other adults play along with your childish investigation into the monsters and how it plays out. The kid's perception of the monsters, what the adults want to keep from them, the secrets you keep, what you're oblivious to. The truth is an amalgamation. Unfortunately, the credits did not thank me for playing. When they're done, it puts you back into a bonus stage: Saturday. Basically to do a victory lap and talk to everyone again. After several retries, I got a card win against S-Chan at which point I was everyone's boss and took it as a good point to save and quit. I'd recommend it if the eShop were still open for business. But if you're someone like me who's left it unplayed on your system, give it a whirl. It isn't a big commitment—I spent less than four laid-back hours on it these past evenings. Fridays will never be the same again.
  6. Hard to keep up with this thread. Fair play to you for not treating Castlevania as a laughing stock. Obviously, it's no classic and it didn't make the jump to 3D as well as Mario and Zelda, but what did? Plenty of games had similar teething problems—some still do. It was a decent attempt (nothing more) at a 3D follow-up to IV with some memorable things like the skeletons and being chased through the hedge maze. Other aspects are memorable for the wrong reasons. Vigilante 8 provided some fun multiplayer but I won't argue that it's nothing special overall.
  7. Hmm. Wasn't clued up enough to know that. I'll be giving the Daybreak demo a go (a review called it a "passable" starting point) so I'm looking forward to seeing how it feels to play. I remember the battling in the Cold Steel III demo felt all right but obviously being numbered three I wasn't going to follow through with getting the full game.
  8. Skimming the GameSpot list, I was going to be cheeky and do one game per phrase in the category descriptions. I'm sure Mario Party will be bang average, but say what you want about it, it's a known quantity and a sound purchase for those who are into it. Arranger caught my eye in the Direct it appeared in... I think it'd be cool if Funko Fusion is a surprise package... I'd like to be reasonably positive about Epic Mickey but I'm not so sure how it'll end up... early murmurings suggest SCHiM and Bō: Path of the Teal Lotus could be style over substance... and we're spiralling beyond just naming three. Be glad I knocked it on the head when I decided I don't know enough about Fantasy Life i to place it with any confidence—same would go for Zelda and M&L:B, actually. Stuck to what I know with the two I've tried plus one I'm genuinely iffy about. Fantasian and DQ speak for themselves. Full transparency on my part is I only clicked into the thread to report it as advertising spam. If not for the bolded descriptions I was .gif-ing back out to leave you boys to it. I'm sure it'll have its fanatics. I just have a feeling if you take a step back from the NEStalgia and assess it on what it offers as a whole, it'll be another lacking Nintendo game.
  9. Deserves more attention: Reynatis Wool pulled over eyes: Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition Certain will be left satisfied by: Ys X Whatever your view, no one's going hungry.
  10. Probably somewhere in the 10-15 hour range. I'd estimate days average out at ~30mins depending on what you get up to. From what I understand, since these games are open-ended it makes them replayable so one go through shouldn't be excruciatingly long. It will be €40/$40 so we will have to see what they are asking when the eShop page goes up—maybe £34 like Shin chan? Hosepipe ban and a quiet village fête for those not in Ibiza. Could very well be that I happened to be exposed to less savoury episodes of it. Exposed being the operative word because that little cartoon dude couldn't keep his shorts up! Plus other vulgar aspects caught me off-guard and have forever coloured my opinion of it. Kept his summer vacation game from bubbling up to the top of my must-buy list so I'm unsure if I ever looked into it to find out if it's any more innocent. Here's some video messages about Natsu-Mon: There's some more info on the site: https://www.spike-chunsoft.co.jp/natsumon/en/ The option to have your fish prepared at night reminded me of Dave the Diver.
  11. Almost picked up Azure or something a few weeks ago. Looked up on my phone whereabouts in the series it falls and set it back down again. Keep meaning to untangle this series but since they're split between eShop and physical it's a bit of a messy one. Often looked at it on GBA but never picked it up. It'll be nice to know the option is there again.
  12. This is on game trial from 8th-14th July. Don't forget to download it and give it a go or fire it back up again if you already have it, to get 100 platinum points. I could do with carrying on with the game but I'll probably just claim the points and shelf it again.
  13. https://www.n-europe.com/news/natsu-mon-20th-century-summer-kid-announced-for-nintendo-switch/ Nice to see Natsu-Mon getting some coverage on N-E. Maybe we've an audience for it...? It came out a year ago in Japan and this surprise one months heads up on the western release got me poking around on the demo over the weekend. What you see is what you're gonna get—it's a chill game that controls fine. You just fill out your book (choose your comments, add an icon), catch bugs, meet people to learn about things you might want to look into and generally put your days in as you see fit. As long as you aren't expecting high-octane action adventuring. Stamina feeds into how much you can climb so that's a mechanic that'll be familiar to everyone. It's set in August 1999 so the August release is perfect for anyone that gets in on it immediately. Even though there's no physical announced at this time, I kind of want to hold fire and see. You may be familiar with these games from the Shin chan Summer Vacation game that came out on the eShop a few years back (we had a thread for it too). If that's anything to go by, a physical edition won't be forthcoming. I didn't get around to it yet due to that and because I find Shin chan pretty vile, so Natsu-Mon will do nicely.
  14. That's really good going. Spotted someone with the golden Capt Falcon icon. I'm still yet to get a chance at a Samuari Goroh rival. Got the other three pretty much immediately. I'm just aiming to polish it all off over the course of the month which is why I was trying to gauge the rate of it. The only thing is, I hadn't taken into account that you aren't guaranteed to be racing on festival tracks! For all the good they do with it, if only they would let us choose the races and race types we fancy instead of this random aspect. Got a 5-way win in the team race—there must be a strategy to these because some teams rack up a heap of points. Definitely did more than five team races to get that one win. You'd think they'll carry these 99 games over to the next console, along with everything else on our NSO accounts... but it's Nintendo, so until it happens, I'm not expecting it.
  15. Harvest Moon 64 and Ten Eighty released on the JP NSO + Expansion Pack on 08/12/2023. Harvest Moon 64, Ten Eighty and Jet Force Gemini released on the UK NSO + Expansion Pack on 08/12/2023. The JP SNES Harvest Moon, however, was out over a year before we got it last summer.
  16. This is a quality update. Just the evening tracks with fireworks and an additional collectable raining down refreshes it a lot! The past couple of weeks there was no weekly limited event and the bounties were repeating so I thought it was a natural time to ease off. Not so with this July festival. It's great, and it looks like the unlock rate is similarly paced to the previous weekly challenges so not a grind in the slightest.
  17. @WackerJr did you see it out? I did the NSO GBC version last summer to wander back among the animated flowers. Now that was playing with portable power. You can reaccustom yourself to using A and B rightly. Was both unsure about starting another file this year and looking forward to it in equal measure. There's a part in TOEM where a ghost follows you and I think that's what pushed me over. Pity they kept it to three save files in the remake as I had to kiss goodbye to yet another one, this time from 2022, before I could wash up on Koholint once again. It starts out so quaintly. Shipwrecked in a storm (okay, that's not so ideal... maybe has something to do with why Link doesn't leave Hyrule too often). Get your shield. Sword on the beach. Play the trendy game, get terrorised by the physics of it. A spot of fishing. Embed yourself in the community, why not? Get the trade sequence underway. Catch up with the inhabitants. May as well get on with a few levels, start seeing the island with a view to getting back on the high seas. There's my new mate from For the Frog the Bell Tolls. Out and about with Marin, a dinky rendition of the overworld tune plays as I try to show off to her on the way to Animal Village. Delightful. Fall down the quicksand three or four times in Yarna Desert. Oops. It's cool to see characters crop up in different places except when it's Papahl in the mountains in need of vittles, as he promised he would be. This is going the same way again, isn't it? Into Angler's Tunnel where the music is pensive with a sinister Game Boy undertone. Starts you wondering. Those eerie conversations with the islanders, cryptic messages from the owl statues, the owl's role in egging you on... My old mate Mr. Write's getting catfished and I'm getting into Catfish's Maw. Eat some apples. You can put off noseying around those ancient ruins that speak of the Wind Fish no longer. Much you learn there and it's a one-two sucker-punch as you head across into the Face Shrine knowing full well this isn't right, will never be right. The music puts it beyond doubt. Chills. The hairs on your arms and back of your neck are up. Even on your legs. Goosebumps. The final stretch is numbing. It gets more puzzly in an attempt to engage and distract you. Bosses warn you, are helpless to stop you from relentlessly mastering the island. Not enough secret seashells this time for the L2 sword. The Wind Fish wakes, but at what cost. Special game. Could do with: - infinite files - animated flowers - d-pad movement - harder-hitting soundtrack? - SimCity on SNES NSO - a Marin Zelda game instead of a Zelda Zelda game
  18. Yeah. For what, though? Come on, get down off the fence, man. You'd be coming at this from an interesting perspective. Like, when you report something that's not Nintendo exclusive, that's obviously going to stir up some Nintendo discussion...? Would you like to see the N-E news roundups divided between a Nintendo-exclusive board and a multiplatform board? You've likely bigger fish to fry and couldn't care less. There was always a bit of a buzz around the appearance of an official thread. So many options now, we barely ever converge on the same thing. Mario Wonder had a bit of convo. All these rereleases aren't doing it for us long-serving Nintendo gamers. Right, that's the thing. If anything like what's being suggested is followed through on, the only chatter left in the Nintendo board will be the online meet-ups. The rest will be X posts. At which point the forum is obsolete as if it hasn't been on the brink for a long time already.
  19. No need. I was just returning the joke. I have my own issues with Nintendo but they are separate from how I feel the forum should be organised.
  20. Did this not make any waves, then? Since one of those emails came through about (more!) games from my wishlist being on sale*, I redownloaded the demo and gave it a proper play this time. Seems a very good game. When you see the fish on the loading screen you realise they're 3D models made to look 2D with the pixel-style texture mapping they went for. It makes for a pretty cool look. I wasn't prepared for the underwater layout to be randomised but it seems to serve it's purpose well enough. You're limited by your oxygen and the amount of weight you can carry so you can't spend hours down there collecting everything in sight. Catching fish is surprisingly violent. You get two dives (morning and afternoon) then it's off to waiting sushi prepared from what you caught in the evening. Looks like there's plenty to do and unlock which goes a bit towards alleviating my worry it would just get boring after a while. There's already a good sense of progression in the demo alone. Pouring the green teas is the worst part—no idea how the controls are working for that. Need to read up on it a bit to consider taking the plunge on the full game. * Could do with pruning the wishlist as it still doesn't know to remove games when you get them. Reckon I'll unheart Hades off it when I'm at it because I don't think I'll ever get it.
  21. Grey areas! So you're willing to click into the Nintendo board for a multiplatform game that started out as a Switch-exclusive? I thought you wanted those prised out of the filthy Nintendo section.
  22. Also gone are the days of needing a Zelda board and a retro board since basically everything is current nowadays. I don't think the goal is to make the Nintendo-related discussion as barebones as possible, we should be encouraging it to thrive. Sure there've been cases like Octopath and other timed exclusives on Switch. Those threads would have to be moved in the other direction with this proposal.
  23. I don't see any issue. This is a Nintendo site, after all. The Playstation, Xbox or PC threads don't get to call dibs on what's discussed where. As the situation evolves, things move. Sounds like the way people are suggesting taking it, the fair thing would be a Playstation-exclusive board, an Xbox-exclusive board, a PC-exclusive board, then a multiplatform board for anything on more than one.
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