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Everything posted by Diageo

  1. Vote Dud Totally not good enough.
  2. Protect powers from all powers?
  3. I would in no way care if it was a reskinned AC game. If I get as much enjoyment out of this as I did out of AC (which was a lot), I think Ubisoft my become my favourite developer.
  4. Well I don't particularly think he's doing anything wrong. But according to reciprocal altruism theory, those who do altruistic activities for monetary reasons such as video views, are more likely to cheat in reciprocal relationships and are therefore thought of as worse people in people's eyes. Additionally, the overjustification effect means that people will completely ignore the benefit towards the affected party as well as any socially positive behaviour because of the monetary involvement. In conclusion, I thought it was grand but thought people wouldn't think it would be grand because of the monetary involvement, as is likely due to human bias.
  5. He's a prank video guy though. He just did it for the views.
  6. So I made an app for my Final Yea r project for my psychology course. And I've been making it for like 6 motn... months since I've never done Java before. and I tested it every which way and this guy I absoulutely hate managerd to crash it in just one day. also I was drinking in the new bar,, called nuBar to celevrate my end of, i mean start of study and I a had a good few but then they were having an event w and we got kicked out, or were about to be, even though I had a full pint left. Then one of my friends talked to the bar manager and he said we could stay if we stayed quiet but the bar was gonna close. So my frinend bought 2 drinks for each of us. But then the even manager says we have to leave anyway and the bar managr apologises. So I just paid pub prices of for two cans I'll dirnk in the future and had to walk home with a full pint. Now I'm drunk at home wastin gthe alcohol with nothing to do.
  7. He ran into a sword, you're allowed to make fun of it.
  8. Since there's no actual prize I think you can trust people.
  9. Fuck's sake. Back to square one. He doesn't want to get into anything since we're both final years and are really busy and he's going away for 4 months in the summer. ¬¬ We could have at least done some stuff first damn it...
  10. Talking about why you've been single for so long doesn't sound like a particularly good thread to pull at on a second date.
  11. Got a first class honours for the first semester in fourth year. If I keep this up and get an overall first I may get my Master's fees completely paid!
  12. Good news on my end too, got invited to another date on Monday.
  13. The hard part is after meeting as you want to keep the main conversation for face to face interactions. At the start when you're getting to know each other to see if you want to meet up then you can text fine, there's no feelings attached to it anyway.
  14. In the same boat sister. I just want to talk to the guy but have nothing in particular I want to talk about. And those are the types of texts I hate getting so I'm not sending that shit.
  15. Went on a second date with the guy I talked about earlier. It went even better than the first and now I'm even more excited about it. Although I feel like I'm holding myself back because I'm expecting him to randomly just give up on it.
  16. "I cant see no" and "defo". Dear god...
  17. Yeah but I'm a "new posts" button man, not a forum section man.
  18. Didn't see sign ups for this
  19. I'm buried in work so won't be doing mine for a while.
  20. I normally get water and shady looks from others.
  21. You've quite rightly heard things about it. It's a fantastic show.
  22. What game is that?
  23. Had a date last night and at the end he asked me to go on another one. It all went so well that I was all giddy at the end and had to call my friends and tell them about it. Felt like a schoolgirl.
  24. Is your inability to do QTEs making them instakill? Maybe that specific maze bit is different because I never got caught by a shark in them.
  25. The sharks are anything but instakill. You can easily get like 5 shots from them before you die.
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