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Everything posted by Diageo

  1. I'm gonna come out with my power and hope someone has something useful to do with it. I highlight a player in the write up. Last night I targeted The Peeps, which would make him the royal blue reindeer, and the one that witnessed the mentioned shenanigans.
  2. Grab headphones and alimunium
  3. I kinda like the three day thing. I find people get bored (including me) if you're texting and talking everyday.
  4. I haven't had problems with them yet. Probably jumping off the wrong point.
  5. It's definitely a nice distraction too.
  6. Gay males of the forums. What are you supposed to do at the end of a date? A handshake feels weird, especially if you've just been making out for ages, and a hug seems too friends-y, but then a kiss in public is awkward because most gay people don't like to do it, including me. I dunno. I was so confused I gave a guy an awkward sideways hug and then ran away to catch my bus.
  7. I finally got a match on tinder from a girl, messaged her and got a reply and then nothing else. Damn women. But on the man front, I went on two dates, one of which I made out with the guy for a long time and then had to leave. The second date had no fluid exchanges but was still fun. Going on a second date with the first guy on Monday and he already alluded to having sex in my house in a text. Unfortunately I still live with my parent for now and she started working from home so no privacy. Anyway, things are going well anyway.
  8. I was also roleblocked, in the interest of information.
  9. No it's a terrible app design wise, it's buggy, annoying, lacks basic features. It's disgusting.
  10. I'm feeling there's a tad too much sailing in this. Much prefer the traditional AC gameplay, although it could with a tiny bit of variety though.
  11. Oh god Grindr is the worst. But luckily enough, you can do the gay thing in Tinder too. You can pick the sex you want to view in the settings and you can get gay guys on that too. I should know, I've got both guys and gals on. I got like 10 matches, all men. I appear to be attractive only to gay men, and not to women.
  12. I likened paedophiles to thieves because just like posessions, children can't properly defend themselves or understand they what is going on is wrong. However, another adult with any stranger, such as a homosexual or heterosexual could be attacked or raped, but they would be able to understand the situation is dangerous, defend themselves, and call for help. The risk is much lower. I would put paedophiles at higher risk than homosexuals because they are encouraged to hide their urges and are not able to act on them, and so are more likely to have to resort to more drastic measures and hide it. This doesn't mean I don't think it's a sexual preference, I just think that statistically it would be higher risk.
  13. Well I wouldn't leave a paedophile with my child in the same way I wouldn't leave a thief with my expensive possessions. But leaving a gay adult with a straight adult friend of mine is fine, because if the homosexual made a move on the straight person, it wouldn't be any of my business as they are consenting or unconsenting adults.
  14. I am also in absolute love with this game, can't put it down. I regularly have to stop and have a little look around at the scenery it's just so pretty.
  15. Sorry, I've been lost to the world of assassin's creed 4 and so have missed this.
  16. I have no idea...
  17. Didn't they change it to actor for everyone now?
  18. I think Sandra Bullock was amazing in Gravity. Very well cast in my opinion.
  19. Does anyone else have any other taboo topics they want to talk about?
  20. The rules say that all items chosen are in the game, but I didn't get the one I chose. Does that mean that someone else has it?
  21. While Smeagol makes the most sense I can't forget how people are fallible, and that you could have been one vote away from victory but were incompetent and absent.
  22. Your last responses have left a sour taste in my mouth.
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