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Everything posted by Diageo

  1. What's with the little blue birds all over the picture?
  2. I honestly can't tell the difference between 60fps and 30fps.
  3. That's where you got your definition of trans wrong. The trans label refers to transgender, transsexual and transvestite. If he dresses up as a woman, he's a transvestite, and because he's operating in female gender norms, he's a transgender. While it may be an "act", it doesn't mean he doesn't think of it as part of himself and his identity. I don't know if he's specified it's not an act, but I don't think you can say something doesn't fit his act. Unless he specifically says he wants to appear like a stereotypical woman, then he can have any type of gender expression in his act.
  4. Why do you think it was a 'character act' and not the expression of her regular preferred appearance?
  5. I don't think it's transphobia. I think it's more trans ignorance.
  6. If you know you have big feet and tiny shins, you can understand why someone would think you shouldn't wear shoes that blatantly highlight that. That's the help I'm trying to give you no matter how much sarcasm and 'satire' you keep trying to protect yourself with.
  7. I think the trailer stands up before all the cameo names at the end.
  8. I'm just going to ignore your little hissy fit and get back to it. I know how concave mirrors work. The style of shoes you are wearing with skinny jeans make you look like you have clown feet regardless of mirrors. Skinny jeans require specific shoes or else they look weird. Take this picture for example. The guy on the right has similar shoes to you and they look weird with skinny jeans. Whereas the shoes on the left don't. But hey, you asked for opinions and then got all pissy when you received some so I won't try and help you anymore.
  9. They make you look like you have clown feet, but it's your loss
  10. The skinny jeans don't go with the shoes first of all, nevermind the jacket.
  11. He could make the other video private on youtube except for those with a link and then send the link around in PMs to everyone who wanted to see it *wink wink*
  12. For people who have low self-control and often don't do the things that they should be doing. I've recently learned that self-control is like a muscle, and fatigues over time, and even the act of making a decision can make all other subsequent decisions more prone to self-control failure. So for example, if you find you eat really shitty fast food when you get home from work, plan what you're going to make a few hours before and then it's easier to stick to a healthier decision. There's a lot more I've learnt, especially since I've done a final year module on it, have an essay due soon and an exam on it also due soon, so if people want to know more I can count is as studying
  13. It looks interesting. I might acquire access to the first season and have a look. How many episodes is the second season?
  14. Direct sales customer advisor, which is basically a phone role where I advise customers on certain things. Also during the interview, they said I was so good I made their day, which I thought was ridiculous. I'm so happy though!
  15. Got my first full time job in Allied Irish Banks today!
  16. Twitch as in a quick spasm? Which can also mean quick and impulsive as an adjective, such as twitch decision and twitch response.
  17. Did really well in the aptitude test and got called back for an interview! :yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay:
  18. You think they have bricks lying around in a space station?
  19. They could have you pick up a pipe in the game for peace of mind, but it would work for nothing more than throwing to make a noise at a distance, and Ripley's daughter knows that. If anything it slows you down and adds to the danger of making unwanted noises.
  20. I'm sure a pipe or a stick would keep you safe from that ¬¬
  21. That was great. I'm excited!
  22. I don't get how that pose in any way emphasises her bum. Oh my god, they've distorted his back into unnatural, fatal lengths just to emphasise his chest.
  23. Ooh, very slight pec jiggle physics.
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