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Everything posted by Monopolyman

  1. I'm going to need more details to give you my opinion. Was she wearing a bra and how much alcohol did she buy you?
  2. Happy anniversary, ma' man, Falco. Mine is just around the corner as well.
  3. Joke: Whats the differance between Michael Jackson and Richard Pryor? One was burnt by Pepsi, the other was burnt by coke. But seriously. It's sad to see him go. He was one of the funniest men I've ever seen. RIP
  4. Two pretty tough games then, which is good. It'll make England straighten up and fly right. None of this cockiness. We might do well next year.
  5. I find it rather ironic that Frank Lampard is nominated for an award with the word 'personality' in it. Anyway, I believe that I already voted for Steven Gerrard.
  6. Practically every game from the N64 which got 8/10 or higher, and doesn't yet have a sequel. I love my '64 *kisses N64*
  7. Maybe it's connectivity to GBAs Oh wait...
  8. Out of interest, what if your girlfriend doesn't want to call it fudge, but something else? Wouldn't that just bugger up the dog? Awww! BTW.
  9. People who park on double yellow lines. I mean they're there for a reason so don't use them, for god's sake. Even if your 'only being a couple of minutes', thats still a couple of minutes of annoyance to other drivers. I mean, how fucking lazy do you have to be to go arounf the corner to park. bastards A few weeks ago, I was watching Tonight with Trevor McDonald, and this guy got a ticket for parking on yellow lines. And what did he do? Say fair enough and got on with his life? No. He tried to claim it was an unfair ticket because there was no horizontal line at the end of the lines! He even took it to court. I mean, WTF! Surely it would have been easier, and fairer just to pay the fine? Surely?
  10. JCB FTW! P.S. You're all such miserable scrooge's
  11. Have you heard about these talking terrorist dolls which came out last christmas? They wern't successful, because nobody was brave enoguh to pull the string.
  12. The Godfather Trilogy, hoprfully. I'll be so happy. Maybe Gun aswell.
  13. Nope. I'm unique. Though apparantly Science resembles Fernando Pessoa.
  14. Saw this a few days ago. thought it was quite ineteresting. Even have it as my wallpaper. Anyway, Is those two guys in the background pointing guns The Killers, by any chance? All the rest I've seen Sanchez already has Always thought it was jewel myself, but y'know, it can be interperated in differant ways.
  15. Congratulations, Odwin, you ol' dog, ya. Good luck with it and all.
  16. Added self. Apparantly, I'm close to no-one, which is just fantastic.
  17. The Clash. 6/10. Though I'm basing this mainly on London Calling. A pretty good album, but is it that good? They're alright I suppose. The band I'm constantly obsessed about and therefore I'll put down is The Eagles.
  18. Whatever they have left in stock.
  19. Well, my favourite would have to be Winston Wolf's classic line...
  20. I'm more or less in the same position as you. Spent the last six months looking for a job, but no luck so far. Personally, I blame it on my age, or that I apply to large co-operation, but, y'know. We'll both get one in the end, if we believe.
  21. I don't think it'll be much. Nintendo will probably just reveal the name and reveal a few specs. I expect it to be a disappointment, if I'm being honest.
  22. I don't think that they do it on purpose. PS2 is way more popular than Gamecube, therefore more talked about, so BBC are more likely to notice and post news about Sony rather than Nintendo. Same with PSP and DS, though not on such a great scale, though.
  23. Where the hell do you all live, because it ain't here. Nothing but ice in this shit-hole.
  24. Steve Harley and Cockney Rebel- Make me Smile (Come Up and See Me)- Awesome song. Almost guaranteed to put a smile on your face whatever mood you are in. U2- Where the Streets Have No Name- Another fantastic optimistic song. One of the best ever. Falco- Rock Me Amedaus- I just love this song ^^
  25. More or less what retro-lover said. He was given another liver and again abused it. Still, sad to see his life slippiong away. He was a legend, even if he was a ManU player
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