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Everything posted by Monopolyman

  1. Ooh, Germany. Now everyone will hate me. Looks like Moogleviper has raped us all.
  2. I was going to put this in a separate thread, but I thought it would be too much of a bother, so I thought I'd just tack it on to this thread. Anyway, trailer to World Trade Centre http://www.apple.com/trailers/paramount/wtc/
  3. Braveheart Quite boring, but well acted and all. The score was awesome. 6/10
  4. The English Patient Can't understand why people dislike it so much. A rather good romp, I thought. 7.5/10
  5. I agree. Looks graphically and technically supurb, I agree, but if there are pleanty of full out shooters out on this gen. already which are pretty similar to this, and most of them are rather dull. I don't think I'll bother either. Ninety Nine Nights, however...
  6. Woooooo! I feel a little sorry for West Ham, though, they gave a belting game, but I'm so glad Liverpool won. And yes, Gerrard's goal was awesome. One of the best of the tornament. Next year, the Premiership.
  7. Is it me or did anyone else think they briefly shown footage of a flying sim at the start of the conference? Possibly Pilotwings? Or was that part of another game I completely missed.
  8. Meh. You got a pretty good draw there with Portugal, atif. Hell, I've been thinking about putting money on them winning it this time around. That's all.
  9. Defoe should be a forward instead of Walcott, and Wright Phillips should be in there aswell. Also, I doubt having Rooney in there is a great idea, seeing it is doubtful he will be able to play before the world cup. Otherwise, I have no quarrals. As for Hargreaves being in the squad, I think that's a pretty good decision.
  10. Take you pick (after scrolling down first a little, obviously)
  11. Happy B'day, if you read this.
  12. Ace Ventura: Pet Detective- 9/10 Any film where Jim Carrey bends over, starts to pretned to talk out of his behind and says "May I ass you a few questions" automatically gets a thumbs up for me. Lord of War- 8.5/10 They say it's based on a real story, though is in fact based on a composite of 5 gunrunners. Awesome film which tracks the life of a man who trades guns for a living. Nice to see some popular films out there which arn't just pieces of crud put together to try and get as many to see it as possible. A blockbuster with brains, even, as one of the quotes on the box puts it. The Good, The Bad and The Ugly- 9/10 Saw this again the other day (this time with my own special edition DVD ^_^), and indeed, it still remains one of my favourite films ever. Definately one all should see. All in all, good film-watching weekend.
  13. Looks a tad...differant than usual, but I'll end up watching it anyway. And I also agrre with TakeoMiyazaki. TMD was a great Bond film, but then after that... well, not bad, but not great.
  14. Ah, Spacey. What a legend. Can't wait.
  15. Can't recall seeing it, but could it be M*A*S*H?
  16. May 4th 2007, after being delayed 4 times (for europe).
  17. I'll take a completelt random Guess... Crying Freeman?
  18. http://www.spikedhumor.com/articles/25889/Dumb_Blonde.html One of the funniest things I've seen in a long time. Certainly made my day.
  19. I once gave a bad report on a moderately well serviced hotel questionnaire for the sake of my own pleasure. I'm also the leader of an organized crime ring. A coke protection racket to be precise.
  20. Once Upon a Time in America I love a movie which spans several decades, and this is no exception. A rather long film, yes, but with a rich plot, a well written screenplay and extremely detailed environments of all three periods of time we get a look in, all accompanied by a score by Ennio Morricone himself (need I say more), It was worth sitting through the whole 4 hours (well, sort of. Half and half between today and last week). It is however let down by the some parts being slow and drawn out, aswell as an ambigous and slightly daft ending. Overall, good watch. 7.5/10
  21. I voted for the 'meh' option. Well, I think I did. I can't remember. I'm getting on a bit. Generally, It's not the best name, but it'll do.
  22. The James Boind collection Pulp Fiction 12 Angry Men The Usual Suspects Jacob's Ladder Donnie Darko Kill Bill (Both! (although you'd probably know it'd be daft to buy one and not the other)) Glengarry Glen Ross Toy Story 1&2 Dog Day Afternoon Airplane The Godfather Trilogy The Killing Fields Goodfellas Dollars trilogy Once upon a Time trilogy Infernal Affairs trilogy Oldboy L.A. Confidential Trainspotting Sin City The Warriors Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Munich (when it's out) Wayne's World boxset and possibly The Sting As for TV, I'll agree with Bowser57 on The Sopranos. Very good. Oh, and The Prisoner Hope that helps.
  23. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! (If someone already said that, well I don't care really.)
  24. Mixed bag for me. The good parts are that I am being raised well, good house, parents etc. Also, I have a great (albiet small) group of friends, I've got my life set out ahead, lost a bit of weight recently, and I've got a bit of cash in the bank. However, I'm finding school hard (though, I'm keeping my head just above the water), I'm picked on quite a bit, I've got no social life, and I'm also at the moment stressed out quite a bit. Also, being a teenager, there's stuff like occasional depression and such. To some it up in a sentence, i suppose it's 'not bad, but not great either.'
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