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Everything posted by Monopolyman

  1. Oh dear god, they have a differant opinion! Burn them!!!!!111111
  2. 9/10. I just think it's excellantly made. Very professional
  3. Hi, I'm Monopolyman, and for the first time, I'm doing RE on a Friday evening. Most people may know me off C-E, but if you don't , then hi. This time around, I'll probably post little more, be less awkward etc.
  4. Tetris, where you can just rotate the controller to rotate the blocks. Or maybe not. I guess it could be used to simulate most situations where long items are used, eg. in a repair work shop you can use it like a spanner to fix stuff, or something like that.
  5. I don't know. There is alot of buzz around the Xbox360, and may indeed sell more units than the PS3. So the real question is 'will Nintendo beat Sony?', in which I would have to say no. I'm sorry, I just don't see them climbing above 3rd place. However, I am pretty damn sure that they will sell alot more units than the GC and N64, and would very possibly leave a narrow gap between 1st and 3rd place, and could claim the greatest net increase between this gen and next gen. So in conclusion, yes and no.
  6. I meant the whole viewing the first message before viewing the thread, though it is growing on me now.
  7. My great Aunt died... So therefore I'm going to inheret a couple of hundred pounds, which is excellant. 6th form is also better than I expected it to be aswell, and also the new site and Revolution controller etc. aswell.
  8. Am I the only one that has a conspiracy in mind. I always thought it was quite suspicious how close the massive hack was to the revealation of R-E, and the revolution controller. Maybe the staff planned and carried it all out. Anyways, it's nice to see the new board is up. I had nothing against Xsorbit either, but if it is harder to stop hacks, then go it gets my vote.
  9. 6/10. Good idea but I find it hard to look at it (soory if that was a bit vauge). Anyway, I'll hopefully be getting rid of my sig by the end of the week in favour of a new one, but here it is anyway...
  10. Peter Gabriel- Sledgehammer (yep) America- Horse with no Name (Nice acoustic 70's song) Baz Lerhmann- Everbody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen) Beastie Boys- Sabotage Eagles- Hotel California
  11. I find it quite annoying, TBH
  12. Aww, man; It's going to take me a while to get used to these, board. They do look rather nice, though, I agree.
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