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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. I managed to get it quite quick from Love Film set as high priority! But yeah, good luck if you're trying to buy the game, it's pretty pricey everywhere!
  2. I love the expression on that guys face
  3. Wasn't Red Steel also the first game seen running on Wii? :p I could be wrong though. Looks interesting, I'm not overly hyped on the figurine thing (though I can see the appeal).
  4. I'm glad I'm not alone in this A great release would be some Wii U Ware (I hope they don't actually call it that :P) whereby you can download the new Pokémon Black and White 2 to play on the Wii U controller whilst the TV screen shows 3d battles much like Colosseum and Stadium!
  5. I loved the mini-games in Pokémon Stadium, loved them. So a game like Mario Party but with Pokémon would blow my mind. I'm pretty sure I'm the only person who would want this though :P And PokéPark doesn't count because the minigames are rubbish and the bits in between them are even worse. Traversing a 3D world with a D-Pad is insulting enough, doing it to play hide and seek with a caterpie pushed me over the edge.
  6. The PAL cover is so lame, I hate the big speakers. The US and Japan covers are so great, too! Oh well, like you've all said - we get the best version!
  7. Those were the first two games I got! Nuts & Bolts is especially good, it's a shame people can't look past the whole 'ZOMG, VEHICLES IN BJ, WTF' because it's such a great title. Banjo Land is probably the best homage to anything, ever. I agree though, you can tell they don't suit the system due to the fact barely anyone knows what they are. Out of my 30 something friends I have on Live, not one of them has any Rare game that I can compare achievements with. It's a great shame they've been forced to do just Kinect stuff, I hope they can get back on their googly eyed adventure games soon!
  8. This has been the first game I've really enjoyed for quite a few years. It's worth the RRP for this song alone: I realise I'm a bit late to this thread, but still :P
  9. Microsoft, I reckon. I've had my 360 for a year now and love the online services, especially the downloadable games (and RARE of course). Weirdly I can't get into much of the 'big' titles, I'm kinda burnt out on gaming at the moment. Whenever I do play games they tend to be ones I can pick up and play for 20 mins at a time hence why this year my main titles have been Kid Icarus, Mario Kart 7 and Space Channel 5! (downloadable Dreamcast games being the BEST thing ever :P) But I actually don't see much difference between 360 and PS3, as a few of you have said it's mainly a case of where your friends are.
  10. Josh64


    Hello? is there anybody in there? Just nod if you can hear me.
  11. I remember when ONM gave Wii Play 91%, I've been wary of their reviews ever since.
  12. @dazzybee I should have known, I'm out of touch with bank holidays as they mean nothing to me (work wise). And @f00had this is terrible!
  13. I'm tempted to get this just for that training mode with world 1-1 :p (and for the eye shatteringly colourful cover)
  14. IT'S NOT HERE TODAY I bet it will arrive tomorrow when I have work for 9 hours It's like Mario Kart 7 all over again!
  15. I have no problems with the camera even now but perhaps that's because I've played it to death Mario 64 is by far my favourite ever Mario title, I don't think anything will top it.
  16. munched down a plate full, what a wonderful day to celebrate! My stomach has been ever expanding since Christmas though, maybe this binge should be my turning point :P
  17. I'm looking forward to it! I'm not sure what to expect, whilst the last one wasn't full of megatons, it did have some nice nuggets of information, including the Letter Box announcement. I hope they do reveal some Wii U news though, it doesn't have to be much, just a little bit. Being kept completely in the dark for this long, with such little time left before release, is starting to grate on me. I can't get hyped about the console with such little information!
  18. Gotta dash, will upload the rest later/tomorrow! This is the best pic anyway!
  19. @Deku\-Nutz @david\.dakota @f00had Are you guys up for an N-E meet up tomorrow?! If so we should set times and such! If not, I'll be wearing an eggman tshirt and... hopefully, a kirby hat
  20. I'll be getting there any time after 10 I think! Shall be attending with @f00had !
  21. My music is all in one folder... and many folders are contained within that folder making one hell of a mess. It's so unbelievably mixed up. It's like a messy draw, it looks fine from the outside but you open it and your jaw hits the floor as to just how painfully unorganised it is. Anyway, music eh? I was playing Ouendan! for the first time in ages and heard a song by Ken Hirai, it wasn't this one but it was a case of many Youtube suggestions later... This song is amazing (if your into that kind of thing) and he makes my heart melt.
  22. Downloaded it Friday, finally got 'round to properly playing it today! I'm loving it so far, it reminds me of being on holiday years ago but without the vast amounts of sugar and dancing to S Club. I've been playing it online which is great! Just drop in/drop out as oppose to the ridiculous "find players and then start game" of the Turtles arcade game, which meant waiting about 10 mins for 1 player before them dropping out 30 seconds later anyway. It's really fun and aged better than I would have thought, it's pretty cool how you can team up with other players (one sits on the shoulders of the other, which allows you to throw punches for MASSIVE DAMAGE) and pick up items to throw at people. So far I've thrown the three eye'd fish, Santa's Little Helper (bless him) and a giant boulder that even Chunky Kong would be proud of. Some achievements are pretty easy (after about 30 mins I've already got 4) but I've had a look at the others and they seem pretty beastly and will surely add some re-playability to the game! (Complete the game in 30 mins or less, complete the game with each character, etc) Definitely worth the 800 points in my eyes and if you have PS+ then you'd be foolish to not download it.
  23. You went all the way to France to get... BLOSSOM HILL!?
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