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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. My momma asked me if I could help her friend sell her daughters Wii games on eBay so I obliged. I was surprised actually, for a 14 year old girl I was expecting a bunch of cheap dance games but she had a fairly impressive collection with stuff like Sports Resort, Animal Crossing and My Sims. Anyway, I was sifting through the pile and found THIS. Rest assured, this didn't go on eBay, I bought it off her myself :p I desperately wanted it on GameCube back in the day, but being at school at the time didn't have the funds to get it. And I can't actually remember it releasing, was the Wii version a re-release or was it just delayed for Wii? I have no idea, but I can't wait to get stuck in!
  2. This makes me sad and the news channel was a really cool app, looked so swanky. Ill miss Mii contest channel the most though! I still use it every now and then to fill up with celebrity Miis and the Wii Sports Resort integration was so intense! And shit, does the lack of Wii connect 24 mean none of us will experience the Wii's pulsating blue light again? As long as Boom Street stays online I guess I can live :/
  3. £38 with delivery, DEAL OF THE CENTURY! Especially considering this one has 100 songs with guest appearances from Hatsune Miku and SLIME of Dragon Quest fame (for some reason) My old Drum broke, and the Taiko drum bundle cost over £100, so I had to get some cheap knock off instead :P Now for the THREE week wait, oh man.
  4. I've loved the few missions I've done so far, especially the one where you jump from one building to another I'd agree about the jokes though, some of them are hilarious whereas others just fall so flat, I can't tell whether or not it's intentional :P Can't wait to play more of it though! The (few) long loading times can be annoying but I played the hell out of My Sims so I have years of training as far as awful loading is concerned.
  5. Scoring should be abolished! To this day I regret only giving Boom Street a 7, sure, I said it had lots of replay value, but I didn't think I'd be playing it online multiple times a week and have made new friends because of it over a year later! That was my only review and I managed to mis-judge it :p Anyway, LEGO City, I cant wait And I've never had a LEGO game so it shall be interesting
  6. I'm impressed Banjo Nuts & Bolts has been mentioned twice already I love that game and it pisses me off that every time I try and talk about it someone has to butt in and say some shit about Rare being a terrible developer. Also, Galaxy 1 and 2 (obviously)
  7. If you're sleepy then you should come to bed pud, it's getting cold in here without you. <3
  8. Aah, that's a shame! But not all is lost, the world of Donkey Kong perked up a fair bit in the 64 era!
  9. Awesome, I'll be sure to give it a listen! I used to love it back in the day, I still have them all on my old iPod And my copy of Monkey Ball DS I won in the build up to the relaunch of the site... 6666!
  10. @Ashley I used to always read CUBE magazine in my early teens and assumed this was the website version. It was because of the very similar names and... if I remember correctly, having very similar designs too. And I don't remember much about Rokhead, but I remember a thread where he was showing everyone his development into becoming a lady? Thankfully though (from the sounds of it) those were my lurker days so I managed to avoid that fiend. Instead I spent my time pestering the EuroFusion team (as Gonzales) whilst listening to @Guy speak about Smash Bros. Braille and Zelda reviews.
  11. The official Nintendo site used to have these forums, they were pretty bad because they were so strict :p No avatars, you couldn't quote or PM people, you couldn't click on members profiles. But hey, it was my first forum so I just liked that I could randomly talk to people about Nintendo. Around 03 or 04 news got round that Nintendo were closing the official forums so for the last day it was just filled with posts such as "WE WIL MIS U NINTENDO FORUMZ" and "ALL GUD MEMBERS CLIK THIS THREAD" I think I clicked something like "It's not over for European Nintendo gamers!" and inside the thread was a link to Cube-Europe! I lurked for a while, fascinated by all the news stories from Japan and downloading all the awesome wallpapers I could get my hands on. Then joined up and annoyed people with my constant posting and over enthusiasm for Donkey Kong Calmed down a bit and made a quiet return in 2005 as a general lurker. The height of my Nintendo fandom was probably 06/07 but I started to lose interest in gaming a bit after that. One day (I think two years ago now) I randomly decided to pester Ashley over email because I wanted to have a go at doing a news piece on the front page... and after about a month or so he actually replied! :p Since then I've been a newsie (though on and off at times, I need to get a routine going :P) which has really brought back my passion for gaming. With N-Europe and Twitter, the world of Nintendo feels so exciting at times.
  12. Awesome though I don't get home from work till 10 tonight so it will be a while before I get it in the news piece :p
  13. Yeah, that's what I love, the moody atmosphere :P Though I have to say, I've never liked DKC 3. It always felt so lame in comparison to the others and I hated how all the enemies seemed to turn slightly robotic. Also, the music just didn't compare at all.
  14. I can't believe some of these comments! The atmosphere is one of the best things about it! But then again I am a dirty festival of anxiety myself, so perhaps that's why :p
  15. I'm in my fourth bedroom now, but for some reason whenever a dream is in a bedroom, it's nearly always my second bedroom, the one I was in at about age 6 to 11. I also swapped the ends of my bed recently, so now my head is where my feet used to be, often wake up confused for the first few seconds wondering where I am :p
  16. I LOVE the WarioWare games but this one looked terrible... up until the latest trailer. I really can't wait for it now! Also, RedShell, I'd never seen your DIY creations before but they're amazing! Nintendo should lock you in a room until you've created your own WarioWare.
  17. Gah, I can't find the link to the old thread with everyone's amazing DSi creations on. Does anyone have a link, was gonna' put a link on the news piece on the front page.
  18. I can't wait for this. I've had so much fun with my xbox the last 2 years, which is crazy considering the console came out in 2005. I'm really excited to see what they have in store. I haven't got Kinect, but I love all the Mii type games on Wii, so if there's a big Rare Kinect game for launch, I'll be the only person on the internet who isn't fuming :p
  19. Ahaha, oh man I'm sorry, but if that is the criteria I have to meet then I'm afraid I may never be a true gamer :p
  20. This is really hard, I have a general top 5 which seem to shift every few months or so... But nah, I've decided once and for all it has to be...
  21. Confession: I've never completed the final level I found it hard enough to do with 3 health, but with the daredevil comet, god damn. HOW!?!?
  22. Don't forget to use that eject button ;D After getting an N64 and going back to the SNES, I'd always forget to eject the games and instead just rip them out, which made my brother turn into the hulk. Anyway, the good stuff: After a 3 week hiatus, I'm finally taking driving lessons again. The last one I'd took was really bad, so I hadn't text for another one, but I decided to kick myself up the ass and force myself back into it. After a shaky start, it ended up being a pretty good lesson! I'm also doing stealth theory thanks to a new app, learning random car stuff for a few mins at a time whilst on the toilet, in the taxi, in a queue. My mind is a SPONGE (now that i've banned myself from Reddit to do this instead)
  23. You're not the only one, Sakurai has such bad wrists he's worried about development of Smash Bros 4. Don't worry though, it's worth it, Kid Icarus is amazing and by far the best game on 3DS
  24. The dream: Nintendo release F-Zero AX and Mario Kart Arcade GP 1 & 2 on Wii U eShop
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