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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. You have to be in a complete Nintendo bubble and unaware of the wider gaming public if you think a Nintendo Direct will reach as wide an audience as a proper press conference. As far as the NX is concerned, I think Nintendo could pull off another handheld but will be royally screwed if they try and release another console. They should ride out the Wii U and start again in a few years time, trying to release a console this late into the Ps4/One generation would be as disastrous, if not worse, than the Wii U - especially given their recent software output. The big hitters, Mario Kart and Smash, have only recently been released so we can't expect them and it seems their other franchises have been watered down - Metroid is pretty non-existent in this day and age, Donkey Kong is a 2D platformer (the genre is dead to everyone but core Nintendo fans) and Mario has been reduced to small tile-based levels as oppose to proper 3D worlds. Unless Nintendo really up their game in the software department or miraculously get third-party support, there's no way the NX can do better than the Wii U.
  2. How else was Martinist expected to pay for the cake and pints?
  3. I know I complained massively earlier on in this thread but to stay true to my usual ways, I've been a complete hypocrite and downloaded it anyway :p I've dabbled in it a couple of times before just the free mode but this is the first time I've properly took a few hours out to learn all the crafting and shit. And man, I'm obsessed. I played it all day yesterday and most of today. I probably should have paid more attention when all my friends were playing this on the 360 a couple of years back but better late than never I suppose :p
  4. I've never played Mario RPG but always heard good things so might give this a punt. I love Paper Mario 1 & 2 but can take or leave Mario&Luigi so where would you guys say this game lands compared to those two series?
  5. It seems almost damaging for someone to buy such a brand. I thought the same when they tried to re-launch MySpace, it was such an outdated name that no matter how great the site was, it'd still be sneered at and they'd have just been better to go with a brand new name. Kinda like the WiiU using the Wii name I guess :p And I'd guess that Nintendo had more to do with this partnership than a lot of the stuff on the console, considering it came to my WiiU as a 'gift' download which doesn't happen that often
  6. Oh man, after seeing Bayonettas in-game art work I think they're gonna have a hell of a time translating that to amiibo form! It looks even more complicated than Palutena.
  7. For a second I thought Wii had come back :p
  8. The Bowser controller looks hideous :p But I do love the look of the Toad one, it seems weird they're releasing these so long after the initial Mario and Luigi Wiimotes a few years ago.
  9. Forget my stupid self from months ago, he had no idea what he was talking about. Did anyone pick this up? I got it a couple of days ago (£45 in Smyths!) As a music game aficionado I've always liked the Guitar Hero and Rock Band games despite my indifference to the genre of music in those titles (I guess that's why LEGO Rock Band was my favourite of the series haha) - I was excited for this but not sure what to make of the live aspect, I really love it though - It's so cheesy and fun. The new guitar is awesome too, it feels a lot more fun to play than the old one. The GH TV feature seems crazy generous, too. 24 hour streaming of music videos to play along with, updated every week, FOR FREE?! Makes Just Dance Unlimited seem like a rip off now.
  10. Oh man, I knew it. What a load of rubbish. As if being 2 years late wasn't bad enough. Here I was thinking we might get Amiibo skins yet they can't even use the damn controller right. Pathetic. Why even bother? This is as stupid as Watch_Dogs.
  11. Bad stuff but eventual good stuff: I was Christmas shopping today and got this pack of cards that look really nice, all artsy with a little boy in a santa hat in roald dahl kind of style but after buying them I thought of my nephew and started to go on another long-winded depressing tangent on how he's not here and all the excitement I had at the start of the year thinking of what Christmas will be like with a little kid in the house. I then thought damn if I'm thinking this then my brother will probably think the same when he see's the card. I got a new pack of cards. Shit like this happens every day, the tiniest of things can set you off emotionally. I was looking through the yearly playlist and making my top songs of 2015 (because I do really lame things like that :p) and when it come to the March/April songs ugh, it felt like my heart had been ripped out. Every song from those few months was a distraction at the time but is torture to listen to now. But these last few weeks I've finally let myself THINK and have actually started dealing with things in my head. Since he died in March and I had that fucking awful honour of carrying his tiny coffin in the funeral I have not let myself think for a second. If I've been out of work then I've had stuff on constantly, earphones blasting when doing housework or walking the dog, always something set up and ready to watch when im setting down to eat food, reddit on the toilet, streaming The Office endlessly whenever I'm going to sleep (it's a comfort thing now after the fourth or fifth run), retail therapy to the extreme, so many fucking games, some of which I've accidently bought twice and some I forget I even have, DVD's and series all over the place, so much fucking wine but I finally shut everything up two weeks ago. I was about to go to bed but the wifi was playing up, no office, then the power went off, no series or dvds, I went to play a podcast on my phone but the battery was super low. I finally thought fuck it, I'll sleep with nothing. That's when it happened, it always feels like I'm jumping in a swamp and the more I think, the deeper I sink and harder it is to get out. I remember the days I'd blocked out, like mom telling me she had to identify the baby again after the autopsy, the fucking disgusting nightmares ive had, the messed up things like how i cant look at a newborn baby without thinking "is it dead?". It's not until you write these things you realised just how messed up you let yourself get. I let myself turn into such a hateful bastard when I saw people parading their kids on facebook but it wasnt their fault, so I simply limit my use of it now. I still remember the confused call from my brother on that morning, in tears trying to make out what he was saying. I knew from the fact the baby was due and the fact my brother was fucking crying uncontrollably that it wasnt good so i ran to their house at 7am hysterically to find the door locked and no cars there. I remember ringing my mom sat outside the house barely able to get words out when she told me shed sent a taxi to get me to the hospital. Walking in the looked perfect, I held him and it genuinely just looked like he was sleeping. seeing my brother and sister in law hold him looking so proud but so heartbroken, being in a room with all my family just crying and not saying anything, it was so bizarre and fucking weird. I spent most of last week in bed, thinking there's not much reason to get up, what am I even working towards, what's the point in the constant routine of forcing myself to be happy and forcing myself to do things and forcing myself to be sociable when all I want to do is stay in bed. But that's when I did a lot of thinking and I needed that week to just let myself explode and let all of the shit out that I'd been blocking for the past 6 months. Anyway, I feel slightly better now after allowing myself to be free. Right now it feels as though when you step out of a club youve been in for hours, you got so used to the constant noise that you didn't really notice it, but the relief when you get outside into the silence is amazing. There's been plenty of other shit on my mind these last few months that I can't get into, but coming to terms with one of the majour traumas, or at least accepting it's real and not living in a fantasy bubble, is something. I won'y contstantly mourn on it though, I think it's good that I /can/ escape and still enjoy myself but I am gonna make a conscious effort to allow myself every few days or so to just think over things and put them into perspective. Re-Calibrate my mind so to speak :p So my view of Christmas has been all over the place. Some days I think "ugh, lets get this bullshit over with quickly" then other days I think I should make more of an effort to make sure we all have fun this time of year as its been utter shit. I dunno, I did a lot of christmas shopping today anyway and I'm gonna get some wrapping done. So a lot of bad stuff but as I said, I've come to terms with it which is good, and I've curbed my drinking to just with friends again, as I'd got in an awful habit of using it as a form of getting lost in entertainment on my evenings in and blocking out other thoughts. The last thing I need to do is put myself on the road to alcoholism.
  12. I promised myself I wouldn't buy any more amiibo until after Christmas but then... I saw KK Slider as a single. I loved it before but didn't wanna get the triple pack with the other two but now you can get him alone I'm gonna have to do it.
  13. I love this game but damn its sluggish with the eshop integration. I got a New 3DS today though so hopefully when that's up and running it'll perform quicker than my cranky old original XL.
  14. Damn, I had a lot of fun with the game but I'd forgot just how awful the track list was. I guess that's a big no-no for a music game :p A new edition would be great though, imagine Wii Music with the Wii Karaoke U soundtrack 😍 I didn't spend long on the drums! Could never get the hang of it myself. I guess I should maybe go back to it! Creating album covers was awesome though. I wish Miyamoto followed through with his dream of Wii Music 2 though I can see why Nintendo maybe didn't want that to happen!
  15. They intentionally created hype by telling people something 'big' was happening Monday, especially as it's already common knowledge that the last Smash Direct is due this month. But I guess I should have remembered that true Nintendo hype doesn't start until the Cranky Kong memes come out. But in all seriousness, as bitter as I am, I can see why getting one of the best selling and most recognisable videogames on Wii U is a big deal - I just don't care for it myself. I've seen suggestions that 'Steve' should be the last Smash character, now that is what would end me :p
  16. The songs always turn out terribly but it's a load of fun, I still don't get why this was hated so much compared to Sports or Fit, I guess people took it too seriously? Day one buyer here, don't regret a thing : peace:
  17. I stupidly thought a Wii U version of FF7 would be announced today as the 'big thing', it made sense to me given that Cloud is now in Smash and its not necessarily ps4 exclusive... Almost too much sense, which is why it didn't happen :p
  18. This is way too late for them to be making such a big deal out of it. I guess this is great news for those that don't have a PC, laptop, iPad, iPhone, 360, PS3, Xbox One, PS4 or Vita and didn't mind waiting a few years though.
  19. I had a similar experience in GAME last week. My friend went to buy an amiibo that had an £11.99 sticker on it, it scanned in at £15 so my friend asked why it's not 11.99 and the cashier took the label off and said it had been mis-labelled. So we just didn't buy it and went somewhere else. I don't think I've ever had an overly moody person at a shop but if I did I just wouldn't go back there, you don't know what's got someone to the point of being a dick throughout the day so it's best just to leave it and move on IMO instead of escalating it more (though I guess this is why I miss out on a lot of deals and shit as I never complain even if service is bad :p)
  20. I ordered a New 3DS! I recently bought the new Miku game but don't wanna play it on my skanky old thing. I'm torn between face plates but I think my heart is set on the KK Slider one!
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