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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. Just imagine if it was on-rails, I would laugh just to see the ''hardcore fans'' kill themselves.
  2. I was on a trip to amsterdam with college and it was time to get up. I got up and was talking to my mate for a good few minutes and then suddenly realised... I had morning glory. I was just in my boxers so yes, it was insanely obvious
  3. Damn those shoddy Gamecube Memory Cards! It happens to everyone at sometime in their lives
  4. I would love this!! I haven't played Wii Sports Resort for ages but I just felt like whacking it on today and I started playing the flying minigame again and I love it! The controls are perfect and I just love flying around and exploring all the parts of the island. If they made a full game with loads of different places to discover I would buy it instantly! And whilst I have nearly lost all hope... I still hope for a sequel to Donkey Kong 64. A lot of people didn't like it, but I thought it was a brilliant game.
  5. Paper Mario 3DS would be awesome!! Even the name fits! Paper Mario 2 has to be one of my all time favourite games too, the ending was so intense!
  6. I can see your point about the Fifa World Cup but I highly doubt E3 will have a huge impact on viewers
  7. What's so bad about the name? At least it's spelt right, unlike the Gameboy Color
  8. I reckon Big Brother has the potential to be brilliant, it just never is. I love people watching and Big Brother does have some great moments like when some people were sent to a secret house and got to see what everyone else was saying or when they fuck up a task and have no food and are all livid - starting arguments etc... But it's almost as though the producers just can't be arsed and so most of these things hardly ever happen and so you get people talking about boring shit and getting off with each other.
  9. We were given a talk about sexuality today and apparently, if someone 'chooses' to be a homosexual, we should respect that. I truly don't believe that people CHOOSE to be homosexual, you just are! Well, in my case anyway. I'm pretty sure that if I asked all of you whether you were born gay or if it was a lifestyle choice, you would say that you were born that way but so many people think it's just a choice/statement. People quite often ask me why I decided to be gay, it fumes me.
  10. I've set my Facebook so that only friends can view my information, if I haven't got you as a friend all it says is my name and birth date. That's pretty good privacy imo.
  11. I hope Cammie isn't depressed this year I loved the days of her bad wrist!
  12. possibly the best song in video game history!
  13. 240 stars!?!? Every time I check this thread, my anticipation for this game gets higher and higher! I'm so lame that I booked the weekend off work to play this
  14. I must say, I do also love that Wii Fit music, it's so happy and uplifting! And that has to be my favourite Mario song EVER!
  15. Ryan Clements, I've never felt such fanboy rage in years, go die.
  16. OH MY CHRIST! That last video!! <3 I... MUST have this game!
  17. Super Mario 64 had 16 levels, though I guess by 40 'galaxies' they may be including Luma galaxies and such, but still, a good amount
  18. That advert was amazing! I'm hoping they use that in the UK and not some people playing it in a white room with about 5 seconds of footage.
  19. They should have just made their mind up about what they wanted the game to be It was like a Sonic racing game with a few other Sega characters. They should have either had a game based on all of the Sega series with a decent level for each series or just gone for a fully fledged Sonic racer. The fact that there was no Crazy Taxi level made me want to die inside. Why include BD Joe if he has no level!? Also, the fact that Banjo Kazooie was in the 360 version just made it more confusing. It's a Sonic Racing game with a few other Sega series thrown in and for some reason, two Rare characters.
  20. I can see where your coming from, Nintendo games seem to have generally been quite few and far between. This year is looking brilliant with Metroid Other M, Mario Galaxy 2, Sin and Punishment, WarioWare DIY etc... and I just wish the last few years would have had so many classics! Back to the iPhone, I think it's clearly a competitor for both Sony and Nintendo, it's taking handheld gaming in a totally different direction and I think it's going to be hard for Nintendo to decided whether they should sell full, £30 handheld games or go the way of the iPhone and have downloadable ones. Hopefully they'll have a mixture of the two but DSiWare didn't seem to... pick up, compare the DSi library to the iPhone and there's an incredible difference.
  21. Josh64

    Wii Party!

    Cranky Kong is apparently the first Donkey Kong that kidnapped Pauline which is why he is always moody, to go with his evil past and in the intro to Donkey Kong Country, Cranky Kong is even on the building site. Also, I'm pretty sure one of the many things Cranky Kong moans to you about includes his past as being the Kidnapping ape he once was. The Donkey Kong we know now is what was known back then as Donkey Kong Junior I believe!
  22. Sonic And Sega All Stars Racing With Banjo Kazooie! or... SASASRWBK What a great name.
  23. Josh64

    Wii Party!

    The terrible thing is... DONKEY KONG ISN'T PLAYABLE IN RECENT MARIO PARTY GAMES Why do Nintendo hate Donkey Kong so much?!
  24. I'm surprised Epic Mickey is coming out so soon! Wave still seen so little about it, hopefully that will change! And this MySims series is getting pretty big it seems.
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