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Everything posted by Noodleman

  1. 1. Link to the past 2. Links awakening 3. Ocarina of time
  2. well at least Riises scored this season.
  3. How has Malouda not been subbed, why did Malouda even start. Pretty sure I would have had as much involvement in the match as he has.
  4. How about a comedy horror
  5. I think the most amusing thing about the match is that Ashley Cole is getting utterly raped by Kuyt.
  6. Been working here since November 2006, would probably have looked to move after about a year. But as im off traveling in September I didnt really see the point might as well just stick it out.
  7. Noodleman

    GTA IV

    I think the problem is he is in Norway :P
  8. Noodleman

    GTA IV

    I know shopto.net where forced to sign a contract saying they wouldnt post copies before next monday, including staff ones. I assume other stores will be the same just to ruin everyones parade.
  9. 1st Terminator is the better film over all. 2nd film is cooler for want of a better word, I wouldn't rate either of them more than 7/10 though.
  10. Rescue Dawn : Christian Bale 7.5/10
  11. You can have your own opinion, as long as the opinion is that Paramore are completley overated bilge and the lead singer isnt even that attractive.
  12. "The highways jammed with broken heroes on a last chance power drive." :awesome:
  13. Anyone heard of Los Campesinos! I feel I should pimp them a bit, although they're getting quite big now anyway. But the lead singer is a member of another forum I belong to and has spent the last couple of years posting updates about the bands progress, pretty interesting stuff. Myspacelinkage
  14. Hargreaves was Englands best player at the world cup, which doesnt mean a lot really. He's been injured this year and has only just started to settle anybody who thinks he's shit clearly doesnt watch football.
  15. I've had a 5 day hangover before, I wanted to die. I get them all the time nowadays (getting old ) The worst ones are when I mix my drinks and dont eat anything before getting drunk. Feel utterly shit the following day, nothing gets rid of it until I go to sleep the next night. Gin, Rum and Cider all give horrendous hangovers. I'm rarely sick from hangovers though although my 5 day one I was very sick pretty much every hour for about a day.
  16. Let us not forget the French original.
  17. IA 2 and 3 where awful in my opinion. Should have just left it with the first one.
  18. Is it Kevin Smith?
  19. Q4 is pretty ambiguous i've got a list of about 50 people it could be. But anyway ill take a stab at Guy Ritchie.
  20. Yeah I was reading about the remake. They've completley changed the exaplanation as to what causes the "zombies" as well, and its utterly rubbish.
  21. I just watched [rec] What an awesome film. Take note JJ Abrahms this is how you do a handcam film. Great from start to finish pretty sure it will bomb because everyone will go and see The Orphanage instead when looking for a Spanish Horror film. 8/10
  22. Now thats great PR work. What a hero has he been taking lessons from Ken "2 jobs" Kutaragi. I call bullshit that its costs £95 more to ship something from China to Europe then it does from China to the US as well.
  23. I hate dyson
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