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Everything posted by Noodleman

  1. Flirtin with disaster is an absolute cuntbasket of a song on hard.
  2. Gutted for Sutil hes had a cracking race
  3. I love this game, my mate came round last night and we formed Lovepump. It's so much fun in multiplayer, need to wait for the lazy bastard to wake up so we can continue the rocking today. GHIV can kiss my chuddies.
  4. Erm other than the special McDonalds promotion in America which we will probably get eventually all songs are the same ammount of MS points everywhere.
  5. Grant was always going to be leaving at the end of the season and he knew it if you listened to his press conferances in the last 2 months. I felt pretty sorry for him after the champions league final seemed like a nice guy, a bit like Ranieri in that respect.
  6. Well played Hull, Dean Windass such a hero :awesome:
  7. I've become a military historian... and I've got a tiramisu
  8. OMG this game is awesome and iv'e only played guitar so far.
  9. I wish the postman would hurry up so I know if its turned up or not. If it hasnt im going to buy the game and send my play copy back when it arrives.
  10. I'm sure ive posted this before but this is our (Colchester United) season ticket prices for next season: The cheapest ones are £460 we will be in league one. Half the premiership clubs have cheaper season ticket prices then we do. Ipswich our "biggest" local club in the division above us have cheaper season tickets. Last time we where in League one (2 seasons ago) seasons tickets where just under £300. That is why I don't have a season ticket anymore, that and I wont be in the country for the whole of the 2008/09 season.
  11. well not really because in Tim Burtons Films the Joker kills Bruce Waynes parents whereas in the comics I think and certainly in Batman Begins its not him.
  12. It's not a prequel it has nothing to do with the earlier Batman films. The only film it's related to is Batman Begins and its set after Batman Begins.
  13. I've been 5" 9 since I was 13 i'm probably the exception that proves the rule though or something.
  14. So they'e literally copied rock band but put an extra cymbol on the drums so you cant use the Rock Band one, fantastic.
  15. Another whoring of the Euro 2008 Fantasy Football league there are friendlys tomorrow that you can get points for. http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?p=755937#post755937
  16. bumpey bump as the first game is tomorrow if anybody else wants to enter a team.
  17. Is Abramovich splashing millions on players really any worse than the Glaziers being allowed to plunge United into 750 million debt. Love the FA's fit and proper test for new owners. Letting an utterly bonkers debt plan through, a man with a horrific human rights abuse record, 2 clueless Americans, 2 Russians who both have very questionable business practices. You have to wonder who would actualy fail it.
  18. Top right is Richard D James by Aphex Twin
  19. Tonight I discovered I really hate Ryan Giggs and I don't know why.
  20. It's possible that its been posted but the website hasn't updated yet. I've had stuff turn up from play, before the websites even said its been posted.
  21. nah it was free
  22. I've just spent the 3200 points I had been saving on DLC for rock band. Purchased: Buddy Holly - Weezer Call Me - Blondie Date With The Night - Yeah Yeah Yeahs El Scorcho - Weezer More Than A Feeling - Boston My Iron Lung - Radiohead Still Alive - GlaDOS Teenage Lobotomy - The Ramones Zero - Smashing Pumpkins Brass In Pocket - Pretenders Metallica Pack Oasis Pack Nine Inch Nails Pack Punk Pack
  23. I think only the americans get sent a coffin. I didn't get one for my xbox last September at least.
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