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Everything posted by Noodleman

  1. oh fuck ive got happenstance next
  2. Order confirmed :awesome: now to get Glastonbury tickets on Sunday.
  3. erm im not sure if it worked or not. I think I ordered 2 tickets for the Friday but: Thank you for your order MR FELSTEAD You have booked: for at in Your card will be charged £0.00 Please note - this charge will appear on your statement as EVENT TICKETS is what the confirmation screen said. Hilariously I cant get back onto see tickets to see if my order processed.
  4. Lovefilm sent me The Darkness on Friday, such an awesome game really enjoying it. Didn't it pretty much bomb?
  5. Man Utd play much better football then Brazil do currently tbh.
  6. What an utter shitter of a season, just relegate us now. Our defence has been utterly atrocious since Arsenal sold Connolly to QPR. No clean sheet in 38 games so awesome.
  7. Bolton such a shit team the sooner they fuck off the better.
  8. pissed away a 2 goal lead at West Brom /o\ I despair no doubt it will finish 3 or 4-2 to west brom.
  9. The flights that have been confirmed: London > Montreal - 15/09/08 Montreal > Torronto - 29/09/08 Torronto > New York - 13/10/08 New York > Houston (via Dallas) - 27/10/08 Houston (via Dallas) > Mexico City - 04/11/08 Mexico City > Rio De Janeiro - 20/11/08 Rio De Janeiro > Buenos Aires - 25/11/08 Buenos Aires > Auckland (via Santiago)- 02/12/08 3 weeks traveling round NZ Auckland > Melbourne - 23/12/08 Melbourne > Sydney - 28/12/08 Sydney > Cairns - 07/01/08 Cairns > Bangkok - 15/01/08 Although looking at that I might spend a couple more weeks in australia, because I dont want to hit moscow before April at the earliest :P I booked it through http://www.statravel.co.uk popped into my local one had a chat with them of what I was roughly planning. They told me it should be possible with a bit tweaking. Went back in this morning sat down with someone and properly planned it out the paid for it and left. Anyway I cant reccomend them highly enough. I'm sure it can probably be done cheaper if you look around, but I was so impressed with their service I couldnt be bothered to shop around.
  10. well havent been able to officialy book any flights past the end of Jan because you can only book 10 months in advance. But im looking at somewhere in begining of next May.
  11. I have just spent £2206.90 on a round the world ticket :awesome: Route is : London > Montreal > Torronto > New York > Houston (via Dallas) > Mexico City > Rio De Janeiro > Buenos Aires > Auckland (via Santiago) > 3 weeks traveling round NZ > Melbourne > Sydney > Cairns > Bangkok > Hong Kong > Beijing > Moscow > London. roll on 15th September.
  12. Shes not actualy laughing at death though. This is like a headline from the sun.
  13. Or NOE have no idea about american release dates...
  14. I actualy Crouch was one our better players when he came on. Definately had a better game then Owen or Rooney.
  15. Pretty awful match, we where shit France weren't much better (Ribery aside). Was a typical friendly nobody really looked arsed understandable with a pointless friendly so close to the end of the season. we looked better in 4-5-1 in the first half then the 4-4-2 in the 2nd half.
  16. how is forcing yourself to play through Surfs up to get 1000 points fun though? Genuine question not trying to stir.
  17. why dont you just ring them up its a lot easier then trying to do it on the shitty xbox website
  18. I'll put £30 on Fields.
  19. I'm sure you're not being serious but anyway. Proven in the sense that he took and passed the drugs test 24 hours later?
  20. you wont get any compensation unless you ask to speak to a supervisor, however if you do that you probably will get some. Unless the customer service has changed drasticaly in the last couple of months.
  21. Some of them are good, the ones that force you to go off the beaten path in a game for example. The best achievement ever is the Irony one in Bioshock. Some of them are utterly retarded for examples of this see 90% of the GH3 achievements, "win 15 consecutive ranked matches online with the controller." For example, but on the whole they are a fun thing to have although it baffles me why people rent a game because it has an easy 1000 achievement points but each to their own.
  22. pretty sure its too stop people who download game saves off t'internet to get the achivements.
  23. the GH controllers dont work on the PS3 version because Activision wouldnt let Harmonix release a patch to enable them.
  24. I realise this is about the Wii version, but ive had 2000 MS points sitting in my xbox live account begging to be spent on DLC for this bloody game. The delay in European release is verging on Nintendo territorys.
  25. I feel off a jetty and into a river, I wasn't drunk. Got a massive cut up my arm and still have the scar today.
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