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Everything posted by Noodleman

  1. While I havent really been following it that much thats just simply not true. He really isnt gun totting in the slightest, hes probably the most liberal republican American candiate ever. heck the NRA dont even like him. "The National Rifle Association gave McCain a 'C' grade (fair) as of 2004,[177] and the Gun Owners of America gives a lifetime 'D-' (very near failing) grade for 2000 through 2006" Thats not to say I want him to win, tbh I dont really care as long as its not Hilldawg. Everytime I have heard her speak I have cringed and felt embaressed for her. Offering Obama the vice presidency when he is ahead iof her in the poles just reaks of desperation to me.
  2. Rented it from lovefilm was alright, although the camera was utterly wank. Then the game decided to delete my save game and I couldnt be arsed to restart.
  3. Dark Days I think its called. Can't say im in a hurry to listen to it either.
  4. I bought a Coal Chamber album when I was 16, I dont think ive ever listened to it. I also owned Iowa by Shitknot. The first CD album I ever bought was the Spice Girls album which would be another nominee.
  5. Oh god Paramore have gone from inoffensive nobodys to the top of my hate list having just heard their cover of My Hero
  6. Bit of a strange choice of an album by The Who that, Who's Next surely a better choice.
  7. I think the main problem with the cup matches last time it was discused was that it would be in place of one of the weekly league matches. So people who got knocked out early on would only be playing once a week. And the season would take twice as long to complete. I didnt really see the problem with either of those 2 points but the majority did so it was discounted.
  8. Dont get Dead Rising or PGR3 if you only have a SD TV. I couldnt read any of the text in either games on my crappy old telly.
  9. Well played, fully deserved win. Thought I was going to knick a point with my only shot in the match but alas not. Looks like my awesome away form is going to continue
  10. cancelled my codejunkies order, and ordered one from gameseek at about 11 last night. Just got the email saying it had been despatched. :awesome:
  11. As long as it works with Brawl it wont be screwing me over, im leaving the country in September and as far as I can tell Brawl is the last wii game i shall be buying for quite some time. Hell its the only reason I still have a wii, quite content to never update my wii again personally.
  12. 4/10 is way to generous for that pretentious pile of shit, utterly baffled it won the oscar.
  13. So Newcastle fans, how confident are you that King Kev will turn it round and do you still think getting rid of Fat Sam was the right thing to do?
  14. Given ReZ's previous posts in the film thread he wouldnt like Lost In Translation. It's a great move though, and Scarlet has been average at best in every other film ive seen her in.
  15. Except he was sent off for denying a clear goalscoring opportunity not for being the last man.
  16. Erm it was a red card was a clear goal scoring opportunity, he wasnt the last man but 2 players between Baros and the goal shouldnt have stoped him scoring if he wasnt crap. Well played pompey deserved win in my opinion.
  17. I have a US GC so I can test a load of games when/if my freeloader arrives. This is assuming it arrives before brawl does.
  18. Orange Wolf in the hizouse Bolded the bits that are true. So er most of it isn't
  19. He was crap against Milan.
  20. While hes a massive ****, Colin Murray played the Portal end credits on Radio 1 last night.
  21. You take 2 choices a prefered choice and a back up option. If you dont get the grades for your prefered choice ring the university anway, depending on the ammount of applicants they have and your grades they might still take you. If not then do the same for your back up option. If you still dont have a place you enter clearing, which basicaly lists all courses with spaces in all universitys and the entry requirements then its just a case of applying for them and hoping for the best. As a side note I needed ABB to get into my uni I got the frankly awful CCD and they still let me in, so try not to worry to much.
  22. Mine is on hold order number 3065 ordered on the 29th Feb.
  23. Great result for Roma tonight, they deserved it as well. Madrid pretty hopeless, 4th season in a row they've gone out in the first knockout round.
  24. quite baffled Ronnaldinhos in there personaly, would swap Messi for him put messi on the wing and Robinho upfront. Not sure id have Ruud either not sure who instead though. Terry can fuck off get Rio in.
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