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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. That's quite something.
  2. I'm going to get you for fraud, young Nicholas. One slip.
  3. I'm likewise - I ignore game suggestions if I haven't heard of the game beforehand. The suggested game might as well not exist frankly! I think this makes me a clever man.
  4. What are you writing exactly, and why?
  5. I had a horrifying vision of your family there, Choze. I didn't realise Jack Tretton was speaking so literally.
  6. Stylistically it's something that should appeal to be, but I can't help but think it seems a bit naff.
  7. Pre-tequila (prequila!): Post-tequila: Ruddy Mexicans.
  8. Flinky with clown. I snooped around a few shops without any concrete decision and then ended up in a Cancer Research charity shop. They had a brilliant Ronald McDonald-esque shirt and suspenders (of the male variety, I might clarify). So that decided it for me really. Got some face paint, a hat/wig combo, and a red nose from a fancy dress joint. Gonna have to improvise/customise at home to make some baggy trousers or something wacky. Perhaps I'll combine the clown clothes with your Captain Underpants idea and go as a sex offender.
  9. Thank you, team.
  10. I need fancy dress ideas for things beginning with C, preferably suggestions involving cheap items I can get in town. Vulgar suggestions will be punished.
  11. It's the sort of thing they'd let you do back in the age of cheat codes. What happened to the beloved cheat code I wonder? For your particular request I'd imagine it would be more of a bugs issue than a balance one.
  12. If your collection is that small though you'll likely get gameplay fatigue by playing both. Putting so many hours into the original just for the story... not really a good enough pay-off. 2 is more polished in every way.
  13. /just inFAMOUS 2 & Wipeout HD Demon's Souls/Dark Souls Flower Journey Fallout 3
  14. I like the idea of being able to morph into a ball.
  15. My doubts over Nintendo were initially raised by Galaxy and Corruption, both of which received critical acclaim but were pretty disappointing in my view. Then my respect for the company took a dive after I saw they'd implemented this messaging system in New Super Mario Bros. U: I don't care if you can turn it off, it shouldn't be in the game. It's distasteful. The game is bereft of passion and thought. They don't care about pushing the envelope anymore. They're couched in tradition and they need to snap out of it. Edit: And what the fuck is Nintendo Land? Seriously, what is it?
  16. Of all the similarities that could've been drawn.
  17. Saw it in IMAX 3D at the Manchester Odeon earlier, jaw dropping stuff. I thought 3D was a bit of a fad but it was genuinely enjoyable. Haven't read the book so I couldn't be indignant about the novel/film likeness afterwards, but I have to say I thought it was brilliant. A visual feast with a spot-on cast. Had no problem with the length either, sure Peter could've trimmed some of the early scenes but I'd have happily wolfed down another hour of it all.
  18. Neither am I. You could always hook up your PS3/360 controller to the computer, or go ahead and buy the card game.
  19. If you want a similarly light-hearted experience might I suggest Hotline Miami which is 49p dearer than this on Steam, but also 49 kilograms more interesting? http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=36030&highlight=hotline+miami
  20. MegaMan 10 was possibly the hardest game I've ever played. I just couldn't hack the reaction time needed for it.
  21. Oh I see. I don't actually have any of them but I'd be happy with Machinarium alone if it saves the pack for someone who's more interested in all of the games, if that's OK Cube? Much appreciated!
  22. Ooh, could I pinch a key for Machinarium please?
  23. I played through that on a friend's iPad, it's magical! What else was in the bundle Flamey?
  24. He's improved a hell of a lot since then. His old material is good but it doesn't quite cut the mustard. I don't think you've seen enough of him. One moment he's self-critical and self-deprecating, the next he's ridiculing the audience for not being intelligent enough to enjoy his comedy, the next he's fabricating a long-winded story about a celebrity, and all of the time it is done with a sense of irony. He's not like Frankie Boyle, who'll just make an off-the-cuff joke about a child with down-syndrome. There's almost always more to it. It's the self-awareness that makes his shows so entertaining.
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