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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. dwarf

    Dark Souls

    Ah the toothy vagina dragon. It's not actually a difficult boss when you know how to boss it. Still, there was something really satisfying about ravenously knifing away at its legs - I kept shouting 'KILL IT! KILL IT!' when I came up against the thing in the company of my friend, who encouraged my rage with a nod and a war-cry. Lol. When I first saw the loot I thought it might have been too good to be true, but I caved and went to nab it anyway because, you know, the game wasn't always that much of a monster, was it? And then I remembered it was.
  2. dwarf

    Faithful as ever

  3. dwarf

    It's mattc_64 but I've been PS3-less for the past 6 months. Signed in once the other day on a friend's console but that be it homeboy

  4. You'll always be dubbed Micro Condom. I don't know why - it wasn't funny or clever at the time of your christening on PSN.
  5. Never got round to buying Condemned, I played the demo yonks back and remember enjoying it. Copies upon copies reside in the bargain bins these days so it might be worth a shot.
  6. That's why I said guilt-inducing, and then said she clearly wasn't 18. The make-up/clothing probably brought the age up a bit but still.
  7. I don't know why but even a next-gen shiny Motorstorm would have me salivating.
  8. I knew he wouldn't, because she clearly wasn't 18 despite her character claiming to be. Even if she was 18 I think it would've been scandalous to shoot a sex scene. But Leon should've destroyed her anyway.
  9. Watched Leon. What the fuck was that? I gave it a go because it was in the top 250 on IMDb, only now I realise it was voted there ironically. Or at least I think it was. The young Natalie Portman served to play a guilt-inducing cock-tease, and to be frank, I just wanted to see Leon put his dick through her. Annoying, annoying film.
  10. dwarf


    Mary Poppins and Singin' in the Rain would probably make the cut for my top 10 favourite films of all time, and they're musicals through and through. So, them.
  11. Not bought as such - was a Christmas present. Playing Temple Run on it was an utter revelation. Should also add that it is my Kindle (new), not Emma's. The picture is slightly misleading.
  12. In retrospect I'm not sure why I bothered. I never feel the need to join in with Youtube sniping.
  13. Is that still the calibre of comment expected of the Wii board? Or a simple troll? It's completely shallow and fatuous to think of the debate as gameplay vs. graphics. Gameplay is such an abstract term, you probably don't even know what you mean by it. If you prefer the games on the Wii, say just that. It isn't hard. Many people are oppositely inclined, and would argue Nintendo's innovations serve to detract from rather than enhance their games.
  14. dwarf


    Yeah, Trish was shit. It'll be interesting to see how they'll set the scene for inFAMOUS 3.
  15. The Office was superb, the Extras was great, but Life's too Short was terrible (saved only by the Liam Neeson sketch). I didn't like the Derek pilot for two reasons. 1) Gervais' acting/Derek as a character. Cannot take him seriously. 2) Karl Pilkington being in it. I do find him funny, he's a great caricature, and he's obviously more intelligent than he lets on, but his inclusion smacks of nepotism. The romance was the best thing about the pilot but it seemed to peak within that one episode, and we've seen it all before in Gervais' other work anyway. The man is still capable of writing good comedy, he just needs a better idea for a show, perhaps something that's a touch more subtle and believable.
  16. I have a strong urge to play some N-E Plunder on this but probably won't be able to for a week or so. When the hour arises though... Dwarf needs you!
  17. I'm ready to be excited but I have a nagging concern they might not actually release a console this year. Everyone's saying they will but, you know, I'd like a Sony conference announced pronto.
  18. I take Yahtzee's line. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/zero-punctuation/6647-ZombiU
  19. Hey guys, I was thinking about buying a Vita. Just a couple of quick questions: How does the operating system compare with the latest smart phones out there? Is it good at making phone calls?
  20. I don't really know what I want from the new system, so I'm hoping Sony have been doing their research and have come up with some cool ideas. I feel there needs to be some sort of innovation with the controller, but it needs to remain traditional at the same time. For me, an extra screen isn't the answer to anything. More than the control interface, I think extra processing power will have a marked impact on the new games we'll be playing because big developers are always hitting limits when making design choices, especially this far into the cycle. Expanding the scope of environments, improving in-game physics and increasing interactivity = exciting possibilities. Obviously that's true for every generational leap, but it's been 7 years now. I'm excited. Only a little bit though.
  21. The song draws a smile from me every time, often-times a demonic one.
  22. Used the hi-fi in my room at home for the first time in ages. Nobody was in so I blared out some Megadeth at an extreme volume. Sweet Christ I love the riff in Wake up Dead from the one minute mark. Was hopping and air guitaring everywhere. There was no stopping me.
  23. That's quite something.
  24. I'm going to get you for fraud, young Nicholas. One slip.
  25. I'm likewise - I ignore game suggestions if I haven't heard of the game beforehand. The suggested game might as well not exist frankly! I think this makes me a clever man.
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