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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. Speculation is for pussies, I've seen the real thing
  2. Only saw it for the first time just a second ago. Unbelievable. It's too good. Has way too many dimensions and way too much beauty for a single animated film (/any film). Feels.
  3. Maybe ShopTo will pull a good deal out of the bag. My concern is moot anyway until Sony announce a startlingly tempting PS3 price drop, still haven't replaced.
  4. I was suggesting you should do so. I want insider knowledge!
  5. Aside from the interviews and special features blah dee blah, it's worth seeing how their games have evolved. flOw was apparently good if not mind-bending, but both Flower and Journey received critical acclaim. They deserve critical acclaim for the amazing screen-shots alone damnit.
  6. Journey Collection not Coming to Europe http://uk.ign.com/articles/2012/06/26/journey-collection-not-coming-to-europe I know this won't affect the majority of the PS contingent here but having played neither flOw, Flower or Journey it'd be accurate to say I'm thoroughly irritated by this. The extra content is something I'm intrigued by as talented developers often give great insights into their projects, Insomniac and Valve especially so. If anyone's played through the Half Life games with the developer speech bubble commentaries turned on I'm sure you'll agree, so to potentially miss out on what That Game Company have to say on a game as amazing as Journey is very disappointing. Importing will be dear.
  7. Isn't Unch DLC just over a fiver, meaning the funds would have to be added in the above bracket (i.e. £10) ? That is unless you pay the exact credit.
  8. Borderlands is made lovingly with a diverse mix of tasty ingredients, but it lacks seasoning.
  9. I disagree. Smash Bros was dripping with charm, this just looks untoward. Comic fantasy violence has to be funny, and whereas 'serious' characters like Snake slotted in perfectly due to their dry charisma, there is nothing funny about Radec, not least because the entire Killzone series is fucking dire. Of course they'll try to instil some personality into the prick, but it'll be so blatant that I'll probably kill someone afterwards. It does look better than what I was expecting. It's frenetic and vibrant at least. The omission of Smash's trademark finishing mechanic is a glaring oversight though as it was clearly the most gratifying thing about those games. Did the developer suddenly experience a pang of guilt late on in its creation and think 'well we need to change something, otherwise they might notice'. Nintendo has that extra vital advantage of history.
  10. Do we have to systematically un-bullshit everything Zechs posts anyway? I don't think so.
  11. Having seen it, it must be said they're quite a biased panel. Although I largely agree with them. Sony didn't deserve the rating they dished out, not that it matters.
  12. Even so, you must admit that particular effort was exceedingly twatacular.
  13. Joel will die or be split from Ellie (?) in a sacrificial scrap at the end, guaranteed.
  14. Yeah, it's why I didn't buy one, but they'll be popular.
  15. Thing is, neither CoD nor Assassin's Creed were possible on the PSP. They're pretty much the two biggest franchises out there at the moment, and they're both on Vita. The system will be fine. I just don't want those experiences myself. New IPs and more things like Gravity Rush, even if it wasn't the gem it was hyped to be. Needs a system seller. @Rowan - Far Cry is dross, there's so much choice this year that it would baffle me if anyone clued into the industry actually bought it.
  16. E3 needs console announcements to regain its spark. Last of Us was outstanding, the brutal horror and gore is exactly what it needed. Wondering if too similar to Uncharted. Characters are undoubtedly better though. We'll see.
  17. ta! not sure why it wasn't working earlier

  18. Say you had it on your lap though, or you had it propped up on a coffee table, you could flit between the controller and the tablet/phone when intricacy is required. It could be the sat nav on your car in Far Cry and blah, which would be neat. However, it feels like the DS promotion all over again when we talk about using it in games. A nice idea but not one that developers like to practically use (Although I can see the DS has more important uses for the second screen than a TV/Tablet/Controller setup).
  19. what link are you using?

  20. I share Falcon's (?) trepidation; it's a feast on the eyes but it's hard to say to what degree it was choreographed. All of the live demos have been of course, but the organic quality of the traffic light scenario was almost convincing. The gameplay was seamless, which is what counts I guess.
  21. I share Falcon's (?) trepidation; it's a feast on the eyes but it's hard to say to what degree it was choreographed. All of the live demos have been of course, but the organic quality of the traffic light scenario was almost convincing. The gameplay was seamless, which is what counts I guess.
  22. That looked pretty special I have to say.
  23. Girl-wood. What a despicable bunch of people.
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