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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. dwarf

    Heavy Rain

    Well, 11 hours maybe? Depends what you do. Much longer than what I was expecting anyway, and that's what she said. Btw I've edited my previous spoiler box
  2. Not sure why you're getting so touchy. No that wasn't why, I just have the feeling. It doesn't seem all professional.
  3. dwarf

    Heavy Rain

    Finished it.
  4. dwarf

    Heavy Rain

    For the half-blind people?
  5. I have 0% knowledge on the matter but I don't think that will be the boxart.
  6. You could have an oblong bar of chocolate with just 2 chunks, therefore you could just split it up into 2 chunks with 1 break. My method is the least amount of breaks because it isn't really possible to get less than 1 break unless you're being silly. Obviously I don't know. However, I do agree with Moogle's method. In any case I'm interested to see the solution, because I am always confused as to the quickest method of cutting a piece of paper into chunks when there's a 2 by x table on it. (x being any number above 2) I swear I always cut take the most amount of cuts to cut the table.
  7. dwarf

    Heavy Rain

    I just thought that with you saying the Madison bit, and saying that word it might hint at something. Ok she experiences one at the start but that isn't really spoiler-worthy. I'll shut up, doesn't really matter :/
  8. dwarf

    Heavy Rain

  9. dwarf

    Heavy Rain

    This game is so intense, and generally awesome. I have had a couple of occasions where I've not done what I wanted to do, but as they say, just deal with it. It really is an incredible experience so far.
  10. dwarf

    Heavy Rain

    Man, the walking is not a problem, in my opinion it suits the game and is better than just moving the analogue. Other than the first quarter of scene 1 I've been fine with it. Only technical lapses have been a tiny bit of slowdown in the cutscenes, nothing wrong with the actual gameplay parts. And forgot to mention, the graphics when you control the chunky detective for the first time are incredible. It pretty much all is to be fair - plus the game does have the best rain effect I've seen in a game.
  11. dwarf

    Heavy Rain

    Ah I see. Forgot you were never serious!
  12. Just posting so you know I appreciate the ref.
  13. dwarf

    Heavy Rain

  14. Is the demo that came out today the same as the E3 one? I guess it is but want to know if it's worth downloading.
  15. dwarf

    Heavy Rain

    Tell me about it, it's bloody awesome!
  16. dwarf

    Heavy Rain

    Ah cool, cheers. Don't want to risk searching anything just in case of spoilers. Edit: This...thing is pretty darn good I must say. Just got to Carnaby Street, going to stop before getting too far. Made the origami, got the theme running which is actually very good, I like the subtle changes and it's the perfect thing to have on the XMB background in my opinion. I find the controls to be absolutely fine, no qualms in that respect. I can see myself getting quite emotional
  17. dwarf

    Heavy Rain

    But when I used the code, all I got were the theme and chronicle downloads.
  18. To be honest the graphics should be getting ripped. It looks pretty much identical the Sonic Advance. It lacks style, appears to be to flat planes and the actual detail is poor. They haven't gone for a retro style, they haven't gone for amazing HD visuals with depth in perspective, they've just tried to grab the middle-ground, yet still failed somehow.
  19. dwarf

    Heavy Rain

    My special edition arrived too, it all looks pretty awesome. I'm actually being extra careful with it because it feels really valuable and secret for some reason. Also, how do you get the soundtrack? I downloaded the theme and chronicle but don't understand how to get the music, do you just rip it onto a PC? Don't even know if normal computers can read such disks.
  20. "Wut? I don't need no frickin' manager mode, let me just go ape shit on him!"
  21. I just don't think it looks as good as it should do. The developer may not be able to really make a great looking Sonic game, having only made GBA standard stuff. Is it limited because it's also on the Wii?
  22. dwarf

    Heavy Rain

    I just had my hopes up because people from here got it yesterday.
  23. dwarf

    Heavy Rain

    The killer is Nathan Drake. My copy still hasn't arrived, frickin HMV tards.
  24. I agree with that bar the health thing. I think the amount of health is good. The vehicle hit detection can be really poor too, plus when the ground shakes a ton from missiles etc really ruins the aim for no gameplay improvement reason whatsoever
  25. dwarf

    Heavy Rain

    The pre-order price was originally 39.99, meaning Daft had saved £4. You're asking for £2.50, which is far more than half of the saving. Plus he wouldn't want to share it with anyone from here let alone someone that makes lots of little posts with unnecessary quantities of full stops in a row as if there's something mysterious that's worth reading in them at the end of every couple of sentences.... even though the overuse of line breaks themselves signifies the waste of space that you are. half-joke
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