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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. I might buy it, apparently it's like GTA IV, except good this time. This and Yakuza 3 aren't high priority but great choices when there's little else to play.
  2. That doesn't mean no more Wipeout or Motorstorm though, does it?
  3. Skins has Zero subtlety, but Mad Men has quite a lot of it. Which is, in a way, is surprising (not based on prior series though).
  4. The last series was very variable in quality terms. It looks like this will be the same. I'd like an episode that shows these characters do actually like each other. There's been so much meaningless sex and unconvincing conversation that you never really forget that they're just actors. I hate Freddy.
  5. Skins I find it is a must watch, no matter if the previous episodes have been shit. Tonight's one wasn't great, and I think a new cast is necessary. The characters each get their own episode but you don't get enough sense of the group dynamics. Even if it is a teen drama, it would be nice if the dialogue consisted of more than 3 or 4 lines. It seemed like there were a ton of scenes where a couple of words are spoken and then someone walks off or it cuts to something else. It's strange because I thought I wanted to know more about these people after series one but now I want a fresh start with different personalities. Trailers suggest a retreading of old ground :/ 5/10
  6. That's the only one that matters. Though apparently Persona is great, according to Domster anyway.
  7. GAMEESSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! More More More! How doya like it?!
  8. Anyone gonna buy Yakuza 3 when it hits in March? I would but Heavy Rain and BC2 have booked my money. Might have to be a bargain bin job.
  9. dwarf

    Heavy Rain

    We're in for a treat boys.
  10. dwarf

    Halo: Reach

    I remember playing Halo when it first released, really enjoyed co-oping it with a cousin. Played the Halo 2 a bit, seemed more of the same apart from I only played the alien part, which wasn't that fun. As for Halo 3, I've played the first chapter of the game a couple of times and ended up getting bored. The multiplayer is stellar though.
  11. He totally thinks he's getting laid rofl.
  12. WoW !!!!!
  13. dwarf

    Fallout 3

    Hello there, this is Zechs..Mer..Quise. Ahhhaaaa!!! Just kidding, this is Dwarf G, bow-wow! You're voice in the darkness Okay, overall I thought the DLC was disappointing. The aforementioned bugs really didn't help, but also it felt like minimal effort was put into them to make them fun. Operation Anchorage: This for me was the best DLC. Whilst I may have been more inclined to like it because I was still getting XP and it was my first dip into the extra content, it was the most different, had a cool environment and was generally varied. Like every add-on the primary focus was shooting a lot of stuff, but this was made fun by choosing recruits, and being able to choose load-outs for yourself to tackle the missions. The best thing about it for me was the Gauss Rifle, which is just awesome basically. Obtaining that and the chinese stealth armor at the end was very agreeable - the armor made the rest of my playtime pretty damn cool, especially having the sneak skill at 100. 7/10 Broken Steel It seemed Bethesda did make a fair effort on this one. Leading up to the big base is a pretty cool thing to do when you're packing the Tesla cannon they give you mid-way through. The first section was pants, just clearing out a generic building full of enclave soldiers made me think I was going to be in for a boring time but it progressively improved beyond that point. Obviously the level cap is a key part of it, especially seeing as it adds Supermutant Overlords/Albino Radscorpions to the wasteland and even other DLC. This pack also had the best ending. 7/10 The Pitt This was one buggy bastard, all but ruined my experience. Without bugs it would've still remained average. The setting was a nice idea, and the focus on weird enemies and melee items was good, but the feeling of threat disappeared too quickly. The arena fights were piss, nothing special. The amount of enemies at the end was impressive, and collecting the ingots was actually enjoyable, as was the ascent of the tower thing. 5/10 Point Lookout I thought this thing would be much be a bit better than the others because it was more of an open world Fallout style affair, but really for me it didn't make much difference. On the whole the side quests were boring and offered little reward. As for the main one...I thought the tough enemies were great, but the places that held the bulk of the action were dire, with the whole DLC feeling a bit chore-like by the middle. 5/10 Mothership Zeta Very few bugs to speak of, which is nice. Virtually no enemy variety though, absolutely shocking. The aliens were just annoying to fight. There were tons of copy and pasted sections, no really outstanding locations on the ship. Bar a cool climactic explosion, it was just dull, and the NPCs were boring, whilst other DLC characters had an interesting personality of sorts. 3/10 --------------------- You've been listening to Dwarf G, AROOOOO!!!! Bringing you reviews, no matter how bad it hurts.
  14. There is. People have got a platinum with only 50% of the bar filled. I think its useful to discern the DLC from the main game.
  15. "I love this game, it rocks" Shigsy says through gritted teeth.
  16. Mmmmm...Blended Foetus. ---- Im gonna leave I think, not producing any magic here.
  17. Nice Rez h_h
  18. You're wrong. It does not matter when I play FPS games with analogues, it's an even playing field as everyone is using them, I'm never blaming the controller for my frailties, and there's something boring about just moving your hand and clicking over an opponents head. It seems less skillful, even it isn't the case. Plus there's the cocks like counter strike players which are too good with a mouse. Basically I couldn't give a toss about your holy set up, don't talk as if your receiver is in the minority, being dumb. Overall, Puuc suuk duuk
  19. Thought I'd got it wrong. Haha.
  20. 3 different times this has been posted now. It was known last night.
  21. He might be talking in sewing terms. If that's spelt right.
  22. That's a ridiculously good call.
  23. I think people would know about it if that worked, so I'm saying 99.9% recurring, no.
  24. Seems strange the the Beeb published that much information on it. Will that mean he'll try and get an insane trophy level? Probably wouldn't be any point in that but I wonder what sort of shit he could pull.
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