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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. They've taken it down. However, the image in that link saying 'this is what Sonic 4 should look like' is amazing! I'm now disappointed with how the game looks.
  2. It's a good vid, but think it has been posted before a while back.
  3. A few of my thoughts. What was wrong with the homing attack? That was cool! The only Sonic games I've played - a megadrive game/arcade machine game. I think it was the original Sonic the Hedgehog game but I'm probably wrong, the series is so confusing with the number of releases. Also played Sonic 3D, which was OK but frustrating. Also saw many of the early Sonic cartoons which I remember enjoying, that was some time ago. I'd be up for them to include both a sprite model of sonic as well as the new one. I actually think it would work quite well playing through the nice new HD worlds whilst playing as one of the earlier Sonic models. They definitely need to keep the original music, and lots of actual platforming like in the arcade machine game I remember playing. What were the powerups in the game I'm talking about? The megadrive game and the arcade machine version may well have been different, but I'm pretty sure the megadrive version was the one with the blue/gold shields. Were there any other power ups in that? Running boots?
  4. There's a simple way of doing that, by sending yourself a message and not opening it if I remember right? Although it is annoying that it doesn't just stay solid blue.
  5. Yeah was just being stupid. It's hardly a substitute.
  6. It really is. I'd like to see monkey ball step and roll with Megaman 9
  7. I might buy this instead of a Playstation 4.
  8. It really doesn't look that great. The Wii is just a boring piece of consumer electronics The Xbox looks toyish and cheap The PS3 looks like it's trying to be professional but just failing because... It just doesn't look right, just a hunk of junk. The slim is OK, but crap finish to it and like the normal PS3 in a lot of ways. Overall I'd agree with TheLillster, the black Wii looks the best, even if I don't think it looks as good as many DVD/Blu-ray players.
  9. Oh right yeah, I probably downloaded one of the free episodes. Just checked and it seems they price it at $24.99 annually, or $2.99 per episode. Thinking about it, I'm probably confusing it with Pulse, which is free. Think I'll check out that free Qore thing, see what kind of effort Sony put into them. Edit: screw this all, I've seen Pulse and Qore before, resume normal banter.
  10. Qore is free no? I've downloaded episodes for free from the US store anyway, I guess it changed?
  11. Pretty sure this was it actually. Yayyyyyyy.
  12. The European section of Sony are shit so I don't expect anything of good quality. And where is that exclusive you (i.e. your source) hinted at on the last page Daft? How dare you for not making it happen! I was counting down the hours to 8am!
  13. Qore was OK, but paying for review shows? No. There's too many free online reviews, plus this first play shindig will probably find itself on Youtube. Depends what they mean by exclusive DLC. Would that mean something like if there was a review of a videogame, they'd possibly offer some special DLC for it along with the episode download?
  14. I'd rather play Reach over Crysis any day. There's something about sci-fi weaponry that's so much cooler than real guns. Even if it does look incredible, the shooting has to be bloody fun to make it worth buying these days.
  15. For Rez: http://uk.ps3.ign.com/articles/106/1069066p1.html
  16. dwarf

    Halo: Reach

    Can anyone buy me a 360? Really, really want to play that game.
  17. Nah we need more of this.
  18. Love the premise.
  19. I've played this a lot tonight, borrowed it off a friend. Had a lot of fun with it. At the start it's amazing how underpowered you are but hey, got myself to level 18 in around 4 hours worth of play, some shit k/d ratios some good ones, with a mix of domination, sabotage, S&D and many team deathmatches. Came across some boosters at the end which was bloody annoying, couldnt prevent them from getting a nuke. At the end I thought I'd try my hand at free for all, and I did amazingly well. Got a 10 kill streak, with two other 7 kill streaks. Called in a couple of harriers, which are probably my favourite (fairly easy to get) kill streaks. Ended the game with 30 kills 7 deaths, it was thoroughly enjoyable, and was against some top opposition. I was going to stride towards a place where I could put down my care packages and sentry gun packages but in the end I just found myself taking people down and didn't bother with a couple of the streak rewards.
  20. I went to see the game, thought Arsenal deserved to win it. Glad they did too because I just don't like Liverpool. I went with an Arsenal fan and a Liverpool fan so it was a win win situation for me (although a 0-0 draw seemed fairly likely up until 60 mins into the game). Yeah Gerrard did dive a couple of times and Howard Webb was irritating, the only thing good about him is that he's pretty solid and manages to extinguish any antics pretty quickly, not that there were any tonight. In all honesty it wasn't a great game, the first half was pretty forgettable bar Bendtner's opportunity. Everyone who got a yellow deserved their yellows tbf, I thought the high foot studs to the face might be given a red. Might've looked worse than actuality though.
  21. If you own obscure/import PS2 games (maybe stuff like Yakuza) it is unlikely that they will work on the 60GB ps3, the scope of games that work on it is actually fairly limited. If you don't live in the UK, where do you live? That would help.
  22. Ruined by the awful singing.
  23. Yeah not sure why they called them custom. There were only 8, with only the nuka grenades and dart gun being useful. Plus the amount of ammo for the dart gun was obscene, was it the only weapon that used darts?
  24. These things particularly interest me. Sounding pretty good!
  25. No. No it isn't. I'd still dog the othe....Oh wait, spoiler avoid....uhhhh. Actually nah I wouldn't dog Sully on second thought.
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