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Everything posted by dwarf

  1. You suggesting it isn't? Your PS3 might tell you otherwise. And Playstations are always right!
  2. I don't want to spoil anything for you, but you might want to evaluate your decision to get 120 stars again just to see the final stage. I didn't realise, like you, how much of a disappointment the 'last stage'.
  3. Ahahahahaha! Unfortunately PS3s turn on faster than computers and I only read the 'do not turn on' message until after I realised everything was fucked. As the message suggested, my dynamic theme got murked, PSN wouldn't sign in, then I just switched it off. If I lose any platinums I'll be royally pissed off. I feel for 'Hat, and my own Borderlands collection.
  4. Use silencers. Don't sprint around everywhere, use streaks for 3,4,5 kills.
  5. dwarf

    Heavy Rain

  6. dwarf

    Heavy Rain

  7. I'm a knife only dude so my thumb is only hovering over melee anyway. I haven't had it long but I'm finding it really easy to win free for all games with my knife class. Granted I use kill streaks, but the other day I won 3 in a row. It's very fun.
  8. Technically she's experienced human privation so I'm surprised she's able to walk normally and speak coherently. How she became a warrior without her own species' care I don't know! Although there are lots of humans in this... I'm confused - she was raised by the Chozo yes? I've not seen anything about Other M so I can't really tell. D'you reckon they'll give this a new title at GDC?
  9. dwarf

    Heavy Rain

    Yeah. I'm just reading up the plot-holes, this page is quite interesting. The guy asks some questions I had, and they're answered quite well. Spoilers in link http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100227095159AAIvPU2 The I had the idea that maybe the Chronicles will explain everything... Perhaps Quantic are testing for this stuff afterwards and making Chronicles to patch it up? Probably not but hey.
  10. dwarf

    Heavy Rain

    Problem with that is people will be replaying scenes now and getting multiple trophies, so you won't be able to tell :/ We can discuss the whole thing at another point though. Man this game was so much better than I thought it would be. Absolutely brilliant. I hope Jayden gets a spin-off game somehow, or just a HR sequel even.
  11. dwarf

    Heavy Rain

    It's really interesting to compare trophies in this game, mine are quite different to the Hat's and it seems unlikely to have made the same decisions as the next man.
  12. dwarf

    Heavy Rain

    Well, 11 hours maybe? Depends what you do. Much longer than what I was expecting anyway, and that's what she said. Btw I've edited my previous spoiler box
  13. Not sure why you're getting so touchy. No that wasn't why, I just have the feeling. It doesn't seem all professional.
  14. dwarf

    Heavy Rain

    Finished it.
  15. dwarf

    Heavy Rain

    For the half-blind people?
  16. I have 0% knowledge on the matter but I don't think that will be the boxart.
  17. You could have an oblong bar of chocolate with just 2 chunks, therefore you could just split it up into 2 chunks with 1 break. My method is the least amount of breaks because it isn't really possible to get less than 1 break unless you're being silly. Obviously I don't know. However, I do agree with Moogle's method. In any case I'm interested to see the solution, because I am always confused as to the quickest method of cutting a piece of paper into chunks when there's a 2 by x table on it. (x being any number above 2) I swear I always cut take the most amount of cuts to cut the table.
  18. dwarf

    Heavy Rain

    I just thought that with you saying the Madison bit, and saying that word it might hint at something. Ok she experiences one at the start but that isn't really spoiler-worthy. I'll shut up, doesn't really matter :/
  19. dwarf

    Heavy Rain

  20. dwarf

    Heavy Rain

    This game is so intense, and generally awesome. I have had a couple of occasions where I've not done what I wanted to do, but as they say, just deal with it. It really is an incredible experience so far.
  21. dwarf

    Heavy Rain

    Man, the walking is not a problem, in my opinion it suits the game and is better than just moving the analogue. Other than the first quarter of scene 1 I've been fine with it. Only technical lapses have been a tiny bit of slowdown in the cutscenes, nothing wrong with the actual gameplay parts. And forgot to mention, the graphics when you control the chunky detective for the first time are incredible. It pretty much all is to be fair - plus the game does have the best rain effect I've seen in a game.
  22. dwarf

    Heavy Rain

    Ah I see. Forgot you were never serious!
  23. Just posting so you know I appreciate the ref.
  24. dwarf

    Heavy Rain

  25. dwarf

    Heavy Rain

    Tell me about it, it's bloody awesome!
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