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Everything posted by Solo

  1. NO. Fucking. Way Dude, I mean, just.. how?! Why!?
  2. Just got Omega Five, it's quite good but really hard. Only 2 continues? boooo
  3. Knocked Up Fantastically delivered memorable lines fill this wonderful film, the performances overshadow the bland aesthetics. With a warming and serious side that compliments the humour perfectly, one of the best comedies of recent times. 8/10
  4. zing As for weight loss, I've been with Fitness First for about a year and what waste of money lol. I just can't find the time to get into a good regime, although I've very slowly lost about half a stone over the year so it's not all bad. 2008 will be different I keep telling myself.
  5. Movie News Thread boy! But yeah it looks good, much more exciting films out this year though.
  6. I'm getting this on my arm, yay.
  7. Metal Slug is just too damn hard. Fuck it.
  8. The third one is a flawed masterpiece imo (the assembly cut). The original is just too beautiful, I mean even without sound you could sit back and take in it's atmosphere, mmmm.
  9. Yay I traded this turd in and got 30 squids! Hopefully Mass Effect is still £20.
  10. It's normally when something tragic happens to characters you've come to bond with over the course of a film/tv show. But being a man (grr) it's more like slightly watery eyes.
  11. Time Crisis 4 (Arcade) Disappointing but still intense sequel to my favourite franchise entry (3), but then again I have yet to get past the first level! 7/10 (on first level impressions)
  12. Aliens Vs Predator: Requiem (AVP-R) WTF, seriously. How could they make it any worse than AVP? They just have. (As a huuge Alien fan) it made me sick to my stomach. This film was too dark, I mean really dark I couldn't see a fucking thing and when I did, it looked straight-to-dvd cheap. I've never felt so insulted in all my life. Whoever designed that Predator/Alien hybrid should be castrated immediately. And what I hate most is people who defend it saying 'well what did you expect, a masterpiece? It's meant to be shit, switch your brain off blah blah blah.' Well if I made a piece of artwork/film/something creative and told you I made it suck on purpose what do you think, you're not going to be very amused. 2/10 2008 hasn't got off to a great start.
  13. BIGGUS DICKUS Classic.
  14. I fucking did it!!! Seriously just follow the youtube guide and you'll be fine.
  15. I think your scores are way to generous on some but.. Here are mine I saw 42 films. These are all on first impressions: Grindhouse - 9/10 The Bourne Ultimatum - 8/10 Once - 8/10 Blood Diamond - 8/10 300 - 8/10 Ratatouille 8/10 Letters From Iwo Jima - 8/10 Flags of Our Fathers - 8/10 Knocked Up - 8/10 Superbad - 8/10 Zodiac - 7/10 Atonement - 7/10 Sunshine - 7/10 The Fountain - 7/10 I Am Legend - 7/10 30 Days of Night - 7/10 Rocky Balboa - 7/10 The Illusionist - 7/10 Beowulf - 6/10 Curse of the Golden Flower - 6/10 Harry Potter - 6/10 Spider-Man 3 - 6/10 28 Weeks Later - 6/10 1408 - 6/10 Transformers - 6/10 Hot Fuzz - 6/10 Run, Fat Boy, Run - 6/10 Eastern Promises - 6/10 The Ex - 6/10 Die Hard 4.0 - 5/10 The Simpsons - 5/10 TMNT - 5/10 Smokin’ Aces - 5/10 Blades of Glory - 5/10 Hostel Part II - 5/10 Severance - 5/10 The Number 23 - 5/10 Fantastic 4 2 - 4/10 Saw IV - 4/10 PotC: At World’s End - 4/10 The Golden Compass - 4/10 Paradise Lost - 2/10 I haven't seen No Country For Old Men yet but I've heard nothing but good things.
  16. They are hilarious.
  17. I did it! I finished it on Veteran! Now for the Mile High achievement...
  18. Phew, I thought it was just my connection. I've been having major trouble getting into any games on CoD4, it just keeps saying 'unable to join session you must have an active connection' yet I'm clearly online.
  19. Yeah I was a bit late with this one
  20. Finishing Shadow of the Colossus - simply stunning, I almost shed a tear.
  21. Veteran is a pain in the arse. The AI's accuracy is ridonculous, I've just reached the Russian missile silo. The only real tip I can give to people attempting veteran is take your time and let your squad do most of the work! It's not as hard as it seems.
  22. - learn to drive - achieve desired level of fitness - win over the girl of my dreams
  23. Well The Lost World is pretty much a different story from the novel, in fact Chrichton only wrote LW from the success of the first film. I think 3 is about as good as LW, but it's better paced and more exciting. Main problem with 3 is there's just not alot to do with the premise once it came around. (God only knows how 4 will turn out). anyway... I Am Legend Fantastic first hour; atmospheric, tense and beautiful. It went a bit awry once the Mummy Returns rejects started showing their faces. Still it kept it's depressing tone throughout and Will Smith was fantastic. 7/10
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