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Everything posted by Solo

  1. OK guys a we're a few more episodes into Season 12 and it's definitely improving! The Britney Spears episode was pretty good but... Episode 3 - 'Major Boobage' has quickly become one of my faves, here's what to expect:
  2. Do it in Beowulf style animation and I'll be happy. Also I don't think that the all the details have to be there, in fact I would much prefer something that is far from the game, that way it becomes it's own identity and people who want to see it as a serious film (rather than fanboys only) will enjoy it for what it is. Of course keep the essence of the games in there.
  3. 7's across the board this week: 27 Dresses 7/10 Vantage Point 7/10 Be Kind Rewind 7/10
  4. Link looks like a cross between Nick Stahl and Michael Jackson.
  5. I just hope it still impresses when it's finally released.
  6. Shenmue Groundbreaking for it's time.
  7. Solo

    GTA IV

    I don't fancy spoiling my enjoyment of the game for some super nerd award.
  8. It's Carentan! yaaaaayyy!
  9. Guitarist from A Perfect Circle has formed his own group called Ashes divide. His single is on myspace etc and the albums out soon, anyone who enjoys APC would probably like this, it's pretty good.
  10. Yeah I think Cube's right. It's just LP with extras, I thought it was weird that the video I saw was on an old level. No purchaso for meee.
  11. Battlestar Galactica (re-imagined) Season 1 & 2 (and mini series) Just had a crash course in BG over the past couple of weeks, and wow, so far it's seriously great! Great drama, action, SFX, interesting plots and characters, the works.
  12. Chaaa-chiiiiiiiiing $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  13. I found the first to be a bit average, this doesn't' look like much of a change.
  14. But I thought Spielberg was on board as Ex-Producer? Surely he can't let dinos start using frikkin guns!
  15. Sorry I forgot to mention that was pure speculation. It was just an article I found on GamesRadar, here it is, it's an interesting read:
  16. Apparently much like the opening twist (of having to play as Raiden) in MGS2; the Middle East section is only a small opening portion of the game, in which, shock-horror!, Snake dies and you take control of a different character throughout the other locations.
  17. Yeah I thought the same, I mean it's like making a film adaptation of MGS. I read about 20th Century Cox wanting a PG-13 certificate, pretty much stripping Max Payne of it's adult themes. Plus, I like Marky too but, there's nothing wrong with using the model actor from the game eh. Also some chick from That 70's Show (and voice of Meg Griffin from Family Guy) is playing Mona Sax
  18. Yes.. YES! Please do it justice, PLEASE.
  19. You could try getting some roms of games, play the levels to reach the end and take a screenshot.
  20. Neither do I, my tutor at university is a friend of Dave Gibbons and he told me he was impressed/excited with the look. And since Alan Moore is the writer, how can having a dislike in the characters' appearances make you think the film will be crap and upset Moore?
  21. Solo


    So what's happening with the 'proper' theatrical feature film?!
  22. Ignore them, Superman Returns is fantastic. : peace:
  23. I've just finished this game too, I was a bit disappointed with the length (13 hours) of the main story. I think I'll start with the bio/tech character as the soldier class started to get boring lol.
  24. Empire Mag gave it a very positive review and 4 Stars. Land of the Dead wasn't like the oldies but was still a lot of fun, this is definitely worth a look.
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