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Everything posted by Solo

  1. !! Do you know how long this deal is on for?!
  2. Assassin's Creed Godspeed to anyone sad enough to find all the flags. 5/10
  3. I saw this on the news, I lol'ed! I mean imagine, they're sitting in the zoo cafe and bam! Suddenly there's one pissed off tiger kicking ass and taking names, haha!
  4. Hello! Nemesis is the scariest Resi character, I mean, you never know when that dude's gonna appear!
  5. Completely agree, they're the only three Wii games I own!
  6. Alien Not much to say but.. 10/10
  7. Wow what a great chance to advertise '2012' merchandising. You're a clever salesman Mr.
  8. It's currently going for £24.99 at Gamestation. w00t
  9. I've finally managed to force myself to the end of this shite game. Repetition, tedious repetition is all I'll remember from this 'AAA game'.
  10. The Golden Compass. Urgh, quite possible the most generic fantasy film ever (well maybe since Narnia, actually probably worse) The girl who played Lyra was beyond irritating, there's not a single epic moment, it's too slow and filled with exposition. Still there's some nice CGI. Sam Elliot and Daniel Craig were great though despite barely and screen time but overall it was a snoozefest. 5/10 And what the hell is Dust? It never really gets explained. EDIT: At least the part where the polar bear says to Lyra "Do you wish to ride me?" gave us light comic relief.
  11. Hmm, kind of looks like fmv from a game, and we're back to shuffling zombies again? Still anythings better than what we had before.
  12. +1 Rep point for Heath Ledger.
  13. Thankfully less baffling than Advent Children.
  14. Jesus H Christ, this will surely make atonement for the travesty of the Hollywood trilogy. I can't say for sure until I see moving footage but it doesn't look quite Spirits Within standards of animation but meh.
  15. Stumbled upon a couple of their products on IGN. They have their own Zapper and a wireless nunchuck! Review of the zapper is here http://uk.gear.ign.com/articles/841/841403p1.html They look cool. Anyone gonna get em?
  16. Well if he was up the stairs then those bricks on the right were laid in an odd fashion.
  17. Eastern Promises Disappointing but still a fairly engaging Cronenbergian film. 6/10 Once Wonderful. 8/10 Quick question, are they going to make The Departed into a trilogy?
  18. The hamster put his hands together in prayer once he realised a fully fledged gang bang was on the cards, and not in his favour..
  19. http://uk.movies.yahoo.com/a/Aliens-Vs-Predator-Requiem/index-3687454.html Click here to watch the first 5 minutes of Aliens Vs Predator: Requiem. tee hee, tis a silly title
  20. I just got Shadow of the Colossus, it's fantastic! The PS2 is still full of surprises.
  21. The Fountain Beautiful but depressing. I wish it were longer. 7/10
  22. Where's the Nestle love?
  23. Bothers in Arms Hell's Highway all the way baby. Probably the last interesting WWII shooter still to be released. In fact, when the hell is that out?
  24. What does she think of you giving yourself head?
  25. Can anyone bend over and give themselves a blowjob?
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