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Everything posted by Solo

  1. Always one to dampen the joke lol. And I think lazyboy was referring to the size/length of the game, which yeah, I really don't have time for.
  2. Limited Edition, £26.97 (with staff discount, normal price £29.99), free delivery from Tesco.com. Only thing that could complete this would be a Friday arrival. Oh yes.
  3. Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street Darkly enticing and morbidly entertaining, this lavish production from Tim Burton shines through with captivating performances (Depp, Bonham-Carter, Rickman mainly). Never quite stuck in my mind as much as I would've liked but nevermind. Anywho you get to see Alan Rickman sing! 7/10
  4. You mean these phrases actually mean something?! lol
  5. SUPER MARIO UNIVERSE 'The very fabric of existence is in Mario's hands.'
  6. Children of Men I can't get over how visually impressed I was with this film! Hand held cameras ftw lolz. 8/10
  7. Yeah this film (and the nasty taste it leaves in your mouth) really doesn't deserve its own thread, I'll just re-use my quick summary...
  8. Guillermo Del Toro to (possibly) direct The Hobbit.. yayy http://www.worstpreviews.com/headline.php?id=7365&count=0
  9. Chris Nolan spoke to The Los Angeles Times very recently and he gave one quote that will probably give quite a few Batman fans pause. Of The Dark Knight, he said: "Harvey Dent (Aaron Eckhart) is a tragic figure, and his story is the backbone of this film. The Joker, he sort of cuts through the film -- he's got no story arc, he's just a force of nature tearing through. Heath has given an amazing performance in the role, it's really extraordinary." So, that would seem to mean that The Joker is not strictly speaking the main villain of The Dark Knight. But let's think about this for a second before we throw up our arms in fury that we've been deceived. As anyone who's seen the IMAX prologue will know, when we first meet The Joker in the movie he has already become the clown prince of crime. So this won't be an origin story for him (unless we get a few Killing Joke style flashbacks). That means we take Nolan's quote to mean that we'll see Harvey Dent go from upstanding citizen to tragic villain, while The Joker just runs amok through Gotham causing mayhem and bloodshed and helping push other characters' stories along. That would make the marketing of this movie even cleverer, since we've seen next to nothing of Two-Face, meaning we've seen very little of the plot. That's why I thought that.
  10. The release date will doubtfully change. Harvey Dent/Two-Face is the focus point of The Dark Knight's plot (joker is more like the scarecrow than Ra's al Ghul, if you want some sort of Batman Begins comparison) so I doubt the joker will be in the third. It's taking a while for this to sink in I don't know why it's so sad. Everyone who hasn't really needs to see Brokeback Mountain and Candy.
  11. There's a brilliant film he was in called Candy. That's gonna be a lot harder to watch now
  12. The batman curse is fucking true! I can't believe this he's like in his prime.
  13. Holy fuck celebrities are dropping like flies.
  14. I just saw it on Sky news, can anyone else confirm this?
  15. Ignore him and buy the damn game.
  16. So I've already got Undertow.. what do I get then? eh? EH? EHH?!
  17. What's a fb?
  18. OK here's a mini Turok demo review: Disappointing.. I didn't get any feeling of playing classic Turok. The graphics, while looking nice on player models, where bland and lifeless. After playing CoD4 a lot it's not nice to get something that looks dull and runs at 30fps (roughly). The stealth element wasn't really there, blending into the wavy clumps of grass felt silly and when I did get a good knife kill on a guard it went to third person (why) and sparks flew out of their bodies instead of blood (wtf). Then there's the weapons (a big factor in the Turok franchise). I know it's only a demo but the whole boring dual weapon thing was like a lame Halo rip-off, there weren't anything creative or fun to use. Finally the Turok mythology wasn't there, (wikipedia Turok if you want a backstory). The story and characters were relegated to a Gears of War style squad thing and it felt very straightforward like many of the 'soldier' games out there. It eschwed the sci-fi fantastical weirdness of the original trilogy. So yeah, since I think DMC 4 is out the same day, I'll give this a miss until it's cheap, what a shame.
  19. Omega Five is brilliant fun, although it's only got 4 stages, it's addictive enough to compete for scores. If you like R-Type/Graduis then this is a definite purchase!
  20. The Pursuit of Happyness After enjoying Will Smith's performance in I Am Legend, I decided to check this out and I'm now glad i did. It's not as cheesily sentimental as I thought (although the score still stank a bit). I was genuinely moved by the fresh prince and the bond between him and his son. 7/10
  21. So we have to shell out £50 for a version RS Vegas with added visible laser sights!! ZOMG MUST BUY
  22. It happened a long time ago...
  23. The Club demo is out. It's not bad, kinda like a shooting version of PGR really, it's all about points, accuracy, time etc. It reminds me of a game I had just like this on the Dreamcast, anyone remember what it's called?
  24. I was hoping for both... DAMNIT!
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