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Everything posted by Solo

  1. What the fuck I thought Shura was a bloke I even winced (and thought WTF) when I saw her thong. What an ugly bird.
  2. Well, Red Octane were sorta responsible for the creation of the guitar prephiral in the first place. The drum kit looks so much better, but then again i've yet to even play Rock Band
  3. Where's Naked Chicken!!!
  4. I'm just a statue... a dirty, filthy statue!
  5. Just under a month to go, I've heard the two singles and Life in Technicolour (opening track). Sounds very different.
  6. Fuck IGN, Fuck 'em. They gave AVP-R and Hitman like 4 stars or something.
  7. So do we (Europe) get to see Ivy in all her cleavage glory?
  8. Dear Lord that film looks the shit, can't wait!
  9. Restricted trailer for Shamalamalamyan's The Happening. Includes some nice gory moments. http://www.worstpreviews.com/trailer.php?id=921&item=3
  10. My penis size varies often as I tend to trade in some games once finished.
  11. Solo

    Iron Man

    Really? Why? What did you think of Hulk?
  12. Trailers for City of Ember and The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor http://www.cityofember.com/ http://cosmos.bcst.yahoo.com/up/player/popup/?rn=2655439&ch=&cl=7837646&src=y7movies
  13. For any Clive Barker fans, The Midnight Meat Train http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8pifkqLq6c0
  14. Solo

    Iron Man

    Ironically the Hulk sequel would be right up your alley.
  15. Solo

    Iron Man

    No, Iron Man was boring. It didn't challenge anything, just run-of-the-mill story structure and ho-hum characters. Ang Lee at least brought sensitivity to an otherwise uninspired origin story, creating a sympathetic Jekyll or even Hunchback of Notre Dam type character. Yes it was slow and even dull in places but it tries something else and that's more than I can say for Iron Man's complete lack of depth.
  16. Solo


    Let us hope its not another (shudder) Bullet Witch.
  17. Definitely the Cadbury one with the car race thing and the overplayed (and now frankly annoying) Queen song.
  18. Solo

    Iron Man

    I thought Hulk was better than this, at least that had decent characterisation and was visually more interesting.
  19. Solo

    Iron Man

    It was, really? True Lies is like, over 10 years old. Iron Man (the Motion Picture) is pretty darn new. And yeah overall it was pretty meh, but enjoyable.
  20. Incubus - Morning View Rooney - Rooney Jem - Finally Woken Frou Frou - Details Turin Brakes - Ether Song
  21. If he even attempts to upstage Ford in this, I will have his tiny balls on a platter.
  22. Oh I see. So the single player in Brawl is repetitive? Is the rest of the game any good? Cos I haven't got it yet I can't give an accurate opinion.
  23. I wouldn't really classify Speed Racer as a kids only film if it appeals to me (at 23).
  24. Who's hyped for Speed Racer? The Wachowskis are back with new film techniques! Can't waaaait!
  25. I don't think its acid, apparently he gets burned (by fire I mean). If you look closely at the trailer it looks like some sort of petroleum from a drum runs under his face. But I may be wrong.
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