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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. The only bit I'll argue is not needing story story - the Mirror's Edge concept is brilliant. It's a safe & prosperous democratic world but where information, communications & data is tightly controlled & monitored by both state and companies and open dissent is brutally suppressed. Unfortunately the story of the first game was naff and didn't develop those things at all well, which is a hideous shame because it was basically 5 years ahead of the game. It absolutely needs it's story, it needs a better story.
  2. Long overdue. I loved the 1st game warts and all, with better design this could be spectacular.
  3. Eh, I'll take the free games. Not Halo 3 or AC II though, already played those.
  4. Nah, I'm good thanks.
  5. I've watched this trailer 3 times and I still don't know if this is something I want to see or actively avoid.
  6. I intend to enjoy a decent night's sleep and get the highlights in the morning. You think they'll mention what they're DRM plans are? I'll be surprised if it happens until sometime after E3.
  7. Iain M Banks has passed away, having succumbed to terminal cancer. We've lost a genuine literary treasure.
  8. But I built that dungeon for you.
  9. Earned my first belt in Karate, learned we'll be closing shop early for the next few weeks (I can watch the Canadian GP after all), rescued a bunch of slugs that had slicked their way into my bedroom, finally managed to see a play, two weeks of holiday starting Friday. Going to go see my grandmother. Catch up on some writing. Maybe play some Guild Wars. And get drunk with @martinist . See this whole body hair situation for myself.
  10. I'm thinking somebody should rip a whole section of this thread into a new thread in about console DRM, especially since it seems likely the PS4 will end up having something similar (also how it compares to PC services etc.)
  11. Nintendo should totally build that game properly and release it, call me when that happens.
  12. Still Starwing for me (aka Stafox in other territories) for the SNES, the game that hooked me on Nintendo and cemented me in gaming for life. It's criminal we haven't had a proper sequel in so long and I yearn for a game with the same atmosphere and challenge. Even if it was just a download sequel made in the style of those FX-chip graphics.
  13. I experienced a similar situation a couple of years ago. Literally every day, at least once, to the point I'd never answer the phone but wait for it to stop ringing and then check messages. One day I happened to pick up and was able to recite the entire pitch to them before they could. I just want to state that I appreciate that everyone who has to do these things is doing it to make rent and I neither judge or envy anybody involved. In my view we're all human beings stuck in service to some horrible system. However if I do just hang up assume I'm masturbating.
  14. Anyone still excited for this? I still can't wait, they actually built full-size operation cockpit sets godammit. Del Toro continues to be cinema's insane saviour.
  15. It's another Beyond Good and Evil isn't it? Interesting concept that doesn't fit any common mold, left to die without advertising in the summer season. Woman of colour in the lead role and everything. If Edge gave it an 8 that's good enough for me. It shall be my post-Metro LL purchase.
  16. Perfect, he got my message.
  17. Sounds about right, I feel like they've wrung a good arc out of him and it's the right time for a fresh face. Fingers crossed for an older doctor and/or our first non-white Doctor.
  18. I've learned they're training up a new supervisor in my store. Dare I hope I might get some of my Sundays back? Or a couple fewer evenings? Dare I dream?
  19. All of this, but on an unrelated note: Is an emphatic use of additional syllables something that goes hand in hand with weightlifting prowess? Is this why Arnold Schwarzenegger talks the way he does? Because I'm totally into it.
  20. Call me when they finally make the Quantum Leap tie-in.
  21. Just finished reading the play Jerusalem by Jez Butterworth and good fucking god I was blown away. I absolutely need to see this on stage one day. I've never read better dialogue in any form.
  22. If they're smart the film will be a satire about this cat having fame hoisted on it by it's owners when all it actually wants is wet food and a warm windowsill. Because it is a cat.
  23. Damn, I'd be on that right now if I hadn't sworn off buying any more games until I clear at least some of my prodigious backlog (which includes an as-yet unplayed Civ V, so it's going to be a while).
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