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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. gaggle64


    This is the part of the film where Kenneth Williams comes running in, and makes some smutty inuendo to the Matron about his tool being pushed in too deep.
  2. Don't panic, I'm sure he's being sarcastic. There should be some kind sarcasm smiley or something. Anyway, yeah, this is the kind of freaky crap that eventually leads to a dictatorship. Some people say "Yeah, whatever, it will never happen.". Oh really? Go tell it to the Patriot Act in the US. Go tell it to the Bellesconi. Go tell it to Putin. We shouldn't let ouselves be cojoled into this kind of crap. I really don't like the sound of this. I really don't want ministers getting too much power over our laws, even with those restrictions. I hope they don't let this sneak by and the opposition doesn't get seduced by the Blairites again.
  3. I'm not a huge Radiohead fan, but Terry Gilliam on the other hand... now there's a guarantee of quality. Looking forward to this now. All hail the big TG. :bowdown: :bowdown:
  4. This is going to be rubbish. I honestly can't percieve this ever turning out to be a good idea. This isn't going to be at all like the original Star Wars. Besides he all but destroyed those with Ep 1-3. George Lucas has to be stopped. VIOLENTLY.
  5. gaggle64


    Yowser, that's nasty. My comesserations to you. Some people are just weird. I used to have a few people in my secondry-school that used to come on to me like this cause they figured I was an easy target, but lucky for me none of them could throw a punch to save themselves. You should seriously tell the school and cops, and don't stop pushing until he's got expelled/charged/assraped at least. I do wonder though - I mean, why do people do this? They seem to do it almost just so they can have a fight on the nearest available person. Why? What exactly is going through their heads? I mean, they must be doing it for somekind of reason. These aren't just 2D characters in a film or videogame, who fight because they're supposed to, these are actual living, breathing individuals we're talking about here. Why do they feel the need to pull this shit?
  6. Yes F-Zero is stunning. Finally completing the Diamind cup on the hardest setting is to experience pure gaming ecstacy. It's bloody hard thoughand took me months of practice. You just gotta keep trying - this is proper hardcore. It's worth it for the AX tracks though - they're all among the best in the game. The Meteor Storm level is my personal fav. If you think the main championship mode is hard though, you should try the story mode. It's just as hard on normal - I've been trying to complete it on hard and it's bloody impossible. The Grand Prix level in particular is murder. I want those AX vehicles though, but you need to complete the story mode on V. Hard to get them. Is the human system even capable of achieving such a thing. Has anyone actually unlocked them?
  7. Flaming Lips: Do You Realise Do You Realize - that you have the most beautiful face Do You Realize - we're floating in space - Do You Realize - that happiness makes you cry Do You Realize - that everyone you know someday will die And instead of saying all of your goodbyes - let them know You realize that life goes fast It's hard to make the good things last You realize the sun doesn't go down It's just an illusion caused by the world spinning round Do You Realize - Oh - Oh - Oh Do You Realize - that everyone you know Someday will die - And instead of saying all of your goodbyes - let them know You realize that life goes fast It's hard to make the good things last You realize the sun doesn't go down It's just an illusion caused by the world spinning round Do You Realize - that you have the most beautiful face Do You Realize This song is pratically my anthem and philosphy to life.
  8. Happy Birthday Kon. Teh cake is teh sex.
  9. Obviously a golf game would be a major plus and stand out amongst all the inevitable shooters that will arive early on. I like the cute anime style of this one. I don't mind if it's a "realistic" golf game or not, or Mario related or whatever, but with the FHC functionality, it's going to need a decent physics model to be fun and challenging - that the ball will do what I think it's going to do with even the slightest changes in my swing and stroke. That's the sort of thing I will be looking for in these sorts of FHC interactive sports games now.
  10. I don't get why people would smoke stuff like cannibis. I know you could argue that stuff like alcohol is more harmful, but that doesn't really justify poisioning your body in some other way. With stuff like cannibis and marijuana, which doesn't seem to be particulary addictive (although I do know one guy who now claims he can't get to sleep without a spliff - it's sorta creeping me out) I prefere to take the same line I use at parties: "No thanks, it just ain't my style." People can poison themeselves all the want with booze/spliffs or whatever so long as they know what they're doing. Once you start getting into stuff like cocaine and actual alcohol addiciton though, that's different. Obviously.
  11. Rather ironically, the only way that could happen would be if Jack Thompson ever actually seccesfully sued someone for "defamation of character" - I don't think it would work without some kind of precident. Also, our case would be a lot easier if we represented ourselves not as the industry (which would mean involving actual major corperations) but simply as an independent group, say, "The Video Gamers Union" or something. That way, we can represent our thoughts and arguments, in a court of law if need be, while others don't have to get involved if they don't want to.
  12. If it's anything like Ghost Recon 2 ( which was great:heart: ) it actually treads a nice middle line between both. There's lots of stuff like covering fire, ducking out from behind cover and pinpoint sniping, but there's also a dash of running around with all guns blazing, chucking ineefectual grenades around and screaming "n00b" (especially in the online VS). The detailed but deceptively simple level design and mision objectives also mean that most situations can get quite tactical, but usally boil down to simply shooting and exploding stuff. Imagine if Counter Strike and Full Spectrum Warrior got drunk and ended up having a desprate fumble with each other in a dark cupboard full of millitary gadgets at the annual Tom Clancy meet: this would probably be their illigitamet child.
  13. Yes, I saw that when it was reported on CtrlAltDel. Apparently the guy who commited suicide was suffering from severe family problems. When he killed himself Jack wrote a letter to the grieving forum, declaring that he had obviously done because of all the "soulless action games" he played. That's when Jack Thompson crossed the line from just being a bit of an ass to be being genuinly very evil. I feel sad. Sad for you Mr Thompson.
  14. Actually, to be fair, Halo was accused of inspiring the Wasington Sniper shootings, not the 9/11 attacks. Although shortly afterwards he accused The Sims of colluding with the porno industry. Oh Jack, you rascal you...
  15. Am I the only one who thinks that the antics of this increasingly beamusing gentlemen would make an extorinatly entertaining high-action animated comedy show?
  16. I don't wanna be a killjoy, but you could always investigate the option of paying the producers of at least some of the aforementioned anime for their product on handy DVD storage. I know you're on a tight budget, but 112GB? Holy Spike Spiegal...
  17. Well it's good to see that the art of educated, opininated debate hasn't been lost on the youth of today.
  18. Yeah, Ubisoft can be pretty retarded in the online game depart. My friend, having enjoyed my bros. copy of Ghost Recon 2, got the Pakistan-based follow up (I forget the title) and had to take back to the store it was so unplayable. Until they get the nescerry patch out, (you know - that one that should be on the DISK) we all may as well lie around in a drunken stupor, scratching our testicles. You know it's all you need in life...
  19. Are you seriously suggesting that John Kerry was an inferior candidate to George Bush? As for the UK, we'd probably get the result we wanted if people actually went out and sodding voted.
  20. Yes, but they don't have power over our own national policy, and aren't frquently declaring themselves as "the leaders of the free world." America is supposed the leading democracy in the developed world. We expect America, the land of freedom and liberty, to have more damn sense. What's worse is that the British government doesn't kick up much of a fuss about this. Urrgh, sometimes I hate our "special relationship".
  21. Damn I missed that. I rember watching the Guantanamo special they did on the capture and torture methods they use last year though. It's had quite a bit of other news coverage recently, what with the revelation of force feeding prisoners and the Archbishop of the Church of England condemning it. I mean seriously, hundreds of people held for more then four years now, treated like scum despite the fact it seems increasingly unlikely they actually did, or were going to do anything even vaguely terrorist related. That damn place is a fucking disgrace to hummanity.
  22. Patrick Stewart and Sir Ian McKellen are teh sex. TEH SEX!
  23. At this point in the movie, the black guy gets eaten and the entire Steam system subsequently explodes. Now only Superman can save us...
  24. Damn it, what to pick as my second console (to the Revo obviously) is only getting harder by the day. i gotta say, I loved Ghost Recon 2.
  25. I remember seeing some abrigional statues during a visit to the Brittish Museum in London (well worth a visit) - they were absolutely rocking. Maybe not quite as rocking as the erotic busts of teenage Queen Victoria, but still awesome.
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