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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. Shamelessly tagging on the back of Wesley the Sausagelover's latest best seller: Greenock - Why You Should Run Like The Plague by Mr X (so they don't find me).
  2. Why do keep insinuating that Muslims are involved in violent protest then? It's like your standing next too a huge crowd of peacful protestors, but keep using the one pistol-whipping idiot at the back as evidence of extreme violence in the protest.
  3. Gimmie the name of one person who got shot. Go on. One. Jack is right, just because a couple of nutters wave a couple of AKs for the camera doesn't make the thousands of protesting muslims across Europe, the Middle east and the rest of the world, violent, dangerous or over reacting. I'm beginning to feel that this whole incident has been quite badly reported. Everyone seems to be going around with images of burning Danish flags and AK47s being waggled in front of EU missionary buildings in their heads. Where are the pictures of the protestors in London, Paris or Berlin? Furthermore, if Muslims want go out and protest aginst something they find offensive, they can. They do have freedom of speech as well, regardless of whether or not you think they may be over reacting.
  4. Greenock, Scotland, although I am English. Wasn't there a blog-map or something around here about this?
  5. The problem with that argument is, simply because you are an atheist, you seem to assume you are right and I am wrong.
  6. What sodding machine gun? The worst that's happend so far is when a large group of Muslim men stormed the Danish embassy in Indonesia, threw some eggs and tore down the flag in the lobby. They left when the embassador came down, talked with them, and apologised for the cartoons. It's hardly an orgy of mega-violence.
  7. Whoa, hold on there. At what point have they started attacking embassys? There have been a number of demonstrations outside European embassys acroos the world, but so far everyone seems to have resisted the temptation to start smuggling grenades into the ammbasadors fabulous cocktail party disguised as large Ferre Roche. So far all of them have been fairly peaceful, democratic, civilised protests. Additionally I have just heard a description of the cartoon, depicting Mohammad with his turban shaped like a bomb, and since it's fundemental Islamic belief that absolutely no one should make pictures of Mohammad anyway (even in places of worship) you would have to be a total idiot not to expect such a reaction. It is insensitive, it is inflamatory, and it is an abuse of freedom of speech. I hope the British newspapers see sense and decide not to follow their European counterparts in printing it.
  8. From what I hear, the cartoons were pretty crass, portraying Mohammad as a suicide bomber. Lets not forget that the vast majority of Muslims aren't actually insidious underground members for an evil and misleading terroist group. I personally hate the constant accusation that religion is the single greatest cause of people to kill, argue and be intolerant ot each other. Religion is something which helps bring structure and society into peoples lives. I'm willing to bet good hard cash that if there was no such thing as religion, we'd all quite easily find a different excuse for being bitchy to each other.
  9. Will anyone be getting Howls Moving Castle? I loved it. When it was in the cinema I went to see it twice. What I love is that you can watch it on two different levels. You can really think about the themes and characterisation, or you can simply sit back and enjoy the spectacle. I saw the English version, and it was another excellent dubbing job from Disney studios. Billy Crystal was surprisingly good as Calcifer. I bought another one of Dianne Wynne Jones novels after seeing it, but haven't got round to reading it yet. Must do that soon...
  10. This sort of thing has been used in various PC applications, but voice recognition technology en masse still seems to struggle with such vagaries as non-American accents. Who knows, maybe they've cracked it. Maybe I'll finally soon be able to buy a Merc with a voice command system that will switch on Radio 2 and show me the way to Ipswich when I tell it, and not serve me firery gin & tomato pancakes before demanding I make a left turn onto a space shuttle landing strip instead.
  11. WWE? Damn, haven't seen that in a while. I used to enjoy it when it was on Channal 4 - nice, shallow, brainless entertainment to chill with for a rainy Sunday afternoon. Lacking Sky though I haven't seen it in years. Damn you Rupert Murdoch!
  12. Are you kidding? They've been raving about them on the radio for a couple of weeks now. Although the guy on Radio 1 said their album was pretty dissapointing, so maybe the hype will reduce to normal levels soon. That's PR corperations for you.
  13. Arctic Monkeys are pretty decent, but the way everyone raves about them you would think they're the reincarnation of the divine Buddah. I mean they've got a good tune, but they're not much better then most of the bands out there. What's all the fuss about? I prefere The Magic Numbers myself.
  14. If you feel like driving yourself insane, turn it up really loud. For some reason, I'm now smelling everything in colours.
  15. I simply adore Day of Defeat. It's not as strategic as CS, but it's high-class WW2 action. Random gun fire, explosions and RPGs flying thick with the bullets and dead bodies. Also comedy situations abound with the great ragdolls and Source's special brand of "realistic physics." Well worth it.
  16. To hell with Mars, let's really go to town on it, find a beatiful red and purple world full of hot tall blue alien chicks, and slowly poison that planet with our obnoxious farting. Go on. You know you want to...
  17. Hmmm, I dunno. I just don't trust it. I somehow can't quite bring myself to experience something that was recommended to me with the words "die" and "trying this" so close in the same sentence. There's something instictive deep inside me saying something. It says no.
  18. I'm at James Watt College in Greenock. here's one: don't. I mean, the college is not at all bad, but Greenock is a total blasted wasteland, populated only by the shambiling hordes of the undead. So unless you fancing living in some kind of perverse Racoon-city esque urban wilderness, stear clear.
  19. Bah! That's just a populist load of wish wash. I will eat first my, then his head if he wrote that himself. And what's with all this persecution of Iran over alleged nukes? Even if Iran was to build a warhead, who the hell to they have the capability to get it to? Wadda they gonna do? Dig a secret underground railway all the way into the centre of Jeruselam and wheel it there? Those damn sneaky Iranians...
  20. Nurse! He's off again! Oh no... Oh! Lord! THE HUMANNITY!
  21. Hey, man those cards are great! The artistry is superb. I think I'll throw my hat into the ring here.... (my most recent until i can get connected to imag shack - I have a light beard now + much more curly hair) I'm about 5'9'', 145lbs. I am an acting student and an aspiring businessman. I love whisky, video games, good comapny and combinations thereof. Also drum & base, classical, hip-hop, and rock music. Creepy obsession with starfox and all associated characters. 18 and painfully single. My room at college has the worst connection ever, and yet I can't stop playing DoD and Counter Strike. I have yet to discover what "1337" means or what the attraction of "cybering" is. EDIT: I am also not afraid to admit that I have just realised I have been wearing my trousers backwards all day. AGAIN. Thank you for your time. For petes sake though, do Haden first! That bow tie is fantastic!
  22. Lego - me and my bro used to build small cars and then smash them into each other. the one with the most pieces intact won. I also used to build massive towers, and sometimes a windmill. I had this great wee stuffed purple doll which I became hugely attached to. I also loved Scalextric and Power Rangers dolls. Man I LOVED the Power Rangers. I liked the blue one, partially because he never truly got the oppertunity to whomp ass, unlike that stupid red idiot. Who made him leader? Go Stegasauras!
  23. I watched some of the first series, and have never glanced at it since. It was sorta an intresting experiment the first time around, but now the only people who even audition are jobless layabouts with no family/friends/intelect/active social life to maintain for at least the next three months. All for the sake of doing pointless, inane tasks. Including the "celebrity" version. So what is the intrest in putting the results on camera? Show me the version of celebrity Big Brother where Michael Schumacher, Pope Benedict XVI and Stephen Fry are asked to research and discuss the implications of the cold war conflict in Korea. Then I'll watch.
  24. Jack Thompsons rubbing the communitys face in it's own tragedy goes way beyond just being an arsehole. He is actually, genuinly, pure evil. I think it's intresting that of all the people who play action games, he is the only person who isn't saddened by the death of a human being.
  25. OH lord, is Hollywood really that starved for ideas? I mean friends was fun, but it was getting pretty old by the end. Just let it die.
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