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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. Didn't the guy who dressed as a terrorist make a similar apology today?
  2. Give it back. Your refusal to inform the original store of their computer error is stealing! Remember - it's still robbery even if the victim is a major corperation.
  3. You can't simply accuse a group of people of being scum though, even if they are commiting wrong. It is an uneducated and purile insult, and is not much better then those idiots waving pro-terroist placards in the streets.
  4. I don't know much about that particular model, but if you're getting Sony you can be assured of quality.
  5. Yeah, that whole incident with the ferry has nothing to do with the cartoon protests. It's a desperate situation and a national tragedy, and it's really no wonder they are upset. Let's leave that ferry out of this discussion now.
  6. "My two favourite things are commitment and improving myself." I got that one from Futurama, and god help us all, it actually works. Telling a chick you're a homosexual also yields disturbingly succesful results.
  7. Ya' know, I knew as soon as I joined this forum I KNEW I would be driven to kill someone on here one day. I just knew...
  8. Holy crap dude, I just saw the pictures. What the hell did you roll it into, a combine harvester? Glad you're still walking and talking.
  9. Ouch, sorry to hear that. Seems to be a week for forum members getting buggered - twighlight-link crashed his car.
  10. I refuse to sign this petition on the basis that it encourages abuse of our freedom of speech, and that this form of "freedom of speech" is to me little different to the violent protests that have resulted in the blatant and unjustified attacks on the Danish and Norweigien embassys across the Islamic world. I feel that this form of abuse of freedom of speech on both sides is not and should not be considered democratic.
  11. "Hi, my name is gaggle, and I'm an alcoholic...." Works surprisingly well, but only at the right time in the right place, for some reason.
  12. Agreed. There's always two sides to every story.
  13. You gotta admit though, the cartoons were pretty insensitive given both the Islamic faith and the current political situation. I don't support burning embassys and attacking foreign missions, but the cartoonist and the newspaper editors responsible must have had at least a small idea that something like this was bound to happen if they published them. Freedom of speech is all very well, but everyone needs to be more responsible with it. Newspaper editors and Islamic extremists alike.
  14. All of Saddam Hussain's body doubles still loyal to him are hiding out in a disused bunker togther. One of them walks in and says "Ok, I've got good news and bad news. The good news, Saddamn Hussain has finally escaped from his American captors. So you've all got your jobs back." Everyone cheers. "The bad news is he's lost one of his arms."
  15. I'm pretty sure Nintendo would come up with a more inventive name then "Ancient castle" anyway.
  16. I've just found it Chris Morris - he did Brass Eye and The Day Today. I thought I saw him somwhere before. "Why is it that now no one can think of the word isles, without the words "British paedoph" in front of it?" Why the hell was that banned?
  17. I agree with that. This whole situation is just a complete mess, and hopefully the whole thing will blow over soon.
  18. How can we have debate unless we disagree with each other?
  19. Can we all at least agree to disagree then?
  20. I disagree. I believe that had the police taken direct action at the scene, it would have very possibly provoked a violent response from the crowd. It would end up all over the news and would only have given the extremists cause more impoteus, leading to young Muslims being further encouraged to join them. If any action really is nescerry, better some low profile arrests or fines later on.
  21. Prehaps, but better that then starting a riot in the middle of London and provoking the extremists. Besides, they've got the whole thing on tape, so the police may yet decide to take action.
  22. There was an article on the BBC discussing this. They reckon that if the police had moved in there and then, they would have only inflamed the situation. I think that seems likely, and I fully trust the police to take any and all nesecerry action as they see fit.
  23. Unbelievably, I find it highly unlikely that the entire Muslim community are going to don C4-lined wastcoats and start charging into the nearest train station come July. Don't ask me why. Just call it instinct.
  24. I think he meant is that there will inevitably be a right-wing BNP style, dumbass, imperialistic response to this (probably in the Daily Mail). I think what he is trying to get at though is the media coverage, which I personally don't find to be totally satisfactory. I just can't help but feel that the media has allowed its self to be hijacked by the Islamic extremist minority, and that the right wing extremist minority are bound to use this to their own political advantage. EDIT: I totally agree with Domo Kun just up there, my point is we shouldn't overreact to the Islamic community just because a few idiots say something crappy. The problem is some people inevitably will.
  25. Look at them though, they are all almost identical. Heck, the card they are mounted on looks like it came from the same cardboard box.
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