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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. Oh PLEASE GOD YES!!!!!!111
  2. They look like they're sculpted from mint chewing gum.
  3. He's a time-traveling alien Anglo-phile in a magical flying phone box constantly fighting creatures with similar powers. I'd say it's a fairly open-plan format.
  4. While perusing my recently aquired issue of PC Gamer I stumbled a rather facinating tid-bit in "The Spy" section, which pointed out the recent emergence of a alleged Ubisoft '07 release schedule containing - amongst other things - "Several shooter titles for the Nintendo Revolution - including Brothers in Arms 3" Now obviously, this is just rumour, but while unlikely is naturally perfectly plausible and the Revo winning favour with such high-profile PC ports could prove to be an irrisistable carrot, especially for those of us with low-end PCs. It would also be great to see the third-party support come out that may wish to make a quick buck, especially with such ports that would surely be welcomed with open arms. My only worry is if, after years of FPS famine in Nintenland, we're suddenly going to find ourselves swamped by dozens of cheap cash-ins by lazy FPS developers not willing to try something new or original with the FHC.
  5. Resident Evil Apocalypse One of the worst films I have ever seen - the zombies look particulary not-dead, the plot is meningless and stupid and has nothing in common with any of the Resi games, the acting is trash, and - Wesker save us all - the Nemisis kung-fu fights. Believe me, it's not anywhere near as funny as it sounds. Avoid like the T-virus itself, even (or more accuretly, especially) if your a HUGE Resident Evil fan. 2/10
  6. I'll bet they're saving him for when the Doctor finally pops his clogs. Probably as a plot device to keep the show going I'll wager. Rememeber the Doctor can only regenerate 12 times. We're up to what now, number ten? EDIT: K-9! Whooo!
  7. At this rate, it's going to be difficult to tell the difference between the 360 and my PC. If I ever got a 360 it would probably be a couple of hours before I realised why Word had suddenly adopted a bizzare WW2-style interface.
  8. I think the Revo could quite happily handle a game like Oblivion with just a little scaling down. Certainly an Oblivion -like game (prediction: Zelda first-person on on Revo) would work perfedly with the Revo control scheme.
  9. Pom Poko. Easily one of the more unusual films from the Studio Ghibli studio. Directed by the same man who directed the excellent and heart-breaking Grave of the Fire Flies, it's the tale of a community of racoons with magical transformation powers fighting to save their wildlife home in the face of the massive Tokyo city expansion which occured in the mid 1960's. It is a surprisingly good and charming fim, which deals quite pasionately with the issue of the effect human expansion has on the surrounding enviorment and the creatures who live there. Charming, thoughful and at times psychedelic, it's very much the Japanese equivilant of Watership Down. You honestly haven't lived untilyou have seen a racoon cause a truck crash by obscuring the windshield by expanding his "Racoon pouch" (a.k.a. his scrotum). Rated PG. 8/10
  10. Last I heard, Sony and their mates were practically beaming about being ahead of schedule for November. Although if they really don't have any playable demos at E3, (I'm sure they'll have something) serious questions are going to have to asked. The Sony Hype-o-matic has continued to remain unusually quiet.
  11. Gotta say: Low Shigsy kills someone for daring to enquire about Kid Icarus.
  12. MMO - medium Hard drive - Low (god forbid) Nintendo basically nick the ENTIRE Xbox live system and use it with Revo.
  13. Brazil. Basically it's a romantic comedy set in George Orwells 1984. (and it doesn't have a happy ending.) It has the greatest cast. Ever. Featuring Jonathan Price, Robert De Niro, Bob Hoskins, Jim Broadbent, Katheriene Helmond, Ian Holm, Kim Greist and Michael Palin. Who plays a cold-blooded interrigator, a man who enjoys nothing more then a quiet night with his loving family after a long hard day of tearing "terroists" teeth out and sticking huge pins through their eyes, ears and brain to get them to "confess." Oh, and boy oh boy, just you wait until you see the battle sequence with the giant neon samurai. Terry Gilliam is a fucking genius. GENIUS. :bowdown: :bowdown: 10/10
  14. Is it possible the CPU may be damaged or something, say, due to overheating?
  15. The banner I do not find offensive. Now a remake of the Omen on the other hand... :mad:
  16. £400? Actually, that's not at all bad. Sony must be prepared to make a huge loss on each sale at that price though.
  18. Leave for about a day and try it again - if your fan has failed, (which may happen occasionally) your processor could be pretty badly overheated, and you need to let it cool for several hours before trying again.
  19. Definitly that great Fair-Trade chocolate. All the competition tastes like synthetic crap in comparison - because they are. Look at the ingredients on a Mars (what the hell are emulsifiers?). Fairtrade choc? Coa-coa butter, sugar, and assorted forms of milk. Like the great confectionary angel intended.
  20. £10 says this makes it out onto the box in the UK eventually.
  21. The Cuban Missile crisis - 1962
  22. The forgotten war- Korea 1950-1953. That last picture is the signing of the truce in 1953, both the Allies and N. Korean & Chinese fearing a perlonged war with each other.
  23. Ayrton Senna hit the wall in Imola in 1994 at a speed in excess of 192 miles an hour. What actually killed him was his brain disintigrating against the wall of his skull as he hit the wall. Suspicons ranged from muder by sabotage, to negligence and even suicide. After a great deal of investigation, including a high profile court case with the Williams team on charge for manslaughter, it was revealed he was unable to steer or break, as his car had lost all downforce when the bottom board of his car touched the road going into the corner - in essence, he quite literally flew into the wall. That corner has since been changed into a chicane, now called the Senna S.
  24. This was a pretty tragic event in formula one. A lot of safety, car and track design rules were changed drastically after this. Some people still believe Ayrton Senna was murdered. I recall watching the whole thing live. He was a legend of his time. You can see footage of the crash here.
  25. They can't just stick so rigidly with the same format though. because a) it would start to become stale and b) it wouldn't make any sense in terms of character development. I mean, c'mon, Leela finally fell for Fry properly at the end of season 4. Lets face it, it was going to happen eventually.
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