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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. Well, I need to quickly finish an essay and then go to bed. It's been an emotional night. Boy, I can't wait to see something that might involve innovation.
  2. The fact reamains, they copied and tried to claim credit for it. Just because it's a bad copy doesn't make it any easier.
  3. faster FAster. KILL KILL!!!!
  4. Seriously people, post your rage around! Let every forum and webcomic know!
  5. I'm currently extraordinarly tempted to rip the Sony-brand DVD drive out of my PC... EDIT:.... and shit all over it.
  6. I sincerely hope they don't get away without a good spanking from the collective press. This surely cannot stand.
  7. Absolutely. Nintendo will triumph over this disgrace. I hope Reggie stuffs a few spare Wii controllers where the sun don't shine, just to remind them.
  8. I still don't beleve this. It's EXACTLY THE SAME THING. I never though Sony could sink THIS low.
  9. Surely Sony can't get away with this?!!
  11. OMG - they... they didn't... did they? Tell me it isn't true!
  12. This is like the opening to the first Superman movie...
  13. MGS4? About Goddamn time.
  14. surely they won't stick with Dualshock...
  15. who's "they" exactly?
  16. where? I need to know before I can't be assed anymore!
  17. Sounds like it's finally starting to pick up a little.
  18. this all sounds hystreocal. i can't wait to download it after.
  19. I'm pretty sure nintendo will have a Live-rip off - but at least they will have some gameas to sodding well show us.
  20. Hold on, they've been comparing how good GT4 looks compared to the ORIGINAL GT? Yeesh, that's just sad.
  21. Yah, too bad for the other 99% of us.
  22. Acording to this blog I'm on, they mentioned worldwide release in Nov?
  23. It's just hilarious listening to everyones reactions. I'm going to need to download this later just to see what everyone are on about!
  24. Holy crap you should see the comments comming in over Gamespot. "this is really boring" "I can't get it working!" "I can see it fine, and I couldn't care less about the PS3"
  25. I'm simply going to have to download this, just to see what the hell everyone is on about.
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