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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. Guy Goma was on Channel 4 news earlier. He's strangely cool.
  2. Well, to be fair, it's not as if they've had a lot to write about until very recently.
  3. I just realised I don't have them on DVD yet. I feel alone and ashamed. I have just ordered them. I will now submit myself to gestapo-style torture until the get here from the colonies.
  4. 1. - Super Smash bros. Brawl - Snaaaake! 2. - The stampede for the Wii (straight past the PS3 booth), as seen on Kotaku. 3. - Miyamoto - "Control so simple and intuitive, even yo' mama can play!" Special mention must also go to Mr Miyamoto waving his hot Asian ass around for the camera at the beginning of their pre-E3 confrence.
  5. I hope they print my letter! If you read a letter lambasting about the genius of the name "Wii" which overuses the Virus movie as it's key analogy, you'll know it was me. Still a great read is NGC, always has been.
  6. I'd rather like to see a follow-up. Watch Snake as he bravely battles Master Chief for HD graphics, while Sony is forced to commit ritual-suicide after dishonering itself by trying to copy Nintendos vastly superior controller.
  7. Ren & Stimpy - these guys were amazing, totally off the wall and really, really, weird. Became a worldwide phenominan and made Nickelodeon billions, setting them up as the kiddie-swallowing behmoth it is today. Then the Nicklodeon CEOs took control after series 2, and it became pretty unfunny by the end of series 3. Died on its arse after series 5. Without them modern "greats" like Spongebob and Fairy God Parents simply would not be allowed to exsist. A crime against hummanity and the very fabric of the universe itself.
  8. Here try this, it's the tutorial section at a flash community called The lock legion. If you're a Newgrounds regular you may have heard of them. There are some really great tips and tutorials in there on lots of flash stuff, ilncluding basic and advanced action script sections. Maybe you'll find what you need in there. http://www.locklegion.com/tutorials.php
  9. Man, I can't wait to give that giant question mark what-for!
  10. Yah, basically. Different name, same mag.
  11. Could we possibly stop making snide and badly informed remarks about working-class people please?
  12. http://www.gamesradar.com/gb/ps3/game/news/article.jsp?articleId=2006051312284484046&sectionId=1006&releaseId=20060314132311609002 There ya' go. Priceless.
  13. I can't wait for the Wii Tennis game. Brings back a lot of happy memories playing Super Tennis on my SNES with my dad. Good times. I'm going to try and convince my sister - she pakyed OOT but hasn't played anything since - the wii could break that.
  14. Nintendo are rolling in good publicity! I hope will makes his own Wii project one day!
  15. Sweeet. I'm hoping for a really great family film. If they can capture even half the charm of the game, this will be ace.
  16. I like those cranes - here's a pic of the dockyard cranes near my college residence, after the big March snowstorm. I really like the texture of ice and snow on them. Clicky!
  17. "We, the Princess and Royal Plumber, and the British Prime Minister, have had a further meeting today and are agreed in recognizing that the question of Anglo-Mushroom relations is of the first importance for our two countries..."
  18. God love the grumpy speed-loving fool.
  19. Oooh, looks classy. I'll stick to eithe Bf2 or Bf2142... but which? I'll probably go for Bf2142 - sound likes they've fixed that whole shindig with the jets. Not that I would know what that is. Anyway, I like robots.
  20. It's going to happen eventually. And you all know it.
  21. One of my favourite webcomics. It would be seriously cool if they got in.
  22. Whaaay-up for Boris!
  23. Whooo, nice one mario114! Stick it to 'em!
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