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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. who's "they" exactly?
  2. where? I need to know before I can't be assed anymore!
  3. Sounds like it's finally starting to pick up a little.
  4. this all sounds hystreocal. i can't wait to download it after.
  5. I'm pretty sure nintendo will have a Live-rip off - but at least they will have some gameas to sodding well show us.
  6. Hold on, they've been comparing how good GT4 looks compared to the ORIGINAL GT? Yeesh, that's just sad.
  7. Yah, too bad for the other 99% of us.
  8. Acording to this blog I'm on, they mentioned worldwide release in Nov?
  9. It's just hilarious listening to everyones reactions. I'm going to need to download this later just to see what everyone are on about!
  10. Holy crap you should see the comments comming in over Gamespot. "this is really boring" "I can't get it working!" "I can see it fine, and I couldn't care less about the PS3"
  11. I'm simply going to have to download this, just to see what the hell everyone is on about.
  12. I'm almost happy I can't stream some video with my greendog connection, looking at some peoples reactions. What's going on?
  13. I'm through to my 19th fresh pair of pants in three hours...
  14. Can't wait to see dragon quest or CC. I don't mind if DQ is a spin-off, just as long as it lives up to the hype of the rest of the series.
  15. This'll be from Time magazine. Zelda looks absolutely stunning. Also, now lookinf forward to next installment of Mario Tennis.
  16. Yah, he still has to name his final squad, but it's certainly an intriguing insight. Why not take an additional striker instead of one of those defenders?
  17. I don't get what this thing is everyone has about Theo Walcott's selection. Sure he's inexperienced but he's young, talented and has been shown to display exceptional ability. There are plenty of experienced premiership players who suck ass in comparison. Besides with Rooney looking set to play after all it's not as if we don't have enough reliable players, though I still question his fitness. then again, we may probably not need the big guns until the 2nd round with our grouping. Not so sure about the defensive tactics that the line-up suggests, but it is a workable stategy. The last time someone said something like that, Korea reached the semis'. It doesn't do well to underestimate anyone.
  18. So they are taking Rooney. I like the look of the squad, it's got a good mix of young talent and experience.
  19. Why do people keep calling the article in Time a "leak"? Shigeru Miyamoto took the Wii down there himself and placed it in their goddamn hands. It's not as if Nintendo were trying to keep it a secret.
  20. To be honest it's more of a shame then anything else. I'm having the same feeling I get everytime I find someone who actually watched but hated Gattica or The Truman Show. The human race feels incomplete until the situation can be rectified. Still, to each their own and all that. I know for a fact there are things I hate that bring the very same feelings about myself.
  21. You're making it incredibly difficult to resist. Really... very... very... difficult.
  22. The guys with red names are our officially designated suicide troops in the event of a nuclear holocaust. Pay your respects to them.
  23. Almost certainly. Many of the games on-show will very likely in a complete or near complete state. This is going to be fantastic.
  24. I have never gotten anything from Amazon later then they said it would arrive. I buy most of my stuff there. If it says despatched within 24hrs and then 1-2days delivery, it has always arrived within two days. When I had pre-ordered Wind Waker, they managed to get it to me the very day Nintendo had a random bout of generosity towards Europe and let the shops sell it a day early. I can only assume they sent it to me a day early anyway. Amazon are bullet proof.
  25. Great episode, the whole thing with Espace-convertable, specially the car wash was hysterical. Do you think they had to pay for it? (Spoiler? Nah, more then enough to keep him geussing.)
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