I like the sensor bar, it looks like what it is: A slick piece of technology in your home. I also like the VC - it's nice and clean.
Best pic of all E3-
I'm gonna show my pointer to all the girls!
I don't think Metroid 3 will be ready for the Wiis launch - it would seem that this is Metroid pre-Wii optimisation. They've almost certainly been developing on the GC dev kit up until now, and thay've got bags of time to give the graphics a good buff-up. Just look at some of the lighting and weapon effects - they seem much crisper and more detailed then most of the world they light up.
In the video footage at Nintys confrence, did I notice part of the track fall away over a cliff face? Having to deal with the ground shifting around and dissapearing as you plummet towards it would be a superb game feature.
I really hope this is seperate Resi game, with it's own story and everything. Resi 5 would be nice, but Leon and Claire and all the rest can all go stuff themselves if it means Capcom make a game starring Hunk. All that black leather gear... the Uzi... he's just so damn SEXY!
the classic controller is very good when you consider what it needs to do - play Nes, SNES and N64 games all at once. That is no mean feat. Simple but it will definitly get the job done.
The Excite pedigree certainly is there. The last Excitebike was superb fun. Looks like a fun racing game and the graphics look nice: the draw distance is superb.
Reminds me of my SNES days. Good times, good times.
Also while I'm here, just got to Red Steel presentation - graphics surprisingly nice. Very clean cut, looks like FEAR on about a mid setting. Very detailed. I get the impression that there are some effects which they haven't added yet. MArio also looks very clean with plenty of details and effects. Happy with the graphics.
Yeah, I'm really excited about Mario. Obviously they seem to have a solid FHC system for it, I'll be very intrested to play it myself and see how it tranlates into platforming gameplay.
The wii FHC speaker - i wonder how meaty it is. That could be pretty cool.
PS - Excite-Truck. I hope it's as good as Excite Bike. The 64 version was classy.
Couple of sides intresting me: (as well as from the big names)
Day of Crisis
Trauma Centre - definitly lookin forward to that.
Medal of Honour - hope it shares some similarity with the PC version.
Quite a wide variey there - bags of third party support. Also: "Resi series". I'm intrigued.
Yes, you're right. I geuss I'll just have to make do with Prime3, Zelda, Red Steel, Mario Universe, and Crystal Chronicles for a few months. Boo, sob, weep ect.
I can't wait. Thay've got a lot to talk about, and have always known how to hold a genuinly intresting confrence. I'll be away from my computer though, so I can't catch it live. Still just have to get it after.
Just like the PS3 controller you mean?
EDIT:Somehow, this is even more delicious then Sony knicking Nintys ideas -
Actually Nintendo did us anologue sticks first. And you gotta face it, it's but much calling the Wiimote a "Gimmick" and then shoehorning the same idea half-assed into a dualshock. Two analogue sticks isn't exactly the greatest innovation ever either - the probably only did it to make the original PS1 pad look symmetrical.