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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. Yes, but do any of them like pina coladas? Happy birthday y'all!
  2. You're living in the past man, UltraHD porn is where it's at.
  3. But only one GTX Titan, for shame.
  4. He bought it from Cyberpower. I've never bought from them but they're well reviewed and seem pretty competitively priced. I'll probably buy from them next time I want a new game-capable laptop. According to the PM he sent me:
  5. So what are the specs of your new gaming PC and how many government satellites are you planning on hacking with it?

  6. All right, but when it becomes self aware and murders all of humanity don't say I didn't warn you.
  7. It was righteous. Really hope it eventually gets commissioned for a series.
  8. In fairness there's not a lot else to do round your bit.
  9. Giantbomb did a good quick look of it (only 20 minutes or so) looked fantastic. I definitely think I'll be buying this on 360 as soon as I get home.
  10. I'm a huge Avatar/LoK fan and almost spat my tea out when I read that Platinum games was making this. Now we can dare to dream we get a decent licensed game out of this. IGN wrote an early preview that sounds promising, so fingers crossed. A game with the gaang set in early Republic City would be pretty ripping.
  11. Finally snapped an grabbed Banished, Long Live The Queen and, most importantly, Kerbal Space Programme from the Steam summer sale. Video games are so good right now. So good.
  12. You leave my ma out of this! :heh:

  13. Great race today, lovely little circuit. Good result for Hamilton, that could've gone wrong in so many ways but he's kept Rosberg in touch. A pair of good results over him and he'll be back in the fight. Great day for Williams as well obviously.
  14. I'm baaaaaaack Maaaaaaaaaaahtens. Wanna do stuff and stuff?

  15. *bursts through the wall* Mahtens.

  16. The swear word strong enough to adequately emphasize how bad Orange/EE is has not yet developed in the English language. They are a mortal insult unto themselves.
  17. Used Plusnet for a year or do in uni a while back. Best customer service I've ever had the pleasure of engaging with. My mum has been a Talk Talk customer since forever and they seem pretty decent. Had 'em for years at the old family home, never had a serious problem.
  18. Thought you'd enjoy it. :p Be back for a few days week after next. ^_^

  19. Better late than never, Happy Birthday flameo-hotman!
  20. God I love robots so damn much.
  21. With most of the dust settled I'm feeling more enthused a Nintendo fan then I have in years. That isn't to say there wasn't some to look forward to elsewhere but about 90% of that is No Man's Sky for me.
  22. Basically it's 2014 and women exist. That's what this is about.
  23. I just wanted to leeave this here. :heh:

  24. Well there's really no way out for them since this guy (Animation director for Assassin's Creed III and lead on ME 1&2, amongst many others) took to twitter: We can only hope that this whole furore will encourage them (and others) to take better note of the diversity of their own fan base for future projects.
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