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Everything posted by Kav

  1. There are two things that really grind my gears with the PS4. First being that you have to download each game to the system and you never have sodding space as a result! Second is having to wait an absolute fucking age for anything to download! It's slower than the sodding WiiU was! The Switch and XBO download stuff so quickly in comparison.
  2. A better year for some people, yes, just not for me. None of the games coming up this year, except for Mario & XC2, interest me. The WiiU having SM3DW, CoD, ZombiU, MH3U, Mass Effect 3, Darksiders 2, Batman AC, Trine 2 and Assassin's Creed in the first 12 months betters Switch's first 12 by a country mile in my eyes! The eshop games don't really interests me... only RIME & Yooka Laylee (which I transferred from a PS4 version so I'd have something to play on Switch). I'd have thought they'd have pushed for better 3rd Party support given how the Switch can run Unreal Engine 4 and is apparently easy to port to... but when games like Dragonball Fighters Z don't make the Switch you wonder why. Then I see Nintendo recycling games like Kirby and Yoshi and I just wonder why they aren't pushing the envelope more. It's not exciting! It's a shame but I could see this being my last Nintendo console.
  3. After a few months with the Switch, I'm beginning to feel a little disappointed in it. Playing Zelda was great, it's probably my favourite game I've ever played, it truly blew me away... but that was Zelda, not the Switch. After finishing it, I look at the horizon and it just seems like the WiiU all over again. Missed opportunities when it comes to online, 3rd Party support, social features of the hardware and not enough games releasing on the system. Its nice to be able to play on my commute to/from work, but I wish there was more to play. After the Zelda DLC I don't see me putting the console on when I'm at home until Xenoblade or Mario comes out and there's not much on the system that I want to warrant bringing it with me when I travel. Its looking like it may gather dust until the online app releases.
  4. Kav

    Splatoon 2

    I hope they announce additional online features to the game. Custom Classes allowing for swapping between re-spawns. Party system allowing for a 4-man Party to search for public lobbies online - not just in ranked mode. Better map rotation options & better game-mode selection options in public lobbies. Drop in mid-match to even up unbalanced teams after someone drops out. There's still so much room for improvement with the game... it's got the potential to be a true great!
  5. This is the biggest exclusive platform launch of 2017 so far. Bigger than Horizon! It's sold more in the UK in its first week than any 3D Mario has done. For an incredibly mediocre game that's really good going! (it's always been average at best, )
  6. Started reading Golden Kamui and I'm really enjoying it so far, 22 chapters in. Anyone else read it?
  7. Afraid not... although I don't own a PC/laptop so I always use my phone for posting (iPhone, using basic safari) but always preferred the desktop version. For all I know this could be the desktop version given how I don't have a desktop to check, but it looks very "mobile-versiony" to me.
  8. Where's the button to switch to desktop version?
  9. Saw a house at the start of May, got a mortgage accepted by PratWest, put in offer that got accepted, Solicitor's searches & checks all done and today got the Offer of Loan from PratWest... things moving quickly so far, hope nothing goes tits-up.
  10. Holy hell thats what I'm talkin' about!
  11. After having a lot on the past few months, I hadn't got to play Zelda as much as I'd have liked, but yesterday I finally got round to finishing it. Such a wonderfully crafted game, I loved it throughout. The best game I've ever played!
  12. Fuck me, DBFZ so needs to be on Switch! Get cross-play on it too and that's the dream!
  13. Push it off the edge? Haha
  14. Kav

    Splatoon 2

    This is absolutely Splatoon 1.5, not 2! Absurd that on their second attempt they're still not up to par with standard functions/options when it comes to online. It's half-baked once again!
  15. Monster Hunter World Sea of Thieves Super Mario Odyssey Xenoblade 2 Spider-Man God of War Dragonball Fighters Z Days Gone Battlefront 2 Cuphead ...and whenever they come out: Anthem Metroid Prime 4
  16. [tweet]875667171883528192[/tweet]
  17. The game sounds so good it could bring my a tear to my eye... this is the direction I've always envisioned Monster Hunter heading in!
  18. It sounds soooooooo good! You know I'll be taking time off for this! @Blade, will you be taking some time off too?
  19. Sony's utter bullshit excuse for no cross-platform play is called out brilliantly here... [tweet]875283922543923200[/tweet]
  20. For them to claim to be "For the players", this is simply a dick move.
  21. Given how quiet Retro Studios have been over the last 4 years or so, what do you think the chances are of a final day announcement of their next game..?
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