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Everything posted by Kav

  1. This game is god-tier! [tweet]858065797960183808[/tweet]
  2. I was hoping they'd have rectified it because it was such a retarded omission.
  3. Can you not form a group and search for public lobbies as a group? (Like you could in MKWii)
  4. Which I still prefer as you get a sense of atmosphere when watching them. This is what's lacking with a Digital Event. If I were to imagine an awesome Metroid being shown off, in a Digital Event it wouldn't have the same feeling as in a live event where you feel the excitement from the crowd.
  5. I agree with HoT, I'm not a fan of the new format they used. I can cope with a Direct but the feel of a live show is better in my opinion.
  6. Kav


    New fighter... [tweet]857840904769589248[/tweet]
  7. Flash Rebirth #21 carrying on from Batman, "The Button part 2". I'm enjoying this again.
  8. I've lost a bit of love for CoD with BF1 and Titanfall 2 being the games I'd prefer to play. I'm not sure if I'll pick this up in all honesty, I may just stick with the ones I have.
  9. Nintendo should turn Battalion Wars into their take on a 1st Person Shooter, Battlefield style.
  10. [tweet]857331545316753409[/tweet] 4th year in a row we've won the FA Youth Cup. I'm glad Abramovich (again) and, more importantly, Conte were watching it. I also hope Conte has been keeping tabs on our youth players out on loan as we've a plethora of young talent. Nathaniel Chalobah and Ruben Loftus-Cheek have been drafted into the first team squad and have made a few appearances but not enough to my liking. I'd like to see them given more games in cup competitions and in games we're coasting in. You see other youngsters given chances at teams and some thrive... now I'm not being daft or biased when I say this, but our youth players are better players than most, if not all of these players given chances. It's so annoying watching the years go by without such talent given a chance!
  11. I didn't get the DLC for MK8 and Battle Mode is very much my preferred game type... but until I know more about their online I'm not sure about purchasing this. The biggest thing that makes me lean toward picking it up before then is playing with the family.
  12. It's stuff like this that makes the game shine for me (and also why I don't mind weapons breaking)... [tweet]857263008304607233[/tweet]
  13. Is it not 30 hearts max? I've got 20-something and max stamina with 9 Shrines left to find and currently holding 3 Orbs.
  14. @130131301364 I recommend Monster. It's a brilliant animé. I always recommend Death Note too, probably my favourite, if you've not already seen it.
  15. I'll be voting Labour. I most closely align with their policies and I like Corbyn much more than the any of the others. I'd rather have a PM who discusses and doesn't avoid questions by throwing insults about. I don't mind an indirect answer however, as long as it still has substance, which I find Corbyn does have. I'll be voting for Burnham. Of all the candidates he's the only one who has said how he'll aim to achieve his plans. The others have just said they'll do stuff but not backed it up with how they'll do it. Plus I agree with him on more things than I do the others.
  16. Yeah, it's not good really. I have the Champions' weapons on the wall of my house in the game. There are far better weapons out there than them.
  17. The Digital Foundry take... [tweet]856865937932390401[/tweet] 60fps but now 720p when docked, 540p handheld. I'd take this over 1080/720 but 30fps. I don't think it's quite at the price I'd purchase just yet but maybe down the line when cheap.
  18. If MH5 gets built ground-up for the Switch then colour me majorly excited!
  19. On my commute I'm playing Shovel Knight Treasure Trove, SoT at the moment in particular, and I'm loving it! When I'm at home I'm still on Zelda and occasionally Snipperclips.
  20. Is this why you always lap up whatever Nintendo offers..? :p As someone living with kids and who has a commute too, the concept of the Switch is fantastic... but as a console it's still entirely rough around the edges so I'd not consider it to be one of the better consoles.
  21. I've 10 Shrines to go... don't want the game to end, but I don't care for the Korok seeds, it's just the Shrines that are keeping me from completing it.
  22. I can't believe you don't play games the way I play them @Hero\-of\-Time. Or like/dislike ones I do or don't. How dare you!
  23. I use horses a fair bit, I tend not to fast-travel much as you never know when you'll come across a Shrine or Korok... but I'll not just use the roads, I'll jump off my horse and climb and explore. Then when I'm next at a stable I'll call that horse back to me there and get back on it. It's much quicker than just running everywhere.
  24. We played terribly today, our passing was completely off, with the exception of Luiz. Spurs played well and pressed us back for long spells... but we punished them when we ventured forward! Zouma's reaction to Matic's thunderbolt was great...
  25. As you'd expect, it's the Nintendo fanbase that have picked up the Switch so far, not too many sales (if any) outside of those that didn't own Nintendo hardware. It will be the next few months and thats telling of its longevity. [tweet]855359941233725440[/tweet] Not sure of this guys' source. As a concept - a hybrid, I love it. It's great playing on the TV and then taking it with me on my commute to/from work! As for the features of the console, it leaves a lot to be desired, it's far too lacking on standard console features. It was the best move for Nintendo too really. I still chuckle at how some people were so adamant that it wouldn't be a hybrid!
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