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Everything posted by Kav

  1. Kav

    Splatoon 2

    There's more stupidity in Splatoon than just this!
  2. Kav

    Splatoon 2

    Bloody hell, the speed at which Nintendo make forward strides isn't even at a snail's pace. How can they be so incompetent when it comes to online?! It's baffling!
  3. I started this today on my journey to work. Cleared the first area and have enjoyed the mechanics of the game. I'm looking forward to digging in!
  4. I think after Ganon I'll shelve Zelda and the Switch will go back to being a handheld primarily on my journey to work. I'll be digging back into numerate games on my PS4, I've got a hell of a backlog!
  5. Finding all the Shrines was a slog... but soooo enjoyable a journey! [tweet]861294152276819968[/tweet]
  6. I've played Ticket to Ride and Munchkin once, both were awesome, Munchkin especially - I had such a blast playing that! I love Scrabble, Monopoly, Cluedo and Frustration... standard... and we've recently bought 13 Dead End Drive which I'm looking forward to giving a go.
  7. I realise this could well backfire but still, it sure gave me a giggle... [tweet]860609465858621440[/tweet]
  8. It's simply down to the return on their investment. If it looks to be a reasonable and worthwhile return to be made then they'll port. If not, then they won't. It's that simple.
  9. The Greater Manchester turnout was something like 29%... pathetic! ...but at least Andy Burnham was elected Mayor.
  10. Finished Specter of Torment, I played it on the tram to and from work, this is the perfect game for travelling! Still have Shovel Knight and Plague Knight's campaigns to do... but I think I'll make a start on Blaster Master Zero next.
  11. Well, I've put in my vote in Manchester... gone for Andy Burnham, Labour. He's been the outstanding candidate, with the Lib Dems as second choice.
  12. This is why I couldn't care about the single player. When you're on your own it's not that much fun... but if you're playing with mates it's hilarious (if you can chat to each other that is)!
  13. Cheers dude! Totally won't bother then. Haha
  14. What is it that it unlocks? I might not bother as I don't find single player much fun really, it's all about multiplayer for me!
  15. Started this on my journey to work this morning and got robbed on the final lap of the final race in the first GP (150cc). 2 blue shells took me down a couples places, got back into first and another blue shell before the line took me to 2nd place. You know, I don't actually think I'm arsed about getting 3 Stars, it doesn't get you anything does it?
  16. Drop the Mario Kart title, start with the first in the series of Nintendo Kart... [tweet]859091490034794497[/tweet]
  17. I'd rather this handsome Mii be my avatar than an Inkling... and I'd like my Switch's Mii to have the options that Miitomo does for customisation.
  18. I caved and bought it, digitally, as I think the kids would love it.
  19. Great result against Everton, who have been on a great run of form at home. Over to your Arsenal, do us a favour please! Haha
  20. The poor wifi is a big issue. It's has this problem and then they're expecting us to be using an app on a phone/tablet which just adds another device using the wifi... then they expect us to pay for it! They best be able to boost the wifi with a patch!
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