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Everything posted by Kav

  1. It’s between this year and 2010 for me, with 2010 edging it... just!
  2. I can’t wait to catch some awesome stuff on video! 😁
  3. MHA 157... fuck yes! Shits about to get real!!!
  4. What the actual fuck mate?!!!
  5. I’m yet to see anything that shows HD Rumble is worth it... or the IR Pointer for that matter (specifically on Switch, on the Wii it was amazing).
  6. Never mind that, it’s worse than Nintendogs!
  7. Of course it had to be us that Palace broke their duck against! We were laughably bad today... only positive was Musonda when he came on!
  8. Pure epicness, loved every bit of it and it was one of my favourite N64 games!
  9. Kaneki’s mask looked a bit crap in that trailer.
  10. I’m happy with it because I only had to fork out £28 for it with Zelda & a Pro Controller after my WiiU & 3DS trade-ins... but I’d be disappointed with it if I’d paid full-whack. Poor online is the biggest drawback but also there are not enough games that suit my tastes just at the mo - but will get better when Mario & Xenoblade 2 are released of course!
  11. I’ve generally thought DBS has been awful. Poor animation, very meh battles... but recently it ,and very much so that last episode, has been awesome!
  12. I can’t see one bit of good in this.
  13. So do I wait until this comes out... ...or pick up the standard edition on PS Store for sale at £24.99? https://store.playstation.com/#!/en-gb/cid=EP9000-CUSA07320_00-HRZ0000000000000?scope=sceapp&smcid=sceapp&psappver=4.20.10:home What do you think guys & gals?
  14. This game looks absolutely joyous!
  15. If Nintendo had a Party & invite system on their OS they wouldn’t need to worry about this.
  16. I blame Nintendo. It’s their fault for not having an invite/Party system on the OS. In not having one on yet another console they've created this impression for others that Nintendo fans don’t care much for online gaming - even with friends, hence the lack of proper voice chat options for so long too. Why should a developer put the extra resources into further development when the consumer base doesn’t have a big enough desire for it?
  17. EA are definitely lazy but I still don’t blame them.
  18. You need an invite system that’s linked to the OS, like the other consoles have. Otherwise the developer has to go out of their way setting up an entirely new invite system. I don’t blame EA, they don’t want to spend the further development costs.
  19. How do Nintendo gimp online so much in this day & age! Hahahaha
  20. @Hero-of-Time and I are one in the same. He plucked the Master Sword from the pedestal in the Temple of Time and is now me 7yrs in the future!
  21. £12.99 on the Store at the mo. Great price for a top-notch game!
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