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Everything posted by Kav

  1. We’ve been so lacklustre as of late that I can’t muster up the energy to post! Haha
  2. Kav

    Splatoon 2

    Put it on, played 1 game & thought “I gotta put XC2 on now”... I don’t know when I’ll finally get on this with Monster Hunter World releasing soon!
  3. You have the get it Lost, it’d be weird you not joining the hunt!
  4. Totally forgot about pre-ordering! Haha I’ve just done so with Simply Games... can’t wait for this game! What nights are generally best for everyone to get some hunting done (for those who won’t be on all the time)?
  5. I imagine @Hero-of-Time @lostmario will be on regularly. @Blade will be too I’m sure. I’ll be on but maybe only a couple nights a week, I don’t game all that often these days other than in my commute.
  6. Just finished it, had tears in my eyes during that ending! Loved the game, 2nd best Switch game for me! Now to get the final Rare Blades & fight the super bosses etc.
  7. It was late, I was tired! On the way in to work I’ve reached the final battle. It gives you warning before starting that it’s the last one and asks if you wish to continue so I just saved it... ...now I’m unsure whether to do it, and finish other stuff post-game (MERC missions , side-quests, Blade affinity charts etc) or do that stuff first then come back and fight the battle.
  8. To fill out Roc’s affinity chart you need to do Merc Missions and fill the Merc Rank meter, then talk to the guys at Merc HQ in Garfont, Uraya, to level up your Merc Level.
  9. The only reason I’m not arsed about a Direct just yet is because I’m LOVING Xenoblade 2 & I’m far too hyped for Monster Hunter World.
  10. Yeah, whilst you’re building the Arts you can flick the stick to cut the animation & attack faster. Still use the Arts to perform the cancels though, and cancel Arts with other Arts & Specials. For an explanation of the Battle System, check this out, it puts it straightforwardly enough: https://www.gameskinny.com/x4uww/xenoblade-chronicles-2-combat-guide-excel-at-blade-combos-driver-combos-and-chain-attacks
  11. On the way to work this morning I equipped my level 68 character with +26 luck & a 30% luck increase and bonded with: 4 legendary, 21 rare and 76 common blade cores... ...after getting nothing but common blades throughout it was only on the final 2 common cores that I got a couple Rare Blades. Neither were the class I was hoping for. Edit: why is the size of the text in this post going mental?
  12. Do you know you can cancel the auto-attacks to speed up the charging of Arts? As your auto-attack connects flick the left analogue ever so slightly to cancel the animation, you’ll then auto attack at a faster rate, charging the Arts quicker. Once you get accustomed to it you’ll find you’re mostly using Arts and repositioning with much less time auto-attacking. Having it as auto-attacking helps when strategising as to what Blade combos you want to build to add the element orbs you want for your Chain attacks, as well as nailing Driver combos to get better drops & max the damage you deal.
  13. Finished it last night, can’t wait for season 2!
  14. Watched the first 7 episodes after Daft’s recommendation. Really enjoying it so far and can’t wait to see how it plays out!
  15. Thanks @RedShell @Dcubed The holding the power button did the trick! ...but you are right, that was an inordinately long time, well in excess of 10 seconds, perhaps close to 20 before it powered down!
  16. If I remove the micro SD, will that risk wiping anything that’s saved to it?
  17. I was playing XC2 last night when the Switch froze on me again. Nothing but a black-screen (it’s on), the power button & home button menus pop up but the options they each provide do not function. I get friend notifications etc flash up on the black screen but nothing else. Last time I let the Switch battery die out and I then recharged it... that hasn’t worked this time so I’ve a Switch that’s on 100% charge with a permanent black screen... no idea what to do. Any thoughts other than send it to Nintendo and no doubt lose all my saves etc because they aren’t aware it’s 2018?
  18. I don’t want to finish this game... I want every Rare Blade... I love it!!!!
  19. I’ve played... ...not as much as I’d have liked.
  20. The actual last OP chapter of 2017 was amazing! Hahaha
  21. Kav

    Splatoon 2

    They should do it like every other bloody dev on the planet like @Hero-of-Time says. Options. The more the better.
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