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Everything posted by Kav

  1. Mokong I just LOVE these stories man!
  2. That's what Dazzy and I are getting at, a lot of the new IPs last gen didn't feel new, just re-skinned. Yeah Nintendo's games are long standing franchises but they contain elements that make them feel fresh and new. That's what it seems you're not getting about our point.
  3. This is the thing @Sheikah it's going to be opinions that effect each side of the argument most. In the games you listed, none wow me. Albeit I'm yet to play the Last of Us and Demon Souls... although Demon Souls just doesn't seem to interest me and I only want to play The Last of Us for the story as I hear it's great storytelling. And then there's the thing for me, storytelling is one thing, but I don't need a narrative in a game. For me it's not nearly the most important thing in a game, it's about how the game actually plays, hence my love for the Mario games! Hence why I think the Uncharted games are MASSIVELY overrated. Infamous, that may well have been a new IP but it didn't feel new, it felt like a typical sandbox game I'd played before albeit with a new skin. Skyword Sword felt much more fresh than those games just due to the motion control alone... which again, I thought was amazing!
  4. I know, let's take the first games of their kind in 3D and then compare how other games won't be as groundbreaking. Of course the majority of games aren't going to be as groundbreaking as the lot you'd been listing! Yet given the few you'd mentioned, most games in their respective genres that you could argue have been groundbreaking have been Nintendo games! Zelda - Skyward Sword was groundbreaking in it's use of motion control which was amazing (for those that didn't like it, I simply think you're nuts). Mario - Galaxy, this was the most groundbreaking platformer since Mario 64 and one of the best games of all time... faultless! Sure they're not this new generation but nobody else last gen brought something as groundbreaking to the table as them. We'll see how Smash and Mario Kart fare with this generation but I don't see them being groundbreaking, although I'd say I haven't seen a single other game in the same genres that I'd call groundbreaking too. Then I look across all other games and platforms and try to think of the last game I though was groundbreaking and I'm not sure of what I feel has been groundbreaking. Maybe Little Big Planet, kind of, but the game is in the building of the levels for me, not really the playing of them as I feel the characters/controls don't feel as precise as they should be... the feel a little unwieldy. Anyhoo, I'm going to agree with @dazzybee that just because Nintendo's games are long-running franchises, it doesn't mean they never feel fresh or new. Nintendo are still breaking ground in that respect.
  5. I watched the first 5 episodes of this tonight and have enjoyed it. I'll keep watching this for sure!
  6. This is funny because it's true!
  7. This. If voice chat isn't included I will be posting numerate tirades on Miiverse and Twitter to Nintendo to vent my frustration and do Nintendo's head in!
  8. Just went to see this with @Blade, what an amazing film! Loved every bit of it, hardly stopped laughing throughout!
  9. I'm in the same boat, the Gamepad only works if in the same room as the console. I swear, Superman couldn't see through my sodding walls.
  10. Just finished FMA Brotherhood. Really enjoyed it, the last few episodes were particularly good... almost brought me to tears in a couple places!
  11. I do hope this is good online. I played loads of Melee with friends back in the day but Brawl never got a look in as a lot of my mates don't live close anymore and the online was so awful I just didn't bother. This game best bloody have voice chat!!!
  12. Wow, can't believe @canand's persistence is paying off! Canand, now tweet the hell out of them to fix the game and make it how it used to be like in the MW/MW2 & Black Ops days!
  13. So, the latest chapters...
  14. Kav


    Ok, that trailer got me excited!
  15. OI! Don't you knock Alty! Up the Robbins!!!
  16. Keep watching @Mokong, you're going to love it! I'm up to episode 33 now on FMA Brotherhood. Enjoying a lot now, but I'd say I still prefer Death Note, AoT, HxH and One Piece.
  17. So I decided I'd have to get through FMA Brotherhood given it gets high praise. I've watched the first 17 episodes and I'm finally getting into it. It doesn't jump out to me as amazing just yet though. I'll keep watching mind.
  18. Alright mate, what do you think of The Breaker: New Waves at the moment? You still following it?

    I'm really losing interest in it, it's just not doing anything for me lately.


    I'm still reading Feng Shen Ji, it's waned a bit on me though, I don't care for the characters enough.


    I've just started reading Kingdom, not too sure what to make of it just yet, even though I read 52 chapters of it last night, haha.

  19. I'll probably watch it but I don't see the excellent and expansive cast or how any of the characters are interesting. It just looks like any other meh movie to me. Don't get me wrong, it could well be great but I don't see that it looks great... I could well be in for an awesome surprise.
  20. Is it just me that has absolutely zero interest in this then? It looks a little... well, pants to be honest.
  21. I concur, Monster is brilliant!
  22. I've seen some of that but stopped watching... I can't remember why now but I do recall enjoying it. I'll get back into it methinks, thanks!
  23. I'm glad we got to see some of "X" but it didn't sound like it's be a 2014 release... so the games for WiiU we'll get to play this "spring" are DKCR:TF and Mario Kart 8. Just them, right? Oh dear.
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