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Everything posted by Kav

  1. I'm not saying they wanted rid of Nintendo, but they no doubt wanted to aim to be the best and sell the most if they could... what's unrealistic about that?! Also, regarding the bolded bit; I only need point you in the direction of people in this forum, never mind elsewhere. There are a fair few people on here that are "tired" with the "same old Zelda formula" and "Mario again"... I'm not one of them but there are plenty on this forum that have said so, there's no denying that!
  2. I'm not saying they're comparable, as home consoles are the main focus of both companies, although with Nintendo it's more equal on each front. Yet there's no way Sony put out the PSP without thinking "we're aiming to topple Nintendo". Like when they decided to go forward with the Playstation, it's been famously said that they decided to go after Nintendo after the way they were treated by them in regards to the "SNES CD Drive".
  3. No way are they just a "side project" for Sony. Always at E3 they stress their handhelds are important to them and they show them good support/give them decent stage-time. They're great consoles, they've just underperformed (not so much the PSP). Also, I recall nearly everyone in the industry claiming Nintendo's dominance in the handheld market over when Sony announced the PSP. Everyone expected Sony to dominate. #SonyDefenceForce (this is only a joke everyone, don't fret).
  4. Chelsea have accepted a bid of £37 million for Mata apparently.
  5. I just don't get excited for Naruto anymore, thought the latest chapter was rubbish. One Piece however is simply awesome!
  6. So then Daft should post proof of the bold statement he made first about weak leadership being worse for morale, then Serebii can post his proof of redundancies being worse..? Or we're you just of prong Daft's statement because you like going on at Serebii? I'm not saying that's the case, I'm simply asking because of the way this thread has come across, that's how it appears to me.
  7. Or 2nd Party. I'd not like the idea of 3rd Party exclusives, which could happen. I'd love to buy only one or two consoles.
  8. You misread it then, it wasn't just the "no" that was my answer, my entire post was my answer. Like I said, I didn't care for the proof personally, I said it for the reasons I'd stated. Yet Daft said his absolute first, why aren't people calling out him on it? That's the point I'm making. Daft posted an absolute then told Serebii not to and asked him for proof if his. That's just nuts! That's the whole point of my posts. Which is why I said that it seemed like an attack on Serebii for the sake of attacking him.
  9. No. @Sheikah too... I've posted above how it read, I think asking for proof from Serebii was unfounded given he answered a question directed at him on expressing his views. Given that I felt what seemed like the first absolute came from Daft I felt he should've been the one supplying proof. Hence my posts.
  10. Hold on a sec. Serebii was asked why talk of redundancies were relevant, to which he posted this... Which is fair enough right? He was asked why he thought redundancies were relevant so he gave his thoughts on the matter. It's not an absolute, it's his opinion. He answered as to why he thought they were relevant, ergo an opinion, no? Yet Daft posts this... To me, it appears as though Daft has started on the absolutes. Which is why I saw it as simply attacking Serebii for the sake of it. Daft has said that wasn't his intention so I now know it wasn't, but it's not fair to say Serebii is the one talking in absolutes.
  11. Yeah, I asked Daft to, given that he was the one so adamant proof was required. I didn't actually care for the proof myself, I was just making a point that he was demanding proof yet have none himself. But why should he? If it's his "conviction" then surely it's his to believe, he should have to prove that. By all means disagree but he shouldn't have to prove himself to you. It's his opinion on the matter.
  12. Yet you said this earlier... Serebii posts this... To which you reply... Why don't you prove that it doesn't? Why don't you prove your point here... It just appears that you're attacking Serebii just for the sake of attacking him. Calling him "Mr Journalist", it's a bit snarky don't you think?
  13. A couple images from a work night out on friday... And one with @Blade lurking in the background trying to figure out how to get into the smoking area (wasted, eh Shit-Swig?)...
  14. Almost finished Feng Shen Ji... sorry @Ellmeister, this one I find is just "OK".
  15. I'm still reading it but I only want to know how it ends, I lost interest in it quite a while ago now. I used to love it!
  16. No I'm not, as I've said in one of my posts, the paedophile may well not act on his urges and the child wouldn't be raped. Even so, I'd not let my child be alone with a paedophile. The paedophile I know never acted on his urges, he was sent down for having child pornography. Even though I've known him almost 30 years, I'd not let a child near him.
  17. Post up a crap one of me why don't you mate! I'm wearing a bloody picnic blanket, haha. I love you @Blade
  18. I don't mean to come off as aggressive, sorry if it was seen that way. I'm just bemused as to how the question couldn't be answered because we "don't know enough"... I feel I know enough to not leave my child with a paedophile. Like Diageo said, I'd not leave my possessions with a thief either.
  19. But what if the gay person sexually assaults the other person? It could happen, regardless of consent. Also, a thief may choose not to steal any of your possessions and the paedophile may not sexually assault the child. Isn't that right @Dannyboy\-the\-Dane? We shouldn't be so quick to judge, let's all give the paedo a chance eh? But Diageo, yeah, you'd not be willing to chance it, as I wouldn't either. I in no way see paedophilia in the way of "it's just a sexual preference". The whole nature of it goes against consent. Which is why if it could be cured I'd say yes, cure it. How Danny-boy can't answer the question though I don't get. If he had a child he couldn't say yes or no as to whether he'd let the child stay in a room with a paedophile... crazy!
  20. As @Zechs Merquise has said all along, the price and marketing for the WiiU was always terrible. It's plain to see why it didn't sell. However, with it being the only place to play Nintendo games, it's a great console to have for me.
  21. The thing I love about Shingeki no Kyojin is the mystery of it all. Why are the titans attacking mankind, how'd they come to be... what's in the basement?! Love it
  22. I just don't see it at, it's so much better than Feng Shen Ji.
  23. I figured I'd put up a few pics so that those of you who have recently gained disdain towards me can imagine punching me in the face, haha. Given that people are putting up pics in suits, I'll go for my friends wedding... Chilling with a beer after work albeit not quite a suit...
  24. Me too. As much as I love Nintendo games, I do think the console will sell roughly Gamecube numbers.
  25. Still, I can answer. No I wouldn't leave my child in a room alone with a paedophile.
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