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Everything posted by Kav

  1. *cough* myself *cough* Haha, you'll not think much if you just watch one episode mate, you need to watch a few!
  2. I think you've read way too much into that @jayseven The first part of my comment you quoted was me just jokin with you, hence the smiley. I chose to answer like that because I don't see the validity of your post given that the situation couldn't arise as you'd described, hypothetical or not. Also, I posted to say my opinion, not to force it on anyone I said. That doesn't mean I didn't want to discuss it but rather than discuss people just attacked. Nobody asked why I took such an extreme view on the matter, they just attacked. That's not discussion. I've not dirtied my name, you've just jumped on the bandwagon and attacked. You reply to my posts how you wish. As I'll do with yours.
  3. Vincent Tan, what a whopper! Haha
  4. @jayseven I'm struggling to answer because if I think about that situation I can't help but only see myself as the person keeping the other one alive. I'm never the victim. :p Also, I just wanted to state my opinion on the Ian Watkins matter. I didn't want to push my opinion on anyone else or have it verified by someone else. The discussions only went from there because people questioned my opinion and attacked my views, I hadn't attacked theirs until they attacked mine... just for the laughs mainly.
  5. Nobody called me a degenerate. It was said that the views were degenerate and something I had said was referred to.
  6. @Mr\-Paul you misunderstood my comment on weak-willed. I was saying that I see those that would choose death over the sentence as being weak-willed. That they didn't have the straight to see the sentence through.
  7. I can appreciate that, but it just made me laugh, I knew thanking it would get me comments back but I just found it funny. I do consider myself to be mentally strong, I've had to be with events that've occurred in my life. I'm not the physically strongest person but I'm confident enough in my physical capabilities to deal with most things that come my way. I only took the harsher tone after it was said that my views were degenerate and barbaric. Whys it fair to people come down with a high and mighty tone on me and me not with them? Swings and roundabouts.
  8. I hope we start kicking on... one tough game for us tonight mind. I've a few friends who are Arsenal fans, I'd not look forward to the grief they'll give me if they win, haha.
  9. Any post that makes me laugh gets a thanks. Hell, I thank some of yours @Sheikah But on topics like this one we have a similar view.
  10. Evidently not dead then. The market is just saturated with the Wii.
  11. Haha, cheeky git! We have similar views on some things but believe me, it's not across the board.
  12. This topic weirds me out way too much to comment.
  13. Normally I'd agree, but not when one option is death. Also, if that's the case, why is it you point it out to only me and not to those saying death would be better? Works both ways from what you're saying.
  14. @Mokong X-C that's the weirdest question I have ever been asked. I value my life, I'd not want it to end. I'm a fighter, I'd not give up. That's simply all it boils down to for me. No thoughts on afterlife or anything of the like. I just desire to live.
  15. Haha. Belting! I do think those that would choose death are weak willed. That's just my view.
  16. I'd rather be killed than read more of your tripe.
  17. Well given that I'm the one that has experienced prison life, I've a better idea of it than you. If someone chooses death over it then yes, in my mind, they're weak-willed. That's my opinion, just as you say I shouldn't quash yours then you shouldn't quash mine right?
  18. That's the thing. It's not everything, there are still things you can do, yes you are deprived of a hell of a lot, but you're alive. Trust me, being in prison and being alive is preferable to dying. I don't see how anyone would think otherwise, are you that weak-willed that you couldn't cope? Would you commit suicide before that? That's just crazy talk! It was in Thailand, under suspicion of drug smuggling. Bangkwang Prison, that's hell... but damn, I'd rather be alive in there than be dead!
  19. In my view, death. I'd much rather be locked up for life than actually die. Easily! Just a quick question to people too... has anyone here actually been in jail? Now I'm not talking being put in a police cell for being drunk or something, I'm actually talking about prison. Has anyone experienced prison life here? I have, sure it wasn't for long but we didn't know that would be the case, I came to terms with the possibility that I'd not be getting out for years. It's horrible, it really is, but believe me it's better than death!
  20. Whoever wrote that diary should try spending time in Bangkwang Prison, when I got put in there I was literally thinking I could be there for life and saw what it could be like, prison over here would be a breeze in comparison. Haha Still, I believe Watkins is getting off light, I don't care if anyone thinks I'm barbaric or anything of the like for saying so.
  21. He sees it as "mega lolz", he has abused numerate children, he convinced parents to abuse their own children, he attempted to rape a baby. I'd prefer him dead. Just have rid of him, he shouldn't ever be let on the street again in my eyes, he doesn't deserve to be rehabilitated in my eyes, he's a drain on the prison system and is better off exterminated from this world. His crimes are just too much for me. In my view of course, but I respect the law and that he is being punished according to it.
  22. That's the thing, for me, 35 years in prison is lenient.
  23. My views may be considered extreme by some and people have every right to think so, but on that note, I've every right to think that some people's views are far too lenient. I'm shocked myself at some views of, in my mind, leniency.
  24. I remember that thread @Ashley and in his case I was glad he felt it was worse than death... yet I'd have still killed him as I didn't buy into his thinking it was worse than death. The article he wrote was well thought out and well written, he was of sound mind and it didn't appear to have too much of a detrimental effect on him in mind. Or at least not enough of one.
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