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Everything posted by Kav

  1. No, MKDS included wiped the floor with Halo
  2. I've not said the paedophile would, I asked the question. I don't know. But still, would you let your own child stay in the same room with the paedophile? Why'd you decide to avoid that question? I actually know a paedophile, known him for most of my life. He fled the country when he got found out and eventually Interpol caught him. He's currently serving time in prison and has to sign the sex offenders register for 15 years. If I ever saw him again I'd absolutely kick the crap out of him... but also because there are other circumstances surrounding the situation.
  3. Would it be a release though? I watch porn and that doesn't give me a release, if anything it makes me want to fuck even more. In regards to "is it simply a sexual preference just like homosexuality is?", I can't quite see it as being that. Would any of you let a paedophile stay in a room alone with your child? If not, would you let someone that is gay stay in a room with your child? If yes, why not the paedophile? People may say that the child would not be at risk being in a room with a homosexual and they would with a paedophile, but then would an adult of the same sex be at risk with in a room with a homosexual? Not really, because generally speaking the homosexual wouldn't look to commit rape. The paedophile may well do... no? I just don't see it as the same.
  4. I don't see how they don't appeal to the wider gaming market given that they outsell the majority of Xbox/PS games in the west too. I get that you mean Nintendo don't have certain games that are of similar ilk to the Gears/Halo/Uncharted games etc but it's easily argued that those games don't have the wider market appeal given that Mario Kart outsells them in the west without breaking a sweat. MKWii outsold any 3 Halo games combined last gen. That's reaching to the wider gaming market.
  5. Surely Mario Kart and Smash Bros appeal to the west given they usually sell incredibly well..?
  6. I'd like to see an original IP from them too, not because it's a move away from established franchises but simply because I feel they've earned their chance at doing their own thing an showing us what ideas an thoughts they have themselves as opposed to sticking to an outline set by an existing franchise.
  7. They should do it like a Netflix type service. £5 a month and you've access to their whole back catalogue.
  8. Oh man, I've been a One Piece fan for years. I'm all up to speed with the manga releases, it's Blade that's new to it. I finally got him on it. We're watching it together though, I'm re-watching.
  9. @Pestneb the Top Gear game was amazing! Awesome music in it too!
  10. I'm absolutely loving re-watching it with you mate... as well as singing along to the fucking intro! Haha We've just finished the Arlong Park Arc. Pure awesome! The walk to Arlong park is so badass!
  11. Huh?! Chapter 53 of Shingeki No Kyojin is out! I thought it returned in march?! I guess not, AWESOME!!!
  12. Ok so I've been reading Feng Shen Ji (finally) and am up to chapter 31. It's pretty good and I'll keep reading but I don't think it's anywhere near as good as Shingeki No Kyojin so far Still, I'd recommend it.
  13. Kav

    Your 2013

    Girlfriend went back to Mexico, we broke up Girlfriend came back from Mexico to give it a go Met @Blade on MH3U Hard carnage in Leeds with @Zechs Merquise and Blade Had a nice week away with the girlfriend in the lakes Got a surprise birthday party thrown for me which truly stunned me Girlfriend asked me to marry her, I said no Girlfriend went back to Mexico and we broke up Went to Sheffield to see Blade to cheer him up Went out in Leeds again with Zechs and Blade Went on quite a few dates (need to go on less, I'm spending too much money, haha) Went out in Leeds again with Zechs and Blade Told the director at work I'd be looking for a new job Had an awesome new year with Zechs and Blade So yeah, that was interspersed with plenty of drinks with my mates from this neck of the woods too. It's been quite a year for the drink for me, I probably should drink less this year, haha.
  14. Nice one Mokong, congratulations! I hope everyone is doing well!
  15. I've started watching One Piece from the beginning again with @Blade We both stream it on our WiiU's and chat over the phone whilst watching each episode, loving it!
  16. @Blade does this too don't you Blade? :p
  17. Looks play a huge part in it because you need that initial attraction. With online dating I'll message anyone that I think is good looking. From there I'll then look at their personalities as a profile isn't always an accurate enough description of their personality, and then I'll date those I get on with... but initially I'll message every girl that's good looking, great profile or not so great profile.
  18. Well we'd kind of gotten off the topic of his actual sentencing and crimes so I figured I'd put it back onto that. I can always edit out my opinion on it if you wish? Just thought I'd say why I felt the way I did.
  19. I know, which is why I stated "in this case". Just looking at everything I believe that he knew he was doing wrong.
  20. Good game, probably the best we've played this season so far. I don't know how we managed to keep Saurez fairly quiet given the form he's on. I'm still shocked one of our strikers scored! Haha
  21. The brain is indeed complex, but I don't buy into that in his case. Not looking at everything that has been said/gone on. I don't see in black and white but I don't believe this case is in a grey area. @Diageo out of curiosity, what are your thoughts on the sentencing and his crimes? You've not stated your views on it so far, just your views and impressions on other people's. I'd love to know what you think of it all.
  22. I do indeed to some extent, but to have kept it secret and hidden, then that to me shows an indication of comprehension of his actions. This makes me believe he's not entirely mentally defective.
  23. Even though I've been coming to the site since the N64-Europe days, I always stuck to the gaming boards with the odd foray into the anime/manga and football threads. This year I started to have a gander in the general chit chat board and got a little more involved (to the dismay of some people it seems, haha). Well my resolution for next year is to get much more involved in the general chit chat board so the community and I can get to know each other better, because even though opinions differ and sometimes arguments break out, I love it here!
  24. So, back on topic, 35 years. Going from what our law allows I'm glad he got a long sentence. The severity of his crimes are truly horrendous. As you're all aware I don't feel this is a harsh sentence. My reasoning for my feelings to it being a lenient sentence are because of the nature of the crime, the number of offences committed and also his reaction toward to the whole thing. This is a man who repeatedly abused numerate children, including the attempted rape of a baby. For people saying he has an illness, if this is the case and it is an illness, why did he never once consult someone about it to try and seek some form of help? He knew he was doing wrong, hence the whole secrecy of it all as time went on. Even knowing what he was doing was wrong he still sees it with a sick twisted satisfaction hence the "mega lolz" quote. For me, I'd rather the world be rid of this man. I wouldn't want a jail cell to be taken up by him, for money to be used to pay for this man to continue living, albeit in a cell. I don't feel his crimes deserve an attempt at rehabilitation. People say he'd get out at 70 and not be a danger to anyone but how can you know? He could still abuse children at that age. For me, I think death would be just in this case. Of course the law doesn't allow so I live within the law and am happy that the maximum sentence was given.
  25. It's ok, no need to apologise, I didn't find your posts to have any worth anyway.
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