I don't think they suffer from franchise fatigue at all, but I do think Nintendo should put out their other franchises more often as well as creating new IP.
It's purely subjective though really isn't it. You get more value from the PS, I get more value from Nintendo... the reason I get more value from Nintendo is simply this; it's where I can play Mario, Zelda and Metroid. For me, that's the best value out there, regardless of price etc.
SMG, SMG2, Rayman Origins, Lost in Shadow, LostWinds, LostWinds 2, De Blob, De Blob 2, Sonic Colours..? I'd say they're innovative.
SMG and SMG2 alone were so amazingly full of great ideas and innovations, I was completely blown away by them.
Now read the manga from chapter 33 onwards. It gets better and better mate!
I've not really been able to get into FMA Brotherhood
Up to episode 78 on Hunter X Hunter and loving it more and more!
That's bollocks. These "light-hearted jibes" are allowed by only certain people. Other do get infractions when saying things not as bad. I know cases where it's happened.
Should a moderator not stamp out this post?
My reason for posting here and not in the mod forum is because I think this post is bad stuff.
Some people get infractions/threats of banning for posting comments not even nearly as provocative as this... I'd take a guess that this goes unpunished but I get warned over my post, as is the way with this forum as of late.
Part of me would like to thank this post but the Wii is possibly my favourite console of all time. I absolutely loved it... although I do wish the online was better.
For me, the biggest problem with the WiiU is Nintendo's attitude to online. A Party Chat type system would alleviate almost all issues for me really.