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Everything posted by Kav

  1. Reading all the different reviews makes me think @Ashley has lost his soul. :p
  2. Gaming with the N-E lot... MHTU in particular as well as Black Ops 2 (and Ghosts now). Mostly though, I started gaming with more of the community than I had done on the Wii. Through this I got to meet @Blade and what a good friend he now is! Love you man (it's a bromance). My favourite feature of the console is off-TV play, it suits as we only have 1 TV in my place and my flatmate can watch it whilst I game! Awesome feature. The funny things is, even when he's not in or not using the TV I still play on the Gamepad only, I've found myself preferring it that way!
  3. On the patch they got rid of the "snap-to" aim assist for the Wiimote... which they needed to really to nerf the snipers. You'd not believe how crazily I was owning the other night.
  4. Nothing could save the Gamepad though!
  5. I know it's expected but it's still awful none the less, CoD sold more on PS4 than it did on WiiU... http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-11-11-uk-chart-cod-ghosts-top-more-copies-sold-on-ps4-than-wii-u
  6. 60 levels per prestige, don't think I'll bother. I only prestiged in prior CoDs to get extra custom class slots.
  7. I've no idea to be honest, not paid attention, haha.
  8. The maps are way too big for my liking. The spawns are a complete mess I've found and lag-compensation is as ever present as it was in BO2. With the maps, I find I get bored and frustrated at times, yet also I get spawned down the barrel of an enemy gun so much that it's laughable. It happened 4 times in a row on one game, 4 of the cheapest deaths I'd ever had, it was like Goldeneye on the WiiU. Why spawn me so close to someone when the maps are so big?! This pisses me off more than anything did in BO2. What does my head in is how it's so up and down, probably more than BO2 was, your connection to the host is either good and you can engage in gunfights or it's utter bollocks and you don't have gunfights as you die in what seems like one shot no matter what you do. Again, it'll all be down to connection to host and networking, which they've ballsed up again.
  9. It's the same everywhere. I went Ito my local Grainger to double check they got the game in. They hadn't received it, yet they were supposed to.it would have been the only WiiU copy they had. Luckily they Gould have received it in the morning delivery but hadn't so they called the manchester warehouse to see what had happened with the deliveries. Turned out that my copy got delivered to another store, only 3 miles away mind and they're still doing a midnight launch too, so the staff at my branch told them to put my copy to the side for me. Now the joke. In manchester, all that was ordered for WiiU from Grainger was apparently the following: Altrincham (my local branch) - 1 copy Sale (my game ended up here) - 3 copies Stockport - 7 copies
  10. Oh they definitely need to learn how to help themselves. I can't believe how off the boil they have been with the whole marketing/positioning of the WiiU.
  11. Well you worded it terribly then @Sheikah. I agree with the rest of your post, just thought that one sentence was trash.
  12. Urgh. We were terrible in the second half, Newcastle deserved the win.
  13. I agree with this, Nintendo need all bases covered but for some demented reason they're not doing so.
  14. I know that, that's why I'm not arguing against it. I'm just saying you've made a silly remark saying that Nintendo consoles don't appeal to adults. That's all.
  15. @Wii the ads are aired on children's channels because if thy can get children to want it then they've got themselves guaranteed sales at Christmas. Children will pester parents for want they want endlessly, so it makes sense to try and go for them at this time of year especially. However, @Sheikah, just because that's how Nintendo will push it this holiday season, it doesn't mean the console doesn't appeal to adults too, hence why all those on here that own one aren't 7 year olds.
  16. I'm just looking at that statement because I think it's silly. All the people I know that play Nintendo games are of my age group. All children I know play 360 or PS3 and they play practically just CoD and FIFA. Try don't play Nintendo because "Nintendo is for kids" and that's "not cool", so they game on the "grown up consoles". When I'm gaming online on my WiiU, and even when I was on my Wii, it wasn't often I'd come across children playing. The people online were usually of similar age to myself. When I gamed on my 360 there was a constant barrage of kids online, mainly playing "adult" games. It's not me being in the minority, it's that Nintendo consoles sell to Nintendo fans who are generally adults that grew up on Nintendo. The exception being the Wii which sold to absolutely everyone. If children loved Nintendo consoles so much the WiiU would be selling very well, simply because it's what kids would be demanding as presents and pestering their parents to get them.
  17. Hold on, it's still Treyarch working on the Nintendo version?! Infinity Ward still not bothering?
  18. At 31 years old I never realised I was not yet an adult. What a silly statement you've made there. Those that have a WiiU will more than likely be adults. Given that it's not sold too well then we could guess that generally speaking only the die-hard Nintendo fans have bought it, those people being of similar age to myself for the simple fact that they grew up on Nintendo and love the games they make, it's in our blood.
  19. I dunno, sales of Mario Kart Wii and NSMBWii suggest that they wouldn't. Don't hate the system, don't hate the users, hate the rubbish that people talk.
  20. I may well have met the perfect girl! Not only is she funny, sweet, smart, quite adorable and out of this world stunning (seriously breathtaking) but lo and behold she loves super-hero films and even better than that; she's a bit of a gamer! Lucky fucker I am!
  21. Extinction doesn't do it for me. Never really enjoyed the horde mode type games... I'd much rather slaughter randoms in multiplayer!
  22. What the hell did I just watch there?!
  23. I'm not posting in the bad stuff thread.
  24. My favourite 3D Zelda games probably go like this... OOT - perfection SS - almost perfect, Fi was annoying TP - great but the world didn't feel "alive" WW - great but sailing was a huge pain in the ass MM - great but the time limit/return back to the first day just wasn't for me MM is the only 3D Zelda I haven't bothered replaying.
  25. It'll be a full parity version of the game but probably won't get any DLC. It will have Wiimote support too I believe.
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