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Everything posted by Jav_NE

  1. I went back for the first time in years recently and saw the new Arndale. Holy shit has that thing grown! It used to be tiny, the biggest thing was that giant Next. So weird. Anyway, if you go to the triangle, be mean to the staff in Pizza Express for me will you [On Topic] Maybe you just havn't seen the right guy yet Eenuh, or maybe you're just not looking. I couldn't care less about girls until i started Uni 4 years ago, now i sometimes wonder if i'm a pervert as my eye is often caught by a nice looking lady in the street.
  2. I sometimes look in the mirror so long that i don't even recognise myself anymore. I think its because you notice smaller features of your face when you focus on it for too long. It's weird though.
  3. Never had it, though it sounds insane. The scariest thing that has happened to me is when i slept funny on both of my arms and when i woke up they were both dead. Now that was freaky.
  4. The best lunch ever, Subway Meatball heaven. Only mine had lots of jalapenos inside!
  5. Wow, take the fun out of life why dont you! Everyone needs something to turn to when they are bored or stressed or whatever. We'd be very angry people otherwise.
  6. Trust is such a pain. People who go on about it are the ones who need seeing to. Think about it, when you say you can't trust someone its because you want something from them. Its all me, me, me for those guys. It's simple, don't ask for anything and you will trust everyone.
  7. To put it simply, no. No you shouldn't join the army, or any other force for that matter. Whether you fight in a war or not, you're still suporting it by being next in line.
  8. I havn't lasted more than 2 years at any one job, but i'm getting there!
  9. You've changed a lot since the last time i saw a picture of you that's for sure! You look a lot better now :p
  10. Call For Help In Writing A Guide I've been asked to do a mini-guide for MK:Wii for N-Rev magazine, and i was wondering what you guys would like to see in it? How to unlock the characters will off course be in there (does anyone know them all already?), along with the Expert Staff Ghost times to beat. A lot of the rest will be about techniques and tricks, so if you post all your dirty little tricks (like someone said they can stop the POW box, but didn't say how) and stuff like that, that would be awesome. Any shortcuts? If the really good players who have beaten the Staff Ghosts can post a short paragraph on key turns/shortcuts they take etc for each track that would be ideal (probably just the 16 new tracks, i'm not sure). Anyway, any help would be appreciated
  11. 27K and you're not happy? Jesus, some people :p
  12. Do we not have a MK Wii friend code thread yet? Would be a good idea. edit - nevermind, i'm a retard and didn't see the thread in the online forum.
  13. Yeah, but i hope it isn't a memory loss case, they already did that to death with Mike. I'm thinking she isn't their daughter at all, the real one is either dead or still out there. I hope Edie dies, she used to be quite funny but i hate her now. She's just a pain in the ass for everybody. I liked the part where Gabby's husband was talking to Carlos, he looked shit scared!
  14. The best thing happened at work this week, the mighty Phil King (the new editor for N-Revolution magazine) has moved into our offices and he sits right opposite me! It took me until today to introduce myself, and he said 'oh yeah, you're a big Nintendo fan arn't you? I'll have to give you some freelance'. It's just gutting i already have too much freelance on at the moment, i had to turn it down. I hope he offers again!
  15. Nope, not including living costs. University has always cost £8000 a year, we just never realised it because the government paid the other half, and we paid our half with a loan. Technically what it says is no equal or less degree will be funded, so masters degrees or anything above are exempt. I know all this as my girlfriend was told by the council here to be weary of quitting a job or anything in preparation for uni, as it's very likely the law will pass (they said 99% of the time they are warned of something by the government it will happen). It's fucked up all her plans.
  16. For those thinking about university, be very sure about what you want to do. There's a new law coming into effect this year, which is being kept very quiet, that says anyone doing a second degree wont get any funding. At all. That means you will have to fund yourself £8,000 a year to do it. Bottom line. Get it right the first time.
  17. My dream job didn't even need a qualification, which sucks as i wasted 3 yrs on a degree. It did need experience however. My work here at cube/n-europe over the years served me well in getting a job in games journalism. Some jobs, like doctors and lawyers etc, require ridiculous amounts of studying, i know a few people who have done it, and, at 22, are still well away from being anywhere near their goal, which isn't even guranteed at the end. Life is hard.
  18. Jav_NE


    I love the theme music. Does anyone know if it is a real song by somebody?
  19. Happy Birthday dude, hope you enjoyed the butterfly garden. Hope your day out was good too
  20. Hmm, i really like Owen Wilson but the trailer for Drillbit Taylor wasn't very convincing. Plus, you didn't mention him as a good thing about it either. I hope it is a good film, but i'll probably wait until DVD.
  21. I'm pretty depressed lately, and i don't really know why. Even the sun can't make me happy. Maybe im on my male period or something, but i'm just feeling pretty meh about everything. Work is stressful at the moment, my team-mate is away on holiday so its boring, and i just can't bring myself to be social with anyone. I hope it's just a phase.
  22. Galaxy, or Galaxy Caramel as someone said, that stuff is sooo good. Dairy Milk is boring.
  23. That is the best April Fools i've ever witnessed. Hell, IGN should make movies! I thought it looked pretty good, what was wrong with Ganon?! He looks different all the time anyway, a red beard is all he needs to be recognisable. And Zelda looked quite nice as well. Hats off to them.
  24. I'm really bad with razor blades, they cost so much so i just never bother changing them. Shaving with blunt blades, it's what real men do!
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